
Ryuhaku Todo (Read 203886 times)

Started by swipergod, December 03, 2010, 02:03:03 pm
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Ryuhaku Todo
#1  December 03, 2010, 02:03:03 pm
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I'd like him to get KOF treatment.  I have no idea if anyone was putting in the effort to make him (sprite wise).  But I'd love to give him a shot, much like I did with Raiden.  The tricky part is making him more diverse than Kasumi.  I'd actually like Ryuhaku to focus more on throws/unblockables than Kasumi, who'd be more strike oriented.  Keeping in mind the KOFE standard (5 specials, 2 DMs, 1 SDM, 1 HSDM), does anybody have ideas for his moveset? 

I'll post what I've brainstormed so far later.
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Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 10:09:44 am by swipergod
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#2  December 03, 2010, 06:58:38 pm
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Sounds interesting, are you planning on having him appear as himself or as "Unknown" like he was as a striker in kof2000
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#3  December 03, 2010, 10:35:49 pm
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erm... Who's Ryuhaku ?
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#4  December 03, 2010, 10:39:03 pm
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#5  December 03, 2010, 10:42:34 pm
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Kasumi's Father ? which team will he be in ?
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#6  December 04, 2010, 12:35:25 am
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I'd like him to get KOF treatment.  I have no idea if anyone was putting in the effort to make him (sprite wise).  But I'd love to give him a shot, much like I did with Raiden.  The tricky part is making him more diverse than Kasumi.  I'd actually like Ryuhaku to focus more on throws/unblockables than Kasumi, who'd be more strike oriented.  Keeping in mind the KOFE standard (5 specials, 2 DMs, 1 SDM, 1 HSDM), does anybody have ideas for his moveset? 

I'll post what I've brainstormed so far later.

Actually, there is a KoF Todoh available, from the same guy who did that Hwa Jai, and you can get him from the same site. That should help a bit.
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#7  December 04, 2010, 01:31:21 am
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Only brainstorming right now.  This isn't much of a commitment yet.  But I'd rather do Ryuhaku than Hwa.  I would like to do the normal version and not "Unknown".

Rough moves:

Anti Air Kasanete
Reg Kasanete (Ryuhaku style)
Stun Grab (thinking a Makoto style choke)
A counter mid and high (like Ryuji) that executes a chop if successful
A blockable dash grab => He'd grab you and run you into the edge of the screen (like Hinako)

Counter DM
DM Kanaete

SDM ???

HSDM version of Kasumi's "force palm" DM throw


So what are the problems?  3 of his moves are similar to Kasumi, Kasumi effectively has a close attack that functions like a throw.  Kasumi would lose her DM throw.  Need something to replace it...  Could remove Kasumi's anti air kasanete and return her anti air strike...

Lots of possibilities...
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#8  December 04, 2010, 01:54:33 am
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You know he DID appear in CvS2, right? Just take his movelist from there.

Although I don't know if he had the same moveset as Kasumi in that game.
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#9  December 04, 2010, 02:35:32 am
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He's shy a lot of moves to be a KOFE character in CVS.  Moves 1,2 and 3 are basically based of the CVS version of the character.  I can see there being minor differences.  Kasumi moves forward when attacking with her strong kasanete.  Ryuhaku's could act as more of a projectile that would increase in range.  To mix things up, I could give Kasumi her Air DM from '98. 

I'd like the relationship between Kasumi and Ryuhaku to be more like Heidern and Leona.  Very similar moves in some cases, but all around different style.
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#10  December 04, 2010, 04:25:29 am
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He had an extremely limited moveset in CVS2. Guile ended up having about the same number if I remember right. Didnt like him that much tbh.

Would he end up as a potential Legends team member?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#11  December 04, 2010, 06:11:41 am
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You could give him Kasumi's HSDM kasanete from 2002UM as a SDM (or a HSDM)
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#12  December 04, 2010, 01:44:36 pm
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Was actually gonna shrink that move and give it to Kasumi for her SDM.

Downloaded "Unknown".  Really good start there.  Walk animation, duck animation are quality.

I think for the diversity to work, Kasumi would have to lose her close up combo.

Kasumi moves:

Autoguard strike
Reg Kasanete ('96 style and can be done in air)
3x Combo (the chain move)
2 counters low and high

DM ???
DM Kasanete (can be done in air)

SDM Kasanete

HSDM Counter

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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#13  December 05, 2010, 03:42:47 am
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The more I think about it, the more I want Ryuhaku in.  Kyo's dad is in, Leona's foster dad is in, Ryo and Yuri's dad is in.  Why not Kasumi's?  This kinda solidifies the fact that KOFE needs a dedicated spriter or a rotation of spriters.  I can't complete KOFE without them.  My skills just aren't in the art department...

The gameplay differences would be as follows:

- Kasumi's fb counts as one projectile, but Ryuhaku's would be multiple projectiles that could eat other projectiles and still strike.

- Only Kasumi could do an air fb

- Kasumi's anti air fb's range and reg fb range is based off of her pos add.  Ryuhaku's is based on the distance travelled by the projectile.

- Kasumi's gameplay will force her to play defensively, based on a slower more counter reliant/capitalization system.  Ryuhaku will be more combo friendly and have special throws to keep the pressure on.

- Kasumi's DMs help balance her offensive ability.  She masters the DM projectiles doing them in the air or ground.  Her second DM will be a flurry of strikes that can only be done close up, but are unblockable.  To keep Ryuhaku balanced, yet slightly more threatening than Kasumi, he'll have a DM counter and DM projectile.
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#14  December 05, 2010, 04:55:17 am
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What team would he end up on though? Putting him with Kasumi would cause a fairly large roster shift again. So Legends(since he is replacing Tung anyway) then?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#15  December 05, 2010, 05:56:34 am
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He is not replacing Tung he is replacing HwaJai
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#16  December 05, 2010, 12:37:25 pm
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Here's the scoop (although I should be posting this on the actual blog). 

Duck is going to be Raiden's placeholder if I can't get him sprited KOF style before 1.0.  So he takes Billy's spot on the team.

Tung is placeholding for Ryuhaku. 

I vowed that KOFE would not officially sanction more than 64 characters at one time.  So, the placeholders would move once their charges are completed.  I feel strongly about Ryuhaku and Raiden being in the game so I will try to get a dedicated spriter to do them.

Duck and Tung would join the "add on" list where you could mix and match the 64 slots, but won't get any official updates as part of the full game or any balance involving moveset (resulting in move duplication etc).  The same would go for Hinako, Malin, Shingo and others LA's thinking of bringing over.  John Crawley and Hwa Jai would also fit in this category.
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#17  December 05, 2010, 12:50:35 pm
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LA is making Hinako !! YES !!  :D
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#18  December 05, 2010, 12:55:27 pm
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Who is John Crawley? And you are doing Duck right?

Hinako was a possibility. The only ones I have made progress on, but have yet to post pics for are Malin and Ryu. Who makes it into my boosters will depend on the depth of their natural movesets(how many specials they have before modding). And some other factors.

Edit: helps when I read the entire post lol. Do the boosters have the 5 special requirement?

Also, do you have a planned story so far for Kasumi's dad yet? Or is it more of a do it as you go sort of thing?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 01:06:41 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#19  December 05, 2010, 02:05:06 pm
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Evil Orochi's done a pretty good job with the edit.  Guess you could also count the really good KOF Alfred out there too.

Boosters aren't something to worry about now.  5 move/4 DMs would make them blend better with other boosters though.  Aside from Silver/Shiki/Duck/Tung - no other boosters would get music or stages.  I wouldn't care about intros or victory poses, Mary snap Sprites and there's no real "bar" for them. They can steal anybody's moves etc...  I'm only gonna concern myself with the main 64 cast.

Story for Ryuhaku = check [shocked by Kasumi's entery into the AOF team, Ryuhaku enters the tournament to stop her]  (He probably the only person on the face of the planet who doesn't realize that Mr. Karate is his nemesis Takuma!)
Music = check [Edited version of Ryo's FFS theme]
Stage = :S (I'm running out without having to go to Last Blade, Battle Coliseum or some other SNK source) [I'm thinking many things, but haven't settled]
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Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 02:22:31 pm by swipergod
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#20  December 05, 2010, 04:54:00 pm
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Those... are some ugly sprites. Id rather not add too many extra character from outside of the more recent series. I wouldnt mind seeing a Samurai Showdown/Last Blade character make it in in some form. I guess that was Shiki's appeal for me.

Im not too worried atm. I work on them when I get bored/get tired of the current task. It was just for future reference is all.

He was Takuma! :o jk.

Not sure about stage or music. Wouldnt matter to me in general. Then again... how are you going to actually implement the story in game? Storyboards for 64 characters would take... ages. 16 wouldnt be quite as bad, but how would you implement that with mugen's current limits on premade teams? One more thing to pop onto a fairly massive 1.0 plate.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!