
Shimo wip new beta up 2may2017 (Read 122361 times)

Started by Memo, April 07, 2017, 04:43:12 am
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Shimo wip new beta up 2may2017
#1  April 07, 2017, 04:43:12 am
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    • Puerto Rico

.basics and specials beta.


No Blood?

Yes Blood?

Shimo's Movelist


Focus Attack
Recovery     ,,
Target combo



Shingetsun command run   ,,,




Stop ,


Shinkoenzan ,,, (air)

Here's some information regarding specific attacks and mechanics.
Focus Attack is chargable, has 2 charge states before he goes onto
his attack portion, the first level have armor BUT..  to use it you
must have 500 points, to hit with a fully charge attack,
cost 500 power, the attack causes knockdown.
Forgot to mention you can dash cancel during charge and on hit.

Yugizan does not cause knockdown.

No attack causes a cheese ko, no guard kill.

No air block.

Overhead is invincible to crouching attacks and projectiles.


These basic attacks can cancel into specials.




Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 09:23:50 am by Memo
Re: Shimo wip
#2  April 07, 2017, 05:23:22 am
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The sword slash trail feels a little clashy with the slash sparks and the aesthetic style of your Ryu and Sagat. Don't know if much can be done about that. Making it more transparent might work as the solid fx don't mesh well. Yes to the blood and you can make a config to activate or deactivate it.
Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 05:30:52 am by YugaCurry
Re: Shimo wip
#3  April 07, 2017, 05:27:43 am
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Yeah, I would change that if possible, and maybe used vibrant colors on the different lvl. of slashes. Hope, I was making some sense of what I was I'm trying to say.
Re: Shimo wip
#4  April 07, 2017, 06:54:23 am
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Yeah, I would change that if possible, and maybe used vibrant colors on the different lvl. of slashes. Hope, I was making some sense of what I was I'm trying to say.

Lol you made sense, it sounds good

The sword slash trail feels a little clashy with the slash sparks and the aesthetic style of your Ryu and Sagat. Don't know if much can be done about that. Making it more transparent might work as the solid fx don't mesh well. Yes to the blood and you can make a config to activate or deactivate it.

I'll see if I can modify them a bit to make them for the theme better

For the blood I'll activate it by palette hold start
Re: Shimo wip
#5  April 07, 2017, 07:31:14 am
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Packaged was sent to you. Will keep my eyes open for other possible content.
Re: Shimo wip
#6  April 07, 2017, 12:05:59 pm
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Shimo has all her basics done so far, with yatagarasu frame data
And I went the extra mile and played yata and mugen together
Just to get the attack ground velocity and slide times right. I say
They are about 96% accurate since I'm doing this by eye matching
pixels, the corner push is on point and the push from air basic attacks.
I almost have the walk and jump speeds the same, the jump height
Is too high so had to tweak that.
So her attacks behave just like in source and its not that bad because
It fits the gameplay well, she can still go against ryu and sagat.

Does anybody know the names to her
attacks? I have everything I need to finish her but none of the data
sheets have names for the specials just numbers wtf
Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 12:42:07 pm by Memo
Re: Shimo wip
#7  April 07, 2017, 01:56:41 pm
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Re: Shimo wip
#8  April 09, 2017, 12:53:19 am
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Ive been having too much fun with shimo, I adjusted the start up times
on a couple basic attacks to match ryu and sagat better nothing to
Crazy thou she still feels like shimo.

Made a couple new target combos as well with the new med attacks I gave her.
I can tell you she plays alot different than the other 2 but still holds her own.
Focus attack got done too.

I need ideas for a UT, I was thinking maybe her parry because its from her source
But ryu has one already and would love to give her something new.
Theres not alot of info about her besides knowing she's a ninja so would some
Ninja tech be ok? Like a teleport move where she can appear behind or fall from
Above the enemy fit her, or a custom combo mode?
I would love to hear ideas since I'm out of them for her.
Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 12:53:14 am by Memo


Re: Shimo wip
#9  April 09, 2017, 01:19:53 am
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yeah i was just about to suggest giving her nash's v-trigger where he teleports behind his opponent. make it cost 500 or 1000 so people don't spam it tho
Re: Shimo wip
#10  April 09, 2017, 02:28:14 am
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I got a wip uploaded with the basics for how ever wants to
Check them out, and a vid showing her basics and fights
Against the ai. 1st post
Re: Shimo wip
#11  April 09, 2017, 02:44:27 am
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I'm really digging your work bro. Especially your work on Shimo.
Re: Shimo wip
#12  April 09, 2017, 03:03:29 am
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Re: Shimo wip
#13  April 09, 2017, 03:10:39 am
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noice, now bring out that sagat update boiiii
Re: Shimo wip
#14  April 09, 2017, 03:34:03 am
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Re: Shimo wip
#15  April 09, 2017, 09:16:58 pm
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1st set of specials finished, they link from her basics pretty
good I'll post a vid tonight, now I'll dedicate the rest of the
day to Sagat and get him almost done.


Re: Shimo wip
#16  April 09, 2017, 09:45:08 pm
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damn dude you work fast lol
Re: Shimo wip
#17  April 09, 2017, 10:01:20 pm
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Re: Shimo wip
#18  April 10, 2017, 12:21:49 am
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I didn't see her as much of a ninja persay... More along the lines of a ronin/samurai...? She reminds me of Hibiki. Idk what can be done for her UT, though I'll ponder on it. Let me know once you've moved on pass basics, I'll test then.
Re: Shimo wip
#19  April 10, 2017, 12:36:47 am
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I didn't see her as much of a ninja persay... More along the lines of a ronin/samurai...? She reminds me of Hibiki. Idk what can be done for her UT, though I'll ponder on it. Let me know once you've moved on pass basics, I'll test then.

Cool will do,  if you get any ideas feel free to share them.
I thought on her bio it said she was in a ninja clan, I'm
Not 100% but I'll check it out again to be sure. She do look
Like she would be a samurai thou
Re: Shimo wip
#20  April 10, 2017, 12:55:19 am
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Very good start!
I really like this project!
I tried the version with basic/normal moves IDK if something else is released now.

I'm not familliar with the upgraded version of her in last versions of Yatagarasu, but.
Her jump med kick seems strange (I would use it as an air command move instead) But it's certainly just me.
Her stand med punch (custom edited anim) seems a little strange. You cannot see how the blade move (unlike LP and HP), so it gives me the feeling she whiff the air in a trange way.

Again, it's my own opininon.
I like what you do man, and particularly with Shimo.

Keep it up.

And, yes, you work fast and good 8)