
The Nintendo News Thread (Read 1826391 times)

Started by "Bad News" Hoffmann, June 07, 2011, 09:14:28 pm
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The Nintendo News Thread
#1  June 07, 2011, 09:14:28 pm
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The Thread is not about the WiiU anymore, everything about Nintendo, like news, questions etc can be posted here including retro stuff as well as the latest WiiU or 3DS games
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#2  June 07, 2011, 09:16:58 pm
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The shape makes me think it will be apt to overheat.

Also not sure how long I'll want to hold a controller the size of a small cat.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#3  June 07, 2011, 10:04:22 pm
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Nintendo is known for making extremely reliable hardware so I doubt it will overheat.


Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#4  June 07, 2011, 10:05:53 pm
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I know.
I just thought it looked like my 360.
I've convinced myself that the shape must be the problem.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#5  June 07, 2011, 10:06:35 pm
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Hey, if they can make the very awkward N64 controller work then I'm all up for it.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#6  June 07, 2011, 10:19:14 pm
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I think I'll just call this thing the,"U" instead
I simply can't say WiiU without it sounding hilarious.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#7  June 07, 2011, 10:23:17 pm
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I like WU personally. Sounds less like a retired comedy routine. I wonder how comfortable the Wu will be. The N64 controller is still one of my faves. Strangely comfortable.


Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#8  June 07, 2011, 10:23:46 pm
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Seeing as the N64 controller worked, they probably could have pulled off a plywood controller covered in cactus needles.

This one looks...bulky. I never thought of a controller being the same size as the 360's powerbox.
They're probably trying to challenge preconceived notions of what a controller is and what it should look like.
Or how much sensory information it can deliver to it's user.

Nintendo strives to maintain it's position as most likely to induce a seisure. 
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#9  June 07, 2011, 10:33:21 pm
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I would actually worry if controllers would get more and more smaller. Nowadays I can't hold a NES controller without getting my hands uncomfortable.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#10  June 07, 2011, 10:34:28 pm
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I like WU personally. Sounds less like a retired comedy routine. I wonder how comfortable the Wu will be. The N64 controller is still one of my faves. Strangely comfortable.
I liked the N64 controller I don't see why the design was so bad. This new one looks uncomfortable.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#11  June 07, 2011, 10:35:30 pm
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the n64 controller was shit
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#12  June 07, 2011, 10:35:48 pm
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Its funny but I think the N64 controller was great. I never had any problems with it. And I have to agree, the name is a bit weird. I wonder what the "U" stands for. If Wii is saying "WE" then are they trying to say "We" (Nintendo) "Unique" "Ultimate" "Unstoppable" lol They sure have a way of naming their systems. Did you see the Clips for Zelda? Thing looks amazing.

I like the fact that you can stream the game on the controller, though I find it bad for those who are bad parents and have consoles baby sit their children. Now instead of making them stop so you can watch your shows you can just have them play on the controller itself. Wii is now the home console to a DS. Im pretty sold on it... I just cant imagine the price of another controller. What price range do you think this new Nintendo is going to be?
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#13  June 07, 2011, 10:38:02 pm
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From what I've seen now, it's pretty much a super wii with a screen for the controller. I'll wait and see if the games would be worth the purchase.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#14  June 07, 2011, 10:39:07 pm
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Disliked the N64 controller as well, i thought its analoguestick was a bit too long/high

i remember having blisters on my thumbs everytime when i played KI Gold more than some minutes

never had that with any other controlers
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#15  June 07, 2011, 10:43:29 pm
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What price range do you think this new Nintendo is going to be?

My bet:  battle prize for 200-249 dollars with one controller and even one game ..probably something like wii sports

But, a second controller around 79-99 dollars.

Also i bet! But i have no hint or real informations

that the WiiU wont even have the graphical power as the XB360 or the PS3

It has maybe twice the power of a my wild guess


Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#16  June 07, 2011, 10:43:56 pm
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I liked the N64 controller I don't see why the design was so bad. This new one looks uncomfortable.

the N64 controller was ergonomically designed to hurt your hands

I can only imagine that this thing will be heavier than the traditional controller.
I'm trying to imagine playing SSB on this thing.

I just noticed that in the size comparison chart, they compared it to a plethora of things that aren't controllers.
And what's funny is that it almost looks as though they're trying use it's size as a selling point.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#17  June 07, 2011, 10:51:02 pm
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that the WiiU wont even have the graphical power as the XB360 or the PS3

I think its just going to be in pare with the other systems. Im not too sure if it would surpass Ps3 and 360. But as always and from past systems, Nintendo are the only ones that completely tap into their systems graphical output while the other developers project look like crap most of the time excluding the Resident Evils and Metal Gear for the Cube/Wii. I just hope they take out the friend code crap from it and hopefully we get to see a Tatsunoko Vs Capcom 2. Game wasnt that bad, just slow. Either way they dont match to MVC2. Any ways, another thought is whats going to happen to the virtual games that you have on the Wii? As we know it we cant transfer over games to another Wii system so I wonder how they are going to work that out without having you to pay extra.

I just noticed that in the size comparison chart, they compared it to a plethora of things that aren't controllers.

actually the PSP is the same size as a PS3 controller.
Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 10:55:13 pm by F. James Fernandez
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#18  June 07, 2011, 10:58:13 pm
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I'm not sure for large controllers.

They are harder to carry around.

And I hope the controllers are not that heavy.
Hug the Pikachus!

Hug A Pikachu Today!
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#19  June 07, 2011, 10:58:40 pm
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I liked the N64 controller I don't see why the design was so bad. This new one looks uncomfortable.

the N64 controller was ergonomically designed to hurt your hands

I can only imagine that this thing will be heavier than the traditional controller.
I'm trying to imagine playing SSB on this thing.

I just noticed that in the size comparison chart, they compared it to a plethora of things that aren't controllers.
And what's funny is that it almost looks as though they're trying use it's size as a selling point.
I never had any problem using the controller. Maybe I have big hands.
I never though I had big hands
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#20  June 07, 2011, 10:59:48 pm
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