Still considering the SMF move?
valodim: I think it's a good idea, but I don't think I'll have the time and energy to do it anytime soon :\
me: I assume there is no way I can help. I figure it'd be a bit harder than typical set ups following your current altered SMF build
valodim: yeah the setup itself isn't the problem, but moving the mods we have (particularly the filter boards and stuff) involves some coding
me: Figured as much. Well, if and when you think you may be able to tackle it just let me know
Maybe a 2017 surprise lol
valodim: sure

valodim: if you find anyone who is up to it and knows php, it's possible to do the mod stuff without working on the actual data
valodim: if someone wants to do this, I can set up a working environment and assist with questions, but the person should "know php" and not only "know what php is"
valodim: it's not really a huge deal, but experience says that people overestimate themselves and I would prefer not to have to hold hands too much
so uh, yeah. if you find someone feel free to forward them to me