Huh? That's weird, should work for you. You do have the permission.\\ editCyanide: found the mistake and fixed it. I think.\\\ editwhere did the 300 come from? changed to postcount/20
As far as posting increasing rep, that is the only thing I am against as far as the settings. There I commented now stop complaining >:{
Agreed.I would suggest toDeactivate the system in its current formMake it so that reputation has no influence on post countReset all reputation to 0Rename reputation, applaud and smite to something else, i.e. POWER LEVELActivate the system for staff testingExperiment with the other options and comments, negative values, ...Try to implement a relationship between stars and reputation (hard to come up with values?)DiscussReset all reputation to 0...activate for public and see how it goes -- or scratch it
Dunno, the comment on posts thing is OK. Having the reputation attached is silly though.Problem is, you wouldn't be able to police comments on posts and it could be a method of being a dick to people.