
Ryuhaku Todo (Read 204242 times)

Started by swipergod, December 03, 2010, 02:03:03 pm
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#21  December 05, 2010, 05:30:32 pm
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Why not give him KOFE Kasumi's old stage , the one with the bridge ?
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#22  December 05, 2010, 06:03:02 pm
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What was ugly?  AOF2 sprites?  More recent series???  AOF is always represented in KOF.  Did you watch the whole vid?   Well I think he did a good job.  Anyway, I may also contribute booster characters.  Depends how worn out I am after completing the full game.

I'm gonna use Andy/Mai/Sokaku's stage from RBS.  Kasumi's old stage was from SS and I'm trying to avoid using those.  Call it principal I guess.

No stories will only be for teams, not individuals.  There will only be one intro and final bosses/Chris and Nameless won't get endings, just generic ending.

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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#23  December 05, 2010, 07:41:13 pm
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The sprites themselves. I prefer the slimmer kof style compared to the AoF style. And good to hear. I have a general idea of who I would like to see in(the Nests boss team for instance). Im not going to commit to a massive pack right now(I have my own non kof stuff to work on also).

Anyway, best of luck with the spriter search.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#24  December 19, 2010, 04:41:16 pm
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Furthered this a bit.  Almost there:


Wave (Can be done in Air) - Would work more like a full screen projectile
Anti Air Wave
Running Grab
High/Mid Counter
Stun Grab

DM Wave (Can be done in Air)
DM Throw (Kasumi's Counter DM without needing to counter)
SDM Throw (Energy Blast to the gut HSDM version)
HSDM Throw (Misogi style move unblockable with impact effect like Kasumi's HSDM)


Wave (Loses the ability to do it in the air)
Anti Air Wave
Counter Strike
3x Combo
Counter High & Counter Low

DM Wave
DM Counter (Throw minus the strike)
SDM Wave
HSDM Counter
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Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 12:32:29 pm by swipergod
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#25  December 19, 2010, 06:07:00 pm
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I like the sound of this.


Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#26  December 20, 2010, 05:13:25 am
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#27  December 20, 2010, 04:11:03 pm
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I hope He will look likie this not like this ;)
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#28  December 20, 2010, 04:42:07 pm
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Isnt that his cvs stance in kof format? (havent played cvs2 in a while though)

Also, booster pack characters dont receive stages.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 04:53:34 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#29  December 20, 2010, 05:39:56 pm
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Yes, I think it's much better than the oryginal KoF one...


Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#30  December 20, 2010, 08:07:28 pm
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I was suggesting a stage for Ryuhaku, not Ryu.
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#31  December 20, 2010, 10:40:53 pm
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My bad  :P

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#32  December 20, 2010, 11:28:50 pm
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That Ryuhaku sprite is badass, but yeah, it makes more sense to use the CVS version, much like Raiden, for the template, since a lot of stuff like hitstates are already drawn.
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#33  December 23, 2010, 12:35:45 pm
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Updated and Finalized Ryuhaku's movelist.  Using CVS Ryuhaku as a base, 2 specials can be coded, 2 are half codeable, 2 DMs are codeable, the rest require new sprites.  Stealing Gouki's Misogi chop and editing it should fix one move.  More later as I get into the spriter hunt.
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#34  January 05, 2011, 03:25:26 am
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Seeing this a bit late, but hopefully not too late for some discardable impressions...

First things 1st: Ryuhyaku is older, so he's likely to be less agile than Kasumi, at least in the air - it feels a bit odd to see him getting air-based DMs on something like a Misogi (while Kasumi, at least from her 1st KoF appearance had the ability to use Kasane Ate mid-air).
A running grab also feels a bit odd, especially considering his CvS running animation has him holding his hakama - seems like a bad position from which to go grab someone, especially if the plan is to use CvS sprites as a base.

I can more easily visualize Ryuhyaku being better at standing his ground and countering, and Kasumi being the one who has a more forward-moving offense which would also cover the air decently.

Heck, right at the beginning of AoF he's the one inciting Ryo to come to him (for all we know he was just hanging out at the garden training, and saw a good opportunity to test his defenses :P ), and AoF3 is all about Kasumi going on the offense looking for Ryo, not to mention her moves tend to have her inch forward.

The kind of possible difference between their styles that comes to mind is that between classic Takuma and KoF2002 Takuma, one better at working with distance, the other better at close-up - and the differences between their HSDMs in 2002UM illustrates that well IMO. Still, just an example of diversity from a common base.

Minor "observgestion": Ryuhyaku's classic Kasane Ate looked like blades falling on an opponent, while Kasumi's had more of a "pushing" feel to it. Maybe they could be differentiated functionally by having Ryuhyaku's barely pushing the victim and not sending him to the floor (a long enough stun would be nice), keeping him close enough to follow-up with an attack after it (in AoF he had this elbow strike, it's what comes to mind as a quick follow-up that could add damage and knock too the floor, but I'm sure more can be used, depending on available sprites).
That way the move would look weak and useless if a follow-up attack wasn't used - kinda keeping up with the history of Ryuhyaku historically being the easy 1st opponent of his game - but powerful if it connected and was taken advantage of for powerful follow-ups, a display of skill fitting his age/experience and daughter's admiration.

Another minor thing: I think there's a Shinkiro illustration featuring both Takuma and Ryuhyaku in it, and i figure they're supposed to be on better terms than stated above, if in a not-so-much-friendly-as-courteous-distant-rivalry thing from a couple of guys who've been around long enough to know each other's skill and each wanting to prove himself best, but no real bad blood between them (Kasumi, however, seems all too willing to do away with subtle attitudes, maybe amplifying her father's latent issues and taking them out on Takuma's son at the 1st excuse).
The obliviousness to Mr. Karate's identity could still work for funny moments though.
Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#35  January 05, 2011, 04:29:10 am
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Excellent feedback as usual Loona.  I'll respond in the next couple days. :)  Thanks!
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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#36  January 15, 2011, 03:21:20 am
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More than a couple days later...

First thing.  Ryuhaku's CVS run would be resprited.  He looks way too goofy as it exists, so the run grab issue isn't much of a concern.

Second.  I agree that Kasumi's the striker, that's why Ryu's got the throws.  It's important that the style is kept to the style SNK intended.  The run grab's a bit sumo like, but the two characters need diversity.  So Kasumi advances as a striker, Ryu uses throws.

Third.  Kasumi is defensive, but she would capitalize on mistakes for big damage.  The trick is figuring out a balanced gameplay for her. Ryu's less strategy because he's a mid boss in terms of balance and strength so his damage comes easier.  Your example of Takuma '98 and 2k2 is bang on, just switch the roles.  You can see KOFE's Karate takes after his '98 version since it suits his mid boss status better.

Fourth.  Yeah, I have no problem returning the air projectile to Kasumi.  Just trying to differentiate their gameplay.  Giving Ryuhaku more options give him that mid boss edge. 

Fifth. Ryuhaku's midboss status means I'm obviously trying to stray away from his "joke" character legacy.  Ryuhaku become a stronger character.  He's Kasumi's dad and Kasumi's pretty tough as it is.

Sixth.  The difference between projectiles is that I intend for Ryuhaku's to travel greater distance without having to move ahead like Kasumi.  This along with the Counter High/mid, gives him a more powerful feel in controlling the battle.

You've brought up some good stuff here, but I think you missed the goal of adding Ryuhaku to KOFE.  I see him as a Vegeta to Takuma's Goku, not a Krilin.

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Re: Brainstorm for Ryuhaku?
#37  November 25, 2015, 03:37:38 am
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Ok, so I've been straining a bit to figure out exactly how to make Ryuhaku and Kasumi balance out since I would really like Ryuhaku to be the 68th and final character in the game. Stick him on the Dad team with Takuma, Heidern and Saisyu. Wanting to lessen the impact on Kasumi changes (no more spriting), here's my most recent thoughts:



Wave - Full screen projectile
Anti-Air Wave - Virtually the same as Kasumi's
High/Mid Counter - Backward rolling judo flip
Running Grab - Aikido style rolling snapmare
Stun Grab - Forceful palm that stuns


DM wave - Full Screen Projectile
DM grab - Todo Energy Blast to gut
SDM grab - Mega version of Todo Energy Blast to gut
HSDM grab - Air grab into air into a suicide dive throw with effects
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Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 06:23:37 am by swipergod
Re: Ryuhaku Todo
#38  March 25, 2016, 10:17:07 am
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So not so much brainstorming now as it is planning. Ryuhaku is coming to KOFE. Only thing out of his moveset that changed is his special counter which will now see him do a rolling leg toss (think Ken's kick throw).
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Re: Ryuhaku Todo
#39  March 25, 2016, 09:22:50 pm
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I knew you wouldn't give up on Ryukaku Todo.
Re: Ryuhaku Todoh
#40  March 25, 2016, 09:30:18 pm
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Finally a kof version of todoh!
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