
The First Lady of War - Siege (Read 28934 times)

Started by Sean Altly, January 25, 2021, 04:16:18 am
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The First Lady of War - Siege
New #1  January 25, 2021, 04:16:18 am
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Stance animation by Guillotine

Siege (Real Name Unknown)
  -Country of Origin: Unknown
  -Fighting Style: Unknown
  -Nickname: The First Lady of War
  -Bio: The sub-boss and Illian's right hand woman. She is mostly silent but calculating and lethal. She enters the tournament alongside Illian to make sure he doesn't stray too far from their coup plans.



-Ascia - F+HK - a hopping overhead attack
-Descensio - D,D+HK in air - A directly downward moving kick that cuts her jump short and attacks on the way down


-Rapide - Charge B,F+K - Performs an extremely quick dash that acts almost like a teleport
  -Umbra - LP at end of dash - Performs a stabbing straight attack

Transvenio - DP or RDP+K - Performs a diagonal upward or backward teleport-style dash (ala Decapre)
  -Telum - F,D, or B+HK - Does a swift diving kick in the desired direction
  -Rapide - F,D, or B+LK - performs an airborne version of Rapide in the desired direction, which can then be followed by Telum

-Gladio - QCF+P up to 3 times - A rekka-style series of blade-like slash attacks

-Ascensio - Charge D,U+K - A slashing anti-air attack


-Offense Drive - Obsidio - QCFx2+P - Does a forward dash attack, and if it connects, is followed by a blazing fast series of slashing attacks

-Defense Drive - Chasma - QCBx2+P - Strikes a defensive pose, and if the opponent is near her or comes near during, she automatically teleports upwards and comes down on them with a devastating slash attack

-Maximum Overdrive - Ferrum Sphaera - QCFx2+K - She winds up and unleashes a massive spinning energy blade that travels to mid-screen and lingers for a couple of seconds. Doesn't do any more damage than her other Drives but allows for a free combo if it connects and can't be jumped over.

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Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 09:07:02 pm by Sean Altly
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#2  May 26, 2021, 11:58:36 pm
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New art!

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Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#3  May 27, 2021, 12:17:03 am
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Nice progress and update!

For some reason, I prefer her appearance ingame than in artworks.
I cannot explain it well.

I'm curious to see her in action.
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#4  May 27, 2021, 01:15:44 am
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Maybe it's the sunglasses?

She's next after I finish Atleif's sprites are done. I'm going to update the first post with her planned moveset as well. She's gonna be a combination of Decapre, Yang, and Leona if that makes sense.

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Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#5  May 27, 2021, 01:54:12 am
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I really love her appearance, its the stronger design in the entire game in my opinion. Looking forward to see more details about her gameplay. Decapre, Yang and Leona have very distinct goals all in all, so I'm not really sure if I can paint a picture out of that combination, but I'm guessing she is a charge character with strong pokes, but also can rushdown with rekkas? In any case, hyped to play her in the future.
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#6  May 27, 2021, 02:17:18 am
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You pretty much nailed it, she's got a charge anti-air, a rekka, plus a quick shift/teleport that can travel forward, diagonally upward or straight upward with follow-ups. She's designed to move suddenly and swiftly while hitting you from different directions with a lot of quick, low damage attacks that add up fast.

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Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#7  May 27, 2021, 02:37:00 am
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Damn, that sounds amazing! I really love the direction of the character. I know you are not particularly taking suggestions, but have you considered giving her charge moves that are stored up and forwards like Vatista from UNIST?

I'm thinking on:

2~8 for the anti air
4~6 and 6~4 for teleport and/or rekkas
8~2 for an overhead that can be performed in the ground or in the air

The quirk would be to store twice as much charge while being in the air, this way you could give her a 32-36 frame jump so she can store 24 frames of charge for all of her stuff.

This way jumping would become really scary and hard to read, in neutral but especially during oki. She could neutral jump and:

1) Do an air-to-air normal.
2) Perform the 8~2 overhead.
3) Empty jump and use the 2~8 anti-air on land.
4) Empty jump and use a crouching kick for the mixup with 8~2.
5) Empty jump and use the teleport and/or rekkas on land.

This can be very much done by having some specials be charge moves and some specials be motion, but by making them charge moves you can buff them into really strong moves to fit the sub-boss theme of the character.

Damn, sorry for ranting on your project  :P but the character is very pog and got me hyped.
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#8  July 13, 2021, 12:44:23 am
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Have some animations!




Stand LP

Crouch LP

Jump LP

Stand HP

Crouch HP

Jump HP

Stand LK

Crouch LK

Jump LK

Stand HK

Crouch HK

Jump HK

Also I added her planned moveset to the first post!

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Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#9  July 13, 2021, 09:29:37 am
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Pretty good!
Always a surprise to see some new characte rin action.

All of them looked good.
But the walk animation looks a bit off to me. I cannot really explain why...
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#10  July 14, 2021, 05:32:43 am
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Might be because it's too fast, accidentally saved at the wrong speed. Plus I still need to add hair movement, I always forget to do that

Here's her Rekka special, called Gladio

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Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 09:07:36 am by Sean Altly
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#11  July 15, 2021, 12:28:54 am
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    • Algeria
She looks great!
That last animation really reminds me Zeku a lot lol
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#12  July 16, 2021, 12:09:25 pm
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Welp, found my main.
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#13  July 21, 2021, 04:26:27 am
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More animations!




Ascensio (will have slash FX of course)

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Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#14  July 21, 2021, 04:07:53 pm
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    • Germany
Damn, she looks so damn cool it's not even funny. Good job, Sean.
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#15  July 22, 2021, 03:37:10 am
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  • The Sweeper
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    • Algeria
Are those animation from scratch? If not I legit cant tell what base you use. She is looking excellent!
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#16  July 23, 2021, 12:57:18 am
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Wish I could say they were! I've been trying to get animation bases from less obvious sources lately and it's good to know it's working.

For her Ascensio special I downloaded some rips of Nash from SFV and used his anti-air/Genocide Cutter type move, but changed the timing, the direction of the kick and made some other edits so it isn't so obviously the same move, since the function of her special isn't supposed to be a standard flash kick/GC type anti air, but more like Leona/Heidern's Moon Slasher. The Ascio animation is a a heavy edit of some of the frames along with some other stuff. Umbra is an edit of Leona's Neomax from KOFXIII and Rapide is a combination of frames from Heidern and Nash.

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Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#17  July 27, 2021, 06:30:12 am
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Check out this preview video! I changed my plans for her Maximum Overdrive, taking inspiration from Heidern in KOFXIV, because I thought it was cool and because my original plan seemed too similar to his Offense Drive.

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Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#18  July 27, 2021, 09:31:01 pm
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  • Michael Romance
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    • Brazil
Very cool! i like it!
Re: The First Lady of War - Siege
#19  July 28, 2021, 02:46:42 pm
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That's crazy awesome! She is looking good.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.