
Roster Showcase (Read 2133685 times)

Started by Saohc, October 14, 2009, 08:46:02 pm
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#21  October 15, 2009, 05:43:13 pm
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from 1 to 10.

and if possible...make some recommendations.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#22  October 15, 2009, 05:45:52 pm
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from 1 to 10.
That's not a standard.

Say, I hate Touhou and MB chars, how would you want me to rate it, except something like 0.5/10.
I like KOF, but I'd remove 2 points in a roster for each bad KOF character in it ... which would result in negative ratings. Then again, what's the standard to define if a KOF char is bad or not ?
Re: Rate-a-roster
#23  October 15, 2009, 05:49:24 pm
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You can also use *insert number here*.*insert another number here*

e.g.- 8.5 or 9.8
Re: Rate-a-roster
#24  October 15, 2009, 05:52:49 pm
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#25  October 15, 2009, 06:42:01 pm
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from 1 to 10.
That's not a standard.

Say, I hate Touhou and MB chars, how would you want me to rate it, except something like 0.5/10.
I like KOF, but I'd remove 2 points in a roster for each bad KOF character in it ... which would result in negative ratings. Then again, what's the standard to define if a KOF char is bad or not ?

Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#26  October 15, 2009, 08:03:29 pm
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Rate my rooster -

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Re: Rate-a-roster
#27  October 15, 2009, 08:06:15 pm
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You're such a cock-tease.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#28  October 15, 2009, 10:34:20 pm
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youre a fucking meme. another borewood. REIWOOD. SHIP CONFIRMED.
I will force feed Dark Pit right into your ass if we ever play on wi fi.
i think this a dark souls of a mugen forums.
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#29  October 15, 2009, 10:36:31 pm
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I'm surprised Titiln hasn't three-stooges-slapped half the people in this entire thread yet.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#30  October 15, 2009, 10:44:56 pm
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#31  October 15, 2009, 10:48:04 pm
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Spoiler: Rate my roster (click to see content)

Re: Rate-a-roster
#32  October 15, 2009, 10:49:03 pm
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#33  October 15, 2009, 11:14:05 pm
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I await the person who inevitably posts one of those leecher rosters with like eight thousand characters.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#34  October 15, 2009, 11:18:53 pm
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Or, one could post his roster full of private characters, such as 20 privates by IronMugen and some other chars by XCB !
Re: Rate-a-roster
#35  October 15, 2009, 11:20:18 pm
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But then you'd have to kill everyone who's seen that 8)
Re: Rate-a-roster
#36  October 15, 2009, 11:20:52 pm
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Are you hinting at your own, Cybaster? :smartass:
Re: Rate-a-roster
#37  October 15, 2009, 11:37:29 pm
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Rate my roster:

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Nothing Is here
Re: Rate-a-roster
#38  October 15, 2009, 11:41:04 pm
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To be honest, if I was more of a whore for this guy, I'd have a roster full of Cerenas' stuff.

But I'll just settle with all his Samurai Showdown Edits.

And damn does his SS Edits have a lot of moves. RKR has 5 move lists.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.


Re: Rate-a-roster
#39  October 15, 2009, 11:51:39 pm
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I have MOTVN's SP with his roster on my desktop and my other SP on my laptop is pretty bare....

Kung Fu Man
Dragon Claw
Bonus Kun

and dozens of stages. 



Re: Rate-a-roster
#40  October 15, 2009, 11:55:20 pm
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I have MOTVN's SP with his roster on my desktop and my other SP on my laptop is pretty bare....

Kung Fu Man
Dragon Claw
Bonus Kun

and dozens of stages. 


Hahah how on Earth can that be any fun?