
Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun (Read 218906 times)

Started by Iced, June 18, 2009, 02:07:21 pm
Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#1  June 18, 2009, 02:07:21 pm
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Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#2  August 30, 2009, 04:20:35 am
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As part of CVG United's Preview Week event, youngdragun has released a passion project of his, Ultimate Guyver. He is very strong, and some would call him cheap. But he likes playing with, playing against, and in general characters like that and that is all that matters, him liking his release. There are 3 different settings though, so find which one you like best.

And here is a video preview that was shown a few days before release

Find him in the downloads section of
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#3  August 30, 2009, 04:23:28 am
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What's with the palette? The shading looks all wacky, and the outlines are all miscolored (they should be black)

This is just from a first glance.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#4  August 30, 2009, 04:43:45 am
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style of the character and the person who worked on him.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#5  August 30, 2009, 04:46:32 am
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Regardless, it looks completely messy.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#6  August 30, 2009, 04:56:29 am
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then dont download him and dont try and determine other peoples thoughts either. its your opinion.

if the creator chooses to work in that style, its his choice. if he wanted to make him covered in pink and purple polka dots, its his choice. people make characters how they want to make them as its their opinion that matters the most.


Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#7  August 30, 2009, 05:14:19 am
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then dont download him and dont try and determine other peoples thoughts either. its your opinion.

if the creator chooses to work in that style, its his choice. if he wanted to make him covered in pink and purple polka dots, its his choice. people make characters how they want to make them as its their opinion that matters the most.

Eep. Being fair and neutral is one thing, but even you gotta admit that the sprites look pretty awful. That isn't me or Orochi Gill trying to be mean or anything..its actually more fact then opinion that it looks messy..

Hopefully someday we'll have a halfway decent Guyver..
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#8  August 30, 2009, 05:46:33 am
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then dont download him and dont try and determine other peoples thoughts either. its your opinion.

if the creator chooses to work in that style, its his choice. if he wanted to make him covered in pink and purple polka dots, its his choice. people make characters how they want to make them as its their opinion that matters the most.
You can complain about Gill's opinion all you like (seriously, reporting his post over that?) but I can assure you that the general consensus regarding the sprite cutting and palette choices will pretty much match what he said. The sprites look poorly ripped and there are stray pixels all over the place. Also there are remnants of pink BG. You know how DOS MUGEN characters look all malformed when brought into WinMUGEN? well it kind of looks a lot like that. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but all the sprites NEED to be redone. At the moment it just seems like you have a lazily made place holder over a bunch of code.

Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#9  August 30, 2009, 06:01:19 am
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its not just that post. 9 times out of 10 if i post something, he's posting something to attack me. i've lost track of how many times the admin/mods have told him to STFU about it too. does he listen, maybe for a day and then keeps it up later on. i seriously wish there was an option on this forum that worked like a reverse ignore in that you could decide who cannot see what you post as his responses to mine since i'm been in mugen are a perfect example as to why such a feature would work like a charm.

and he seems on par with other guyver's i've seen. regardless, if the creator is happy, that is all that really matters as he'll have fun with the character regardless if anyone downloads him or not. people forget that fact in mugen, there is only one person you need to impress with your creation and that is yourself.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#10  August 30, 2009, 06:20:54 am
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Well you always have the option of ignoring Gill. Which is an option you aren't exercising very well. I'll agree that it's best to please yourself with your own creations, but it's more satisfying to make something that looks and plays well. Mediocrity seems to be a MUGEN-wide trend that people are getting comfortable with as of late and it would be nice to see creators get themselves out of that routine. It's sad watching potential being squandered because people are lazy.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#11  August 30, 2009, 06:24:35 am
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its not just that post. 9 times out of 10 if i post something, he's posting something to attack me. i've lost track of how many times the admin/mods have told him to STFU about it too. does he listen, maybe for a day and then keeps it up later on. i seriously wish there was an option on this forum that worked like a reverse ignore in that you could decide who cannot see what you post as his responses to mine since i'm been in mugen are a perfect example as to why such a feature would work like a charm.
Telling someone to STFU over criticism is like telling an art critic that he can't criticize because you don't feel like hearing what he has to say.

Both cases are retarded.
Now shut up.
And jam.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#12  August 30, 2009, 06:50:13 am
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Guyver is disappointed.

Really though, how can someone expect to get better if they can't take any sort of criticism. The truth is, the char is no where close to being perfect. So when someone notices something, say thank you and try and get it fixed. I'm sure youngdragon would appreciate people telling him things wrong with the char in order for him to go back and fix it. Besides comments like "your char rox my sox man!!!" or "5 out of 5, great char". That's nice and all, but it doesn't help the creator himself.

On the char, like people have already said, the spriting is very poor. Just as Gill said, it's a mess. Pink dots being all over the place is just straight laziness. But like you said, the creator creates for himself. So if he's cool with half-done work, then great. But if he wants to improve, he should listen to what people have to say and work on what they are saying.

4 Pudding Pops out of 10. Keep working on it and keep striving towards making this a better char.

Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#13  August 30, 2009, 07:21:05 am
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i'll say it again, Gill has been on my case ever since i got into mugen. and why, because he doesn't like favorite fiction blog, a mugen promo site i write for. its not about just criticizing this character, its a history of over 6 months of putting up with his shit.

as for the 5 out of 5 comment, you are misunderstanding something. that is referring to an event at CVG in which there were 5 days thusfar, and 5 character releases happened in conjunction with the event. i'll even edit the comment that was written by someone else right now to remove this misunderstanding.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#14  August 30, 2009, 08:41:59 am
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Why would anyone want a character that's cheap enough to beat rare akuma?  Especially when hes this ugly.


Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#15  August 30, 2009, 09:14:30 am
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Excuse me if this is stated and I missed it, but just out of curiosity..

Where did the sprites come from? Did the creator make them himself or were they ripped from a game?
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#16  August 30, 2009, 09:28:26 am
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Sprites are old...This char has been on the internet for quite some time...I don't remember if this is the same author but Guyver char is nnothing new to mugen.
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Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#17  August 30, 2009, 09:34:21 am
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wtf. rareakuma lost?  hacks
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#18  August 30, 2009, 09:41:55 am
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i'll say it again, Gill has been on my case ever since i got into mugen. and why, because he doesn't like favorite fiction blog, a mugen promo site i write for. its not about just criticizing this character, its a history of over 6 months of putting up with his shit.

as for the 5 out of 5 comment, you are misunderstanding something. that is referring to an event at CVG in which there were 5 days thusfar, and 5 character releases happened in conjunction with the event. i'll even edit the comment that was written by someone else right now to remove this misunderstanding.

His posts are as viable as anyone's criticisms. How is he attacking you? If I was the one who criticized this first, would you be complaining about me?
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#19  August 30, 2009, 01:25:09 pm
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i believe youngdragun did massive edits of the one(s) that had been floating around mugen for a long time.

as for gill, apparently many of you are not familiar with his BS crusade against me, so i'll link to an example thread of what he's treated me like the entire time i've been here. it was the reason why i made this sig then, and the reason why i posted it as my sig again. and also shows Titiln backing up my claims of how he chased me constantly to that point (and continued to do so after)
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#20  August 30, 2009, 01:37:18 pm
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cammon volz, stop to defend chars for your team, creators cant do that?
no1 here made a personal attack to youngdragon, this a topic to talk about the char, and here are guys talking about it.
like u said youngdragon have his opnion and preferences, here we can see opinions from another members.
thats the point to post chars in all forums around, get different opinions, if creator dont like or dont agree he should ignore and say thanks for sugestions to improve.
and about the char:
wtf. rareakuma lost?  hacks[2]