
Screenpack/presentation idea thread (Read 354592 times)

Started by Memo, April 12, 2017, 03:35:02 am
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Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#1  April 12, 2017, 03:35:02 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I want to discuss screenpack ideas here,  feel free to
post any I currently don't have many besides what I
would like the logo to be.  Similar to the first games
but with a "aged beat-up" look and a number 2 behind it.
I'm not good with art so if you want to participate in
the project I really need help in this department!

Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 03:25:50 am by Memo
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#2  April 12, 2017, 03:26:34 pm
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    • UK
I have photoshop, so I could knock a logo together if you want me to. Does it have to be a particular size at all?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#3  April 12, 2017, 03:46:45 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#4  April 12, 2017, 05:27:09 pm
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    • UK
Well, I'm not sure about the "aged beat up" look, since my skills aren't that great, but I'll see what I can do.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#5  April 12, 2017, 06:16:43 pm
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Well, I'm not sure about the "aged beat up" look, since my skills aren't that great, but I'll see what I can do.

Haha sort of like it has cracks, colors faded a bit.
Like the old Jurassic park logo vs the sequels logo
It was all beat up and looked weathered down
Something like that
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#6  April 12, 2017, 08:46:30 pm
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    • UK
I've thrown something together, but I'm not entirely sure about it. The problem comes because I can't just rip the old Capcom vs. The World logo, so I decided to create a new one from scratch.

Thoughts? Criticisms? Think you can give directions on what I should be doing?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#7  April 12, 2017, 08:48:14 pm
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If you really want to drive in the point in my opinion some cracks would be nice. Or have it look like it's glitching out based on the idea in the original that you were fighting on holographic stages.
Edit: The new logo looks awesome also after some thinking perhaps in the future someone would make the globe image be the thing that glitches while everything else looks as it is. Regardless that's awesome what you did there.
Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 09:37:01 pm by Memes never die
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#8  April 12, 2017, 09:33:38 pm
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    • UK
If you really want to drive in the point in my opinion some cracks would be nice. Or have it look like it's glitching out based on the idea in the original that you were fighting on holographic stages.

Those are some cool ideas, but I'm afraid I'm not skilled enough to convey the glitchy sort of look. That's probably best left to the experts :P.

btw, I tried again.

What do you think this time?

Also, as for the rest of the screenpack - judging from the kind of logo you're asking for, it seems to me like you're trying for a sort of urban, grungy theme, or at least as close to one as you can get without completely ruining the whole "World" aspect. Perhaps a look at Final Fight: The Revenge will give you some ideas on what to look for? And I think City_Hunter's pretty good at making lifebars - you should check out his topic and see if anything he makes would be suitable. Be warned, though, that he mostly does things for the 640x480 resolution, so if you want hi-res stuff you'd have to look elsewhere :P
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#9  April 12, 2017, 10:25:35 pm
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I like that first one, its different but looks cool.
I had invisioned the globe behind the logo
Like the original but what you did still looks
Good. That glitchy logo idea sounds interesting
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#10  April 12, 2017, 10:49:30 pm
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    • UK
Alright, based on what you said, I made a few changes based on the first logo:

What do you think?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#11  April 12, 2017, 11:21:06 pm
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I might have a go.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#12  April 12, 2017, 11:34:28 pm
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Alright, based on what you said, I made a few changes based on the first logo:

What do you think?

look nice but the words should have shadows behind them so they read clearly
some letters blend into the globe too much.
I like the fonts you have and the globe in the word "world"

I might have a go.

Go for it dude I'm trying to get as many members who want to participate
In this to bring out some ideas and concepts
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#13  April 13, 2017, 01:08:13 pm
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    • UK
Two more attempts at the logo, this time by throwing in some shadows.

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#14  April 13, 2017, 05:53:33 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#15  April 14, 2017, 03:15:32 am
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Try moving the bottom font, to the center more. Just recenter the fonts, so the words are dead in the middle. Looking good, I might post something from one of my abandon projects. Good luck and keep it rocking guy's.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#16  April 14, 2017, 03:50:41 am
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I did a thing, not completely to spec my bad. I'll be away for Easter too so I probably won't be able to work more on it until Tuesday.


Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#17  April 14, 2017, 04:08:57 am
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oh my god thats perfect
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#18  April 14, 2017, 06:49:03 am
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I did a thing, not completely to spec my bad. I'll be away for Easter too so I probably won't be able to work more on it until Tuesday.

That is perfect, looks official omg I love it. I want that right there, it looks like a nice
beginning to the screenpack.  The colors are perfect too, they could fit any part of
the screenpack.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#19  April 14, 2017, 07:03:48 am
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  • Screenpack Maker EX
Awesome design, wonder what the screen pack could look like.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#20  April 14, 2017, 08:27:04 am
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    • UK
Okay, yeah, that just blew all of my efforts out of the water. That thing looks amazing and far better than anything I could produce. Good work, man :D

So yeah, might as well leave it up to you guys now. I might throw some concepts here now and again, but it's pretty clear I'm outmatched :P
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#21  April 16, 2017, 07:00:31 am
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Glad everyone liked it. What version of MUGEN does this game run on?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#22  April 16, 2017, 03:30:24 pm
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    • France
Okay, yeah, that just blew all of my efforts out of the water. That thing looks amazing and far better than anything I could produce. Good work, man :D

So yeah, might as well leave it up to you guys now. I might throw some concepts here now and again, but it's pretty clear I'm outmatched :P

That's OK mate ! I think you should not be too harsh with yourself. What I see is that all the propositions you've made helped a lot to near down what was expected. I believe there is no way you couldn't get to something similar (but still different) than what Pr. Devon came out with( no offense mr President  :D , I like your logo too ). You needed 2 or 3 attempts before getting to the "right thing", but that's what experience is about.
For the future, you now know that everything logo related needs "clear" contrasts. That's all what made the difference here (IMO).
Keep it up ! ;)
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#23  April 16, 2017, 05:12:18 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#24  April 16, 2017, 05:30:19 pm
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Well, that's not exactly good choise here, because that means this logo should be Color Indexed.
I just tried to do that and logo itself survived Indexing pretty well... But you've got to do something with that shade effect then, cause this f*cks up whole picture.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#25  April 16, 2017, 08:05:55 pm
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Well, that's not exactly good choise here, because that means this logo should be Color Indexed.
I just tried to do that and logo itself survived Indexing pretty well... But you've got to do something with that shade effect then, cause this f*cks up whole picture.

We will have to find a way to index it and keep most of
The quality intact, I'm not moving to 1.1 over this, ive
Seen too much good quality stuff done on 1.0 to know
Its possible to achieve.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#26  April 16, 2017, 08:06:39 pm
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    • France
In case the logo is displayed as a BG layer, and if you want to keep the shade in the final result, you'll need to have 2 sprites :
1 sprite without the shade, with a 255,0,255 bg transparency colour -> you'll need to "clean up" the borders and get rid of all intermediate grey colours  (which result in intermediate magenta pixels/indexes)
1 sprite with the border shade alone, in an inverted greyscale, will be displayed as an animation with color substratction effect, underneath the 'cleaned up logo'.

And for that shade sprite, don't forget to invert colours (black = translucent, white = dark, and greys for inbetweens).
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#27  April 16, 2017, 08:09:06 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
In case the logo is displayed as a BG layer, and if you want to keep the shade in the final result, you'll need to have 2 sprites :
1 sprite without the shade, with a 255,0,255 bg transparency colour -> you'll need to "clean up" the borders and get rid of all intermediate grey colours  (which result in intermediate magenta pixels/indexes)
1 sprite with the border shade alone, in an inverted greyscale, will be displayed as an animation with color substratction effect, underneath the 'cleaned up logo'.

And for that shade sprite, don't forget to invert colours (black = translucent, white = dark, and greys for inbetweens).

i had a similar idea, I think Sean did the same because if you extract
His logo it comes in 3 different colors, blue red and green I think.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#28  April 17, 2017, 01:07:44 am
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Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 01:23:34 am by President Devon
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#29  April 17, 2017, 04:58:03 am
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    • Russia
Well, here are Color Indexed Versions:

And yes, I had to invert shadow into light. But don't worry. Substraction saves the day!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#30  April 17, 2017, 05:02:59 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Looks good, I'm going to pop it into mugen to check it out in game
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#31  April 28, 2017, 10:15:13 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Just a concept of the select screen, nothing is set in stone yet.

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#32  April 29, 2017, 06:25:09 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#33  April 29, 2017, 10:57:49 pm
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    • UK
Not bad so far! Here's hoping you can jazz up the rest of the select screen in a similar way - maybe add some white borders?


Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#34  April 29, 2017, 11:01:49 pm
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    • USA
mix up the shapes rather than just have everything be squares and rectangles
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#35  April 29, 2017, 11:12:25 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
mix up the shapes rather than just have everything be squares and rectangles

I'm thinking of changing the big port boxes to a different shape, I have an
Idea but its hard to explain in words, ill make a concept and post it soon enough
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#36  April 30, 2017, 05:28:07 am
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    • Uruguay
wow looks good so far lets see how memo and company go with this project
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#37  April 30, 2017, 06:05:16 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
Right now its just looking basic af, I'm not to experienced with
sreenpacks I'm actually having trouble having the logo display
Above all that trippy blue and purple background I have in the
Select screen, if I put it, it covers the main menu and I have it
On layer 1 weird I always thought the menu would appear above
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#38  May 25, 2017, 12:36:17 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Just posting pics cause I'm bored and to tell y'all re-shade will be included. I found a fix to the bug I had.
my included re-shade will only come with 4 effects, the ones I use. I deleted everything from re-shade
I'm not using to save space and it fixed my issue with the error code that says the plugins were not
found or some shit.

Don't worry about the big ugly boxes in the char select I'm still testing concepts and this ones not
a winner.

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#39  May 28, 2017, 11:16:11 pm
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    • Turkey
So I wanted to change the design,not sure that you would like it but
I will try making a design from scratch when my exams finishes.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#40  May 28, 2017, 11:23:48 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
So I wanted to change the design,not sure that you would like it but
I will try making a design from scratch when my exams finishes.

Looks interesting, ill wait to see what you come up with
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#41  May 28, 2017, 11:42:30 pm
  • *****
Dude, I promise you, your stuff will run FINE in mugen 1.1, my point is, if you guys have a great SP in mind with custom ports and stuff that is.
I can even show you how to get zoom going with no issues. Do not limit yourself bro.
Watch some of my videos I post if you dont believe me.
I played both Ryu and Shimu and 1.1.

Or I can port it myself after you are done and give it to you to include as a download.
Cause 1.1 will need a more powerfull system depending on how much you push the SP.
Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 11:48:26 pm by PeXXeR
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#42  May 29, 2017, 02:19:31 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Dude, I promise you, your stuff will run FINE in mugen 1.1, my point is, if you guys have a great SP in mind with custom ports and stuff that is.
I can even show you how to get zoom going with no issues. Do not limit yourself bro.
Watch some of my videos I post if you dont believe me.
I played both Ryu and Shimu and 1.1.

Or I can port it myself after you are done and give it to you to include as a download.
Cause 1.1 will need a more powerfull system depending on how much you push the SP.

Do you know how to properly convert 1.o to 1.1, how to fix the explods and everything
Else depreciated?

The only thing that really interest me in 1.1 is how smooth the gameplay is in openGL.

Zoom I don't care for and honestly I think it would mess with the games balance since
Its designed to play on 4:3 resolution box. 

I think zoom would make my projectiles useless since they have a low velocity, you would be
Able to avoid them easy due to distance.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#43  May 30, 2017, 07:56:20 pm
  • *****
Dude, I promise you, your stuff will run FINE in mugen 1.1, my point is, if you guys have a great SP in mind with custom ports and stuff that is.
I can even show you how to get zoom going with no issues. Do not limit yourself bro.
Watch some of my videos I post if you dont believe me.
I played both Ryu and Shimu and 1.1.

Or I can port it myself after you are done and give it to you to include as a download.
Cause 1.1 will need a more powerfull system depending on how much you push the SP.

Do you know how to properly convert 1.o to 1.1, how to fix the explods and everything
Else depreciated?

The only thing that really interest me in 1.1 is how smooth the gameplay is in openGL.

Zoom I don't care for and honestly I think it would mess with the games balance since
Its designed to play on 4:3 resolution box. 

I think zoom would make my projectiles useless since they have a low velocity, you would be
Able to avoid them easy due to distance.

Keep mugen version 1.0 in the def and everything will be fine.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#44  May 30, 2017, 11:38:37 pm
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    • Turkey
Actually this game would be better in Mugen 1.1,you can make stages with Zoomin=1 and Zoomout =0.7,so projectiles can't cause problems.
and you have way more control over Screenpack and Lifebar designs.You can pull a lot of fancy stuff with that.Hell even you can use 1.1 only effects by updating SFF files of characters to 1.1
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#45  May 30, 2017, 11:40:15 pm
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A probably dumb question but what even is the roster planned for this game?
Do you have any secret characters or is that for later on? Sorry for being a bit off topic with this.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#46  May 30, 2017, 11:53:11 pm
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A probably dumb question but what even is the roster planned for this game?
Do you have any secret characters or is that for later on? Sorry for being a bit off topic with this.

Check my idea engineering thread the roster should be on the 3 page I believe,
DLC chars will be made too, and the rosters getting like 2 changes I haven't made
Yet to the graphic.

DLC chars are pretty much wish list stuff, my sagat is the first actually

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#47  May 30, 2017, 11:54:32 pm
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Oh cool I like the wishlist thing.
Well that clears up that for me okay then thanks.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#48  May 31, 2017, 12:06:34 am
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Actually this game would be better in Mugen 1.1,you can make stages with Zoomin=1 and Zoomout =0.7,so projectiles can't cause problems.
and you have way more control over Screenpack and Lifebar designs.You can pull a lot of fancy stuff with that.Hell even you can use 1.1 only effects by updating SFF files of characters to 1.1

Dude, I promise you, your stuff will run FINE in mugen 1.1, my point is, if you guys have a great SP in mind with custom ports and stuff that is.
I can even show you how to get zoom going with no issues. Do not limit yourself bro.
Watch some of my videos I post if you dont believe me.
I played both Ryu and Shimu and 1.1.

Or I can port it myself after you are done and give it to you to include as a download.
Cause 1.1 will need a more powerfull system depending on how much you push the SP.

Do you know how to properly convert 1.o to 1.1, how to fix the explods and everything
Else depreciated?

The only thing that really interest me in 1.1 is how smooth the gameplay is in openGL.

Zoom I don't care for and honestly I think it would mess with the games balance since
Its designed to play on 4:3 resolution box. 

I think zoom would make my projectiles useless since they have a low velocity, you would be
Able to avoid them easy due to distance.

Keep mugen version 1.0 in the def and everything will be fine.

I'm gonna have a little demo build up soon once I finish up
Shimo and terry, ill let yall go ahead and do a 1.1 port to
Convince me lol,  I'm not really trying to push it to the max
I need it to run smooth on mostly everybody's PC, my laptop
Is from 2013 and it lags on certain stages and screenpacks
The graphics aren't really a big deal to me.

Sean did it on 1.0 and it looked fine,  and I really dont like
The zoom, zooms gonna Break the balance! Lol
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#49  May 31, 2017, 12:55:47 am
  • *****
You have a point, despite projectile speed, zoom is also a + for keep away chars that have the space to move and keep you away.

Also its funny 1.0 ran worse for me, then 1.1 opengl.
I guess it depends what hardware you have.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#50  May 31, 2017, 01:15:18 am
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You have a point, despite projectile speed, zoom is also a + for keep away chars that have the space to move and keep you away.

Also its funny 1.0 ran worse for me, then 1.1 opengl.
I guess it depends what hardware you have.

Its probably because they rebuilt the video/graphics engine
for 1.1, even thou they both have openGL, 1.1 was built specifically
For it.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#51  May 31, 2017, 07:31:29 am
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I can work on the 1.1 port if you'd like me to.


Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#52  May 31, 2017, 07:41:00 am
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1.0 is stable development wise. it's best to stay with 1.0 as the main source.

1.1 is prettier yes but there are certain things in 1.1 that don't translate well from 1.0 if you want to keep going for the gameplay style you're going for.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#53  May 31, 2017, 01:52:04 pm
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    • UK
I love the sf5 bars but I can't use them for this,I need something similar,
i need that EX/critical art bar on the bottom too, a similar replacement
Would work thou

I might be able to whip something up this weekend. What resolution are we talking here?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#54  May 31, 2017, 04:47:05 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
I love the sf5 bars but I can't use them for this,I need something similar,
i need that EX/critical art bar on the bottom too, a similar replacement
Would work thou

I might be able to whip something up this weekend. What resolution are we talking here?

640x480 is the res currently

I can work on the 1.1 port if you'd like me to.

If you want to I accept the offer, and you have free creative
Control too, I only ask that you have at least 20 char select
Boxes, 4 across 5 down

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#55  May 31, 2017, 04:53:15 pm
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    • UK
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#56  May 31, 2017, 06:06:50 pm
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If you want to I accept the offer, and you have free creative
Control too
, I only ask that you have at least 20 char select
Boxes, 4 across 5 down
Yeah no worries. You want me working at 640x480 as well?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#57  May 31, 2017, 06:53:13 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#58  June 01, 2017, 02:58:48 am
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I'll download a couple chars and play around with res. Might make it a little higher res to distinguish from the 1.0 version.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#59  June 01, 2017, 08:52:23 am
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I'll download a couple chars and play around with res. Might make it a little higher res to distinguish from the 1.0 version.

Cool stuff. even tho I'm not too crazy for 1.1, I wouldn't mind a version of the game on it.
Its a good idea actually to please everyone. 1.0 standard edition, 1.1 enhanced edition.
If its possible for you to make some of your assets 640x480 hi RES that would be appreciated
So I can reuse them for the standard edition.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#60  June 05, 2017, 03:48:03 am
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Decided on 640x480 version. I'll start throwing up some stuff throughout the week. Once the designs are up I'll share the psds.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#61  June 05, 2017, 03:49:37 am
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#62  June 07, 2017, 02:32:57 pm
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Got a layout going.

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#63  June 07, 2017, 04:28:20 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#64  June 14, 2017, 08:09:48 pm
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Do you still need help with a logo and such? I can assist for anything in this aspect of the project.

Also, I just realized, will this game have a subtitle (ala the marvel crossovers, such as "Clash of the Superheroes", "Fate of Two Worlds", etc.). I always loved that, and felt it added personality to the games. I personally wish they still did that. But yeah, I'm curious as to if there will be anything like that for this installment.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#65  June 15, 2017, 01:04:04 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Do you still need help with a logo and such? I can assist for anything in this aspect of the project.

Also, I just realized, will this game have a subtitle (ala the marvel crossovers, such as "Clash of the Superheroes", "Fate of Two Worlds", etc.). I always loved that, and felt it added personality to the games. I personally wish they still did that. But yeah, I'm curious as to if there will be anything like that for this installment.

POTUS Devon hooked me up with a logo I'm not sure the page number it looks sick,
A subtitle that's something I never thought about, you have any ideas?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#66  June 17, 2017, 09:02:40 pm
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Oh, crap, I forgot I was meant to be doing something here. :P

Working on a quick WIP of the life bars, based on that one concept someone did of improving SF5's UI. I'll probably have something up tomorrow, with improvements to come later on and also based on feedback.

EDIT: So here's what I've got so far.

I intend to make some sort of metallic effect on the lifebars and jazz up the super meter a little more. Any feedback at this stage would be appreciated!
Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 09:32:45 pm by Steel Komodo
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#67  June 17, 2017, 11:03:01 pm
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Oh, crap, I forgot I was meant to be doing something here. :P

Working on a quick WIP of the life bars, based on that one concept someone did of improving SF5's UI. I'll probably have something up tomorrow, with improvements to come later on and also based on feedback.

EDIT: So here's what I've got so far.

I intend to make some sort of metallic effect on the lifebars and jazz up the super meter a little more. Any feedback at this stage would be appreciated!

I got a suggestion, that little yellow bar you have under the life bar, can you make that the
UT attack bar, Break it down into 8 slots like the UT bar in cvtw was?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#68  June 17, 2017, 11:07:33 pm
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    • UK
I got a suggestion, that little yellow bar you have under the life bar, can you make that the
UT attack bar, Break it down into 8 slots like the UT bar in cvtw was?

Noted, I'll keep that in mind!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#69  June 18, 2017, 01:58:39 pm
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Apologies for the double-post, but I think I finally got something.

A few things to remark on:
  • The weird hexagon at the start of the Super Bar is where the big number to indicate how many pips you have goes. I recycled it from a previous set of lifebars from an old project of mine, because I figured they'd look better here and I don't like just having the bar by itself.
  • The UT Bar is divided into pips instead of being a straight meter. I fear I maye have made them too small to be seen during gameplay, so if that's a legit complaint you have, then I'll do my best to change it.
  • No Super Meter or Timer font, nor big FIGHT logo just yet. I'll see what I can do about those in the future, but no promises since I'm not that great at things like that/

Any more comments and critique?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#70  June 19, 2017, 05:05:59 pm
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I've been debating whether to make this public considering I'm still early into the design but I'm tired and I might not be able to work on this tomorrow so:

Trying to make the custom ports as easy as possible. Also the background is animated, actually anything that looks like it should animate will.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#71  June 19, 2017, 05:23:04 pm
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I've been debating whether to make this public considering I'm still early into the design but I'm tired and I might not be able to work on this tomorrow so:

Trying to make the custom ports as easy as possible. Also the background is animated, actually anything that looks like it should animate will.

Dude that looks awesome i can't wait for more, its cool of you make it public
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#72  June 19, 2017, 05:55:43 pm
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    • Russia
Well, that looks great, indeed.
But I want to remind you about Memo's desision to use MUGEN 1.0 here, which pretty much will degrade your concept because of transperent parts.
Keep it up, but also keep 1.0 in mind.


Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#73  June 19, 2017, 06:33:13 pm
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using the rbg method its possible to make that all fit into 1.0. it's the method exshadow uses for his high-res screenpacks and stages that normally would have color reduction but the rbg method allows for all the colors to fit into 1.0 without any
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#74  June 20, 2017, 01:28:43 am
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Like I said, .psds will go up once my design is done and whoever does the 1.0 design be it Memo or Steel Komodo can figure out how to adapt it if they wish to go that way.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#75  June 20, 2017, 02:00:37 am
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Like I said, .psds will go up once my design is done and whoever does the 1.0 design be it Memo or Steel Komodo can figure out how to adapt it if they wish to go that way.

Just keep doing what your doing I love it, we will figure out the best
Route later on once you got everything ready to go
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#76  June 20, 2017, 07:20:40 am
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Apologies for the double-post, but I think I finally got something.

A few things to remark on:
  • The weird hexagon at the start of the Super Bar is where the big number to indicate how many pips you have goes. I recycled it from a previous set of lifebars from an old project of mine, because I figured they'd look better here and I don't like just having the bar by itself.
  • The UT Bar is divided into pips instead of being a straight meter. I fear I maye have made them too small to be seen during gameplay, so if that's a legit complaint you have, then I'll do my best to change it.
  • No Super Meter or Timer font, nor big FIGHT logo just yet. I'll see what I can do about those in the future, but no promises since I'm not that great at things like that/

Any more comments and critique?

In the hexagon can you just put the letters EX and when it
Reaches 3 Max, it changes to CA instead of numbers
Like the SFV bar. I think bit would look cool displayed
Like that.

Critical Art and EX attack
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#77  June 20, 2017, 07:59:05 am
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I just thought of something; I could add character's critical art and ex attack commands to the versus screen ports. How do you like that idea?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#78  June 20, 2017, 08:33:08 am
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I just thought of something; I could add character's critical art and ex attack commands to the versus screen ports. How do you like that idea?

That would be great, I've been having a similar idea myself but that was with
The vs screen ports showing a command list as well.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#79  June 20, 2017, 01:02:38 pm
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    • UK
In the hexagon can you just put the letters EX and when it
Reaches 3 Max, it changes to CA instead of numbers
Like the SFV bar. I think bit would look cool displayed
Like that.

Critical Art and EX attack

You mean something like this, right?

Also, I modified the health and damage bars to fit into the HUD properly. You probably won't notice it, because it's a very subtle change, but it's there. Also, the brighter segment is to show that part of the Super Bar flashing when a level is reached.

Looking at this now, do you guys think this fits the look the screenpack is going for? Or should I rethink this and try for something else? I'm not entirely sure that what I'm doing will gel with the hi-res look of the screenpack, but I'm no good at making Hi-Res stuff...
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#80  June 20, 2017, 01:22:18 pm
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It's fine, don't second guess yourself you're doing a good job. Once my .psds go up you're free to edit it to fit the lifebars more if you want.

That empty box is for stage select, can either do visual stage select or normal font.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#81  June 20, 2017, 01:53:16 pm
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That's kind of you to offer, but what you're putting out is pretty much perfect anyway. I don't think anything I could add would improve it any :P

I'll probably just edit my own lifebars to reflect the screenpack, now that I have a better idea of what the visual style is. I might hold onto the originals, though, in case I want to use them for anything.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#82  June 20, 2017, 02:38:32 pm
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That character select screen looks truly amazing.

Will Blaze from streets of rage be returning from the first game ?
Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 03:02:24 pm by liamx2000
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#83  June 20, 2017, 05:25:09 pm
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Tried something different, based on what I saw of President Devon's screenpack:

It's partly inspired by the Super Smash Bros. lifebars by GarchompMatt, hence the weird triangles at the back. Still need to work on the powerbars, but I'd appreciate any critique at this stage :D
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#84  June 20, 2017, 07:39:24 pm
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Tried something different, based on what I saw of President Devon's screenpack:

It's partly inspired by the Super Smash Bros. lifebars by GarchompMatt, hence the weird triangles at the back. Still need to work on the powerbars, but I'd appreciate any critique at this stage :D

I kinda like the first version better, they look good with a clean layout like you had.

That character select screen looks truly amazing.

Will Blaze from streets of rage be returning from the first game ?

Shes in, in main roster or as DLC I'm not sure yet but I'm including her

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#85  June 20, 2017, 09:34:54 pm
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I kinda like the first version better, they look good with a clean layout like you had.

Well, you're in luck - I just updated the original bars, with timer font and a big ol' FIGHT logo.

The grey EX symbol in the corner is for when the bar is empty. I figure that it ought to be there to stop the Hexagon being an empty black void when there's no meter in the bar. I may readjust the FIGHT logo to be more close to the SFV font, unless Memo has other ideas. I'm also not happy with the font used for names - it looks too small, and I may want to change it to something bigger.

I think next up with be the K.O. logo and also the font for general usage - Round calling, dictating who wins etc. I may also do different victory icons as well, but that's not a high priority right now.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#86  June 21, 2017, 01:51:02 am
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If you don't have no one to code, I apply for the job. Awesome job as always Devon, straight up fire for this concept.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#87  June 22, 2017, 06:24:58 am
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I'm looking to do the title screen next. any modes you don't want in the game, Memo?


Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#88  June 22, 2017, 06:49:51 am
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oh oh! can I do a sample of some original art for the game? Ive been doing portraits lately and I've been wanting to practice for bit
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#89  June 22, 2017, 10:23:33 am
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oh oh! can I do a sample of some original art for the game? Ive been doing portraits lately and I've been wanting to practice for bit

That's cool let me see what you got

I'm looking to do the title screen next. any modes you don't want in the game, Memo?

any co-op mode can be discarded, just arcade/vs/survival/practice /settings

If you don't have no one to code, I apply for the job. Awesome job as always Devon, straight up fire for this concept.

hell yeah I know you got the skills to pull it off
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#90  June 22, 2017, 10:27:32 pm
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    • UK
Some small update to the lifebars - new name text and the KO title.

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#91  June 22, 2017, 10:39:52 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#92  June 22, 2017, 11:04:41 pm
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I love all these concepts I'm seeing and I wanted to try something that hopefully @Steel Komodo: won't mind. Here it is :)

What do you think? I added something like a shadow and changed the gradients on the bars.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#93  June 22, 2017, 11:14:20 pm
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I love all these concepts I'm seeing and I wanted to try something that hopefully @Steel Komodo: won't mind. Here it is :)

What do you think? I added something like a shadow and changed the gradients on the bars.

Looks good like that actually
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#94  June 23, 2017, 01:01:36 am
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    • UK
I love all these concepts I'm seeing and I wanted to try something that hopefully @Steel Komodo: won't mind. Here it is :)

What do you think? I added something like a shadow and changed the gradients on the bars.

Holy crap, that's a pretty big improvement! Thanks a bunch! :D

Only issue I can see is that with the text being squished together the way it is, the shadows all seem to be merging together. When I get on my laptop tomorrow, I'll send you a version with the text more spaced out, so you can improve it.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#95  June 23, 2017, 01:13:11 am
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I love all these concepts I'm seeing and I wanted to try something that hopefully @Steel Komodo: won't mind. Here it is :)

What do you think? I added something like a shadow and changed the gradients on the bars.

Holy crap, that's a pretty big improvement! Thanks a bunch! :D

Only issue I can see is that with the text being squished together the way it is, the shadows all seem to be merging together. When I get on my laptop tomorrow, I'll send you a version with the text more spaced out, so you can improve it.
The name fonts used in the SFV bars I have would fit well with the bars
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#96  June 23, 2017, 01:14:56 am
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You're welcome! Yes, I noticed that too. Sure, drop me a PM whenever they're ready and I'll fix them :) I'm really glad you liked the edit, guys!

Ninjaed ^

Decide what you want to do and then we see! Take your time!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#97  June 23, 2017, 01:21:32 pm
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Made some edits to @Hades' concept.

One thing I didn't like was the shadow being slightly to the left, because I'm an odd stickler for symmetry when it comes to anything. So I mirrored the bars so that they would look nicer. I also didn't agree with putting shadows on the yellow UT Bar, since it would make the bars look cluttered when placed where they're meant to go. I also deleted the old text, since @Memo said the font for his SF5 bars would be okay to use for it, and added new win icons. Up to you what to use them for, I guess.

Anything you guys think I should add or change?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#98  June 23, 2017, 02:20:19 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#99  June 23, 2017, 02:24:20 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#100  June 23, 2017, 02:26:31 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#101  June 23, 2017, 02:28:01 pm
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Can I get that flame animation? I can overlay it on my own.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#102  June 23, 2017, 02:29:25 pm
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@Steel Komodo: I think the update is alright and it looks better :)
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#103  June 23, 2017, 02:34:54 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#104  June 23, 2017, 02:40:14 pm
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Thanks dude.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#105  June 23, 2017, 11:52:17 pm
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@Memo, sure thing whenever Devon gets done he can send me the files. I will get on it asap, and let you know how things will progress.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#106  June 24, 2017, 12:06:00 am
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@Memo, sure thing whenever Devon gets done he can send me the files. I will get on it asap, and let you know how things will progress.

Sounds good, I like how this turned into a little team we got going.

I'll have an updated ryu and sagat soon, I'm currently implementing
JNP's command buffer system to replace mugens cmd system and its
Working great so far, no more cmd bugs when you hop over enemies!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#107  June 24, 2017, 02:10:30 am
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I will do my best to give something back to the community. Also, help out a fellow friend bringing a new flavor for us to enjoy.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#108  June 24, 2017, 12:38:13 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#109  June 24, 2017, 02:08:57 pm
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If my folder structure is too complicated feel free to PM me we can mash something out.

If something looks incomplete that's because it's not important and can come later.

Here is the font file (I'm not sure if MUGEN can read .otf files through sffv2 but if it can't I'll probably just convert it to .ttf)
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#110  June 24, 2017, 04:55:27 pm
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Sorry for posting again so soon, but I didn't quite want to give up on that second concept I made. So I did some tweaks, added the powerbars and some text stuff.

Again, if this isn't to @Memo's liking, I'll just hold onto this and use it for something else. If people are interested, I can also supply the .psd file so they can make their own changes.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#111  June 24, 2017, 04:58:05 pm
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Sorry for posting again so soon, but I didn't quite want to give up on that second concept I made. So I did some tweaks, added the powerbars and some text stuff.

Again, if this isn't to @Memo's liking, I'll just hold onto this and use it for something else. If people are interested, I can also supply the .psd file so they can make their own changes.

Old concept looks better I dont really like the triangles and circles
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#112  June 24, 2017, 04:59:49 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#113  June 24, 2017, 05:05:31 pm
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    • Turkey
Hey Steel
can you send me a PSD file for that new concept,I can edit it and code it as a lifebar,I'm bored from Add004 bars
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#114  June 24, 2017, 05:26:43 pm
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    • UK
Hey Steel
can you send me a PSD file for that new concept,I can edit it and code it as a lifebar,I'm bored from Add004 bars

Sure thing. I'll make some changes first, then I'll send you the PSD via PM's. Keep an eye out!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#115  June 24, 2017, 06:07:51 pm
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@Deavon, just got the files and roger that if, I do run into anything needing help in. Thanks for your hard work and I will be contacting you and memo, with the progress.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#116  June 24, 2017, 11:32:36 pm
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You guys are awesome, it might be too early for
Me to say this but we will need a graphic for the
Credits, giving credit to all you that have helped out
In development so far. Still early for that thou, someone
Else might jump on the project too but I'm just
Putting that idea out.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#117  June 25, 2017, 01:30:49 am
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Something like what old-gamer had in his last screen pack. Sounds like a cool idea, we shall see what happens.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#118  June 25, 2017, 02:05:45 am
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#119  June 25, 2017, 02:37:43 am
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Roger that, got them was wondering what happen to I'm separating the psd's, will post something when I can.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#120  June 29, 2017, 12:44:17 pm
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I've been busy with Grand Order but I've been able to put in a bit of time with this.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#121  June 29, 2017, 01:14:55 pm
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I've been busy with Grand Order but I've been able to put in a bit of time with this.

I like your style that bar looks clean as fu$k dude, I think these are perfect
the port looks great on them as well!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#122  June 29, 2017, 02:04:54 pm
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    • UK
Holy crap, you just keep blowing me out of the water with these things! I usually try not to do anti-aliasing on the bars in case it causes trouble with the colour pallete, but you clearly don't seem to have that fear :P

What's your secret, man? How do you get things like that to come out so good and... not like a cheap art project like what my efforts usually look like? And how do you do that transparent effect?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#123  June 29, 2017, 02:34:16 pm
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Working with 1.1 for screenpacks and lifebars means I don't have to deal with palettes. Other than that I've been using photoshop for 15 years you kinda pick up things, you know?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#124  June 29, 2017, 02:46:46 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#125  June 29, 2017, 08:03:46 pm
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Why very nice, needed and please keep it rocking. I will have something to show soon, broke down the psd files. Next, to add sprites to sff for the 1.0 version.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#126  July 13, 2017, 09:34:43 pm
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I may help with some renders.
Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 10:35:06 pm by PeXXeR
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#127  July 13, 2017, 11:11:12 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#128  July 14, 2017, 12:41:18 am
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For sure man, no prob.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#129  September 06, 2017, 07:22:31 am
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#130  September 06, 2017, 08:19:39 am
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#131  September 06, 2017, 10:02:29 am
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Here I thought, someone was posting something great. lol Yeah it's in the budget of productions. lol
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#132  September 06, 2017, 10:22:42 am
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Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 10:53:02 am by President Devon
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#133  September 08, 2017, 03:23:40 am
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#134  September 09, 2017, 12:24:19 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#135  November 09, 2017, 05:24:09 am
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Did something here, edited that UT bar from the lifebar by Pres. Devon up above onto the sfv bars i have in my work build.
Somthing temporary until the screenpack stuff gets completed.  i started coding the UT bar into my chars and the next releases
will come in a demo build, except for Terry and Shimo since they already are coded without it. oh yea and i moved it to 1.1
because i want to use that undocumented zoom controller since i figured out how to fix the issues i had with mugen 1.1

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#136  November 09, 2017, 07:00:20 am
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That's pretty lit.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#137  November 09, 2017, 07:42:51 am
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That's pretty lit.

Thanks, it don't look too bad just something temp so I can
keep a eye on the UT meter attacks.

At first I copy pasted the UT bar from yours and ended
up changing them alot to fit the bars I have.

Also I'm using Sean's cvtw ut bar code with some improvements
to it like having the bar stocks actually behind the characters so
they are behind you if you jump over them and they disappear
when the match ends.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#138  November 10, 2017, 04:01:40 am
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Yeah, those edits are looking very eye catching indeed.