
The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP) (Read 44531 times)

Started by Sean Altly, January 25, 2021, 04:13:46 am
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The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#1  January 25, 2021, 04:13:46 am
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^^^Art was before sprite design was finalized^^^

Sasuke Saito
  -Country of Origin: Japan
  -Fighting Style: Puroresu
  -Nickname: The Father of Fighting Spirit
  -Bio: A legendary Japanese wrestler who has been facing increasing pressure from his promoters to retire due to his age and banged-up body. Instead, he enters the tournament to prove that he is just as strong as ever and that Pro Wrestling can be used as a legitimate fighting style.



-Overhand Chop - F+HP - A slow overhead chop


-Burning Lariat - HCF+P - A huge swinging Lariat that hits very hard
  -EX Version has less start-up and has invincibility frames at the beginning

-Burning Hammer - HCB+P - Sasuke grabs his opponent and performs Kenta Kobashi's legendary inverted DVD, spiking the opponent on their neck

-Strong Style Catch - QCF+K - Sasuke sticks his burly chest out the parry an incoming attack. If he is successful, he then grabs his opponent and performs a move depending on what type of hit he countered. LP counters standing attacks, and HP counters jumping attacks. Low attacks can't be countered

-Spirit Boost - D,D,P - Sasuke strikes a strong pose that draws the admiration of the crowd and boosts his spirit. Afterwards, his next normal or special attack will get a 10% damage boost. Can be stacked 3 times for a total 30% damage boost.

-Need one more special here, still deciding


Offense Drive - Sasuke Screwdriver - QCBx2+P - Sasuke grabs his opponent, hits several close forearm strikes, then jumps high into the air and drops his opponent with a huge spinning brainbuster

Defense Drive - Legendary Catch - QCFx2+K - Sasuke once again sticks out his chest to parry, but this time if successful, he follows up with several rolling german suplexes and finishes with a Burning Hammer

Maximum Over Drive - This is The Meaning of Fighting Spirit! - QCFx2+P - Sasuke taps into his years of experience, as well as his amazing resolve and fortitude, and temporarily boosts the strength of all of his attacks. During this period, all of his specials also become EX versions for free. After it wears off, Sasuke must rest for a second, which leaves him wide open for attack.

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Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 05:29:10 pm by Sean Altly
Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito
#2  March 03, 2021, 05:02:20 pm
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Here are some Sasuke specific animations:

<---Win pose
<---Another win pose or I might use this for Spirit Boost
<---Jumping HP Shoulder Block
<---Counter pose
<---Standing HP Knife Edge Chop
<---Koppou Kick
<---Burning Lariat attempt
<--- When Lariat hits, his swing has so much momentum he falls over

Sasuke is overall slower than Quavon and has shorter combos, but in exchange he does better damage in most areas. Also, all of his jumping specials have active hit boxes for much longer, most lasting the rest of his jump (ala Haggar in MvC3).

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Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito
#3  March 10, 2021, 05:28:42 pm
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Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#4  March 10, 2021, 08:22:35 pm
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
I really like the hardwork you did on him.
Looks very good. the animations match the character design well!

My only point is beside of the name, nothing, absolutely nothing is even close to a japanese character.
But perhaps this is just me ^^

He reminds me more some kind of Eddie Guerrero-like character.

But again, the rest is extremely good.
Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#5  March 10, 2021, 08:28:42 pm
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Very admirable how you make all these characters using sprite editing, i haven't this kind of talent for mugen.

To create a fullgame like that is a hard task, even more if you're alone in this project to make all the stuff.

Considering the news possiblities for mugen 1.1 , Are you gonna make this fullgame with 1280,720 res?
Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#6  March 10, 2021, 09:24:06 pm
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All of his special moves are closely associated with Japanese wrestlers.

Burning Hammer and Burning Lariat - signature moves of Kenta Kobashi
Koppu Kick - Jyushin Thunder Liger
When the counters connect he lands a Michinoku Driver, invented by Taka Michinoku

His standard throws are a brainbuster (another very popular move in Japan, and a signature of Kenta Kobashi and many others), and a sit-out powerbomb, which I would compare to the Liger Bomb, but is also just a common popular move.

His attire and color schemes are heavily inspired by Mitsuharu Misawa and Kenta Kobashi.

Not sure why you think nothing, absolutely nothing is even close to a Japanese wrestler. Every palette, design choice, special move and super move is literally inspired by Japanese wrestling. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Kobashi brainbuster

Burning Hammer

Burning Lariat

Kobashi entrance with hooded robe

Misawa Dropkick

Liger Bomb

Misawa doing Koppu Kick (couldn't find a gid of Liger)

Michinoku Driver

There's more but I think I made my case. By the way, I'm not offended or upset, just really shocked you would say absolutely nothing seemed like a Japanese character given all the clear evidence otherwise.

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Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 09:49:33 pm by Sean Altly
Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#7  March 10, 2021, 11:21:34 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Oh, yes nice, of course, all these moves are really common in japanese puroresu.
It's a great refrence for this character.

I have to admit I did'nt get all the color references.
I focused on the blue white one.

About my observation on the obsolutely non ressemblance to a japanese wrestler, it's more for design overall and "physionomy".
Face details, overall body shape etc. also, I don't have an exhaustive knowledge of all puroresu persosn ^^;
But again, perhaps it's my own perception.

Because when I see him, I definitely have a North/South american wrestler feeling instead.
But again, it's certainly just me and my vision of it.

Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#8  March 10, 2021, 11:28:10 pm
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are you really trying to discuss whether or not the body shape and physical characteristics of a fighting game character fit into an asian stereotype
Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#9  March 10, 2021, 11:35:05 pm
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Because when I see him, I definitely have a North/South american wrestler feeling instead.
But again, it's certainly just me and my vision of it.
Actually I took one look at him and thought it was supposed to reference KENTA circa 2006

Re: The Father of Fighting Spirit - Sasuke Saito (CURRENT WIP, PREVIEW VIDEO NOW UP)
#10  May 19, 2021, 01:09:49 am
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New character art!

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