
Vs screen sprites (Read 471397 times)

Started by Melcore, November 07, 2015, 06:22:27 pm
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#41  December 18, 2015, 01:38:01 am
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Elisabeth legs looks like spaghetti.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#42  December 18, 2015, 02:37:09 am
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Elisabeth legs looks like spaghetti.

This is not useful feed back ^^^ this topic has nothing to do with Italian cuisine.

I know you were going with this pose but with her newer palette.
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It looks like you got the pose mostly right, so good job.

I am not an artist by any means but here is my opinion on the sprite.

I feel like the sprite is a good first attempt, although some of the shading needs a little work mostly on the legs (seems pillowie?) the hair feels looks a little uneven but is very fixable.

again not a "bad" sprite but needs some more attention.


oh forgot to post this, Thedge made this for me.

I also am having Thedge make another one of her in a different pose so you can choose which one you like best Swiper.
Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 02:17:31 am by Melcore
Re: Vs screen sprites
#43  December 19, 2015, 02:05:46 am
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Did some changes to Elizabeth, just out of curiosity

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Re: Vs screen sprites
#44  December 19, 2015, 02:49:57 am
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thanks for the help on this Walt, looks much smoother, the legs and hips did feel like they needed to be moved slightly over in the original sprite, all to do now is recolor and she could fit right in with the others.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#45  December 19, 2015, 03:29:15 pm
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Beautiful work as always. Loving the collaborative effort on these. Many thanks! :)
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#46  December 21, 2015, 05:12:37 am
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Well, I knew something was wrong, but thank you very much, @walt, I'm in progress of making more...
Re: Vs screen sprites
#47  December 21, 2015, 06:42:00 pm
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cool, I'd like to see more from you man and thanks again Walt.
stone wolf has made another Leona too


Re: Vs screen sprites
#48  December 23, 2015, 08:24:44 pm
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That looks so nice! I wonder how Athena will look like.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#49  December 27, 2015, 12:57:47 am
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I've been thinking of how I was going to do her/have her done.
not sure if i want to go with the outfit she has in this game or have something done that is more original... she has a lot of options really.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#50  December 30, 2015, 07:19:48 pm
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I suppose that Leona and Iori will have there Orochimode in this game instead of having them as seperate chars right?
Because when I saw Leona I had a little idea and made some Quick edits.

How about adding Orochi Leona as a "Shadow" to regular Leonas VS Screen Sprite?

For example this one plus some "pixel magic" for fake transparency then adding normal Leona

It's just a little idea, what do you think?
Re: Vs screen sprites
#51  December 30, 2015, 08:53:40 pm
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yeahI thought about doing something like that for the new faces team, although, the fake transparency does look good, i think it would be better if we just made the orochi  sprite darker by dropping the palette colors down.

nice sprites though
Re: Vs screen sprites
#52  December 30, 2015, 09:30:19 pm
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Actually Orochi Leona doesn't make an appearance in my game currently save for an intro with Orochi. Storywise, she's much more under control of her powers at this point.  May Lee, Iori and Tung all have special versions of themselves (Hero, Orochi and Muscles) in SDM and HSDM only. Another character will have a similar style, but I haven't yet announced who it is. ;) The Leonas still look nice though. Far prefer it to the odd pose she had in KOF 2000 (Striker select)
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#53  December 30, 2015, 10:32:50 pm
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Ok good to know.^^

Btw. the normal Leona Sprite is from a Intro she is only using in Kof 96 afaik, I can give you a clean version of the sprite I used without the orochi one if you like.^^


I have a question about your vs Portraits in General, I see that you guys often have two options for some chars, why don't you use both?

You could use one for P1 and a different one for P2 like in the Playstation version of KoF 96.
Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 08:08:04 pm by Lichtbringer
Re: Vs screen sprites
#54  January 10, 2016, 05:12:49 am
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you know man, you are right, I do have a few bucks lying around, i could just have the remainder of them commissioned by ether Thedge or Metal Warrior, given that they are not too busy.
they just do much better work then I do and I have no problems with shelling out some cash for the great works the make for us.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#55  January 10, 2016, 07:43:38 pm
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Is it possible to code a different p1 vs p2 "Vs Screen" sprite? I think I can only do one? A lot of the sprites are really great. I'll mark down which are missing in a few days. Been taking it easy to recover from the Xmas coding frenzy.
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#56  January 10, 2016, 11:00:37 pm
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I know a a way that don't need a lot of Coding, I found out about this method from a KoF Zillion Demo from mugen China, before they began to do all the moleboxing stuff to keep everything secret.

Mega EDIT:

The normal approach would be to use 2 different Portraits, but that will not work because of Mugen limitations.

Instead you use one big Portrait that Contains P1 and P2 sprites with enough space between them, you just hide one part of this big Portrait and create the illusion of having 2 different ones. You just have to find out how much space you need and adjust the X & Y position of it.

There are many different ways you can do it, and they can vary even more if you decide to change the p2.facing value.

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I made a little test with Kung Fu Man and it still works, I changed his big Portrait like Mugen China did for there chars in ther old KoF Zillion Demo, it looks now like this:
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After that I had to made Changes in the System.def in the Select Info.

I changed p2.face.offset and p2.face.facing to this:

p2.face.offset = -2285,0
p2.face.facing = 1

And voila we have different portraits for P1 and P2
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After that I made changes to the VS Screen

I changed p2.face.offset and p2.face.facing to this:

p2.offset = -2348,30
p2.facing = 1

And that is the result:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

It's up to you how you create the big portrait, and how you place it, but if you decide to use this method there are two important things you have to keep in mind.

1. You have to beginn with the template that fits for all Chars, Big, tall and smal, so it will be a lot of wasted space on smal chars.^^
2. Because of that try not to crop the image, it will just screw up the X & Y Positions.

Btw. It's the first time in years that I made something like this again, soo if the stuff with the croping is no problem anymore or something like that, then just ignore that part, and I don't know if a Portait has to be this big like the one I used on KFM, I chosed the size of it randomly.^^

Another Edit:
If the Pictures in the Spoilers don't show up, reaload the page that should help.
Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 07:30:37 pm by Lichtbringer
Re: Vs screen sprites
#57  January 13, 2016, 07:02:18 pm
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#58  February 06, 2016, 05:04:50 pm
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Hey Lichtbringer, totally understand what you mean here, so it'll be worth a try. The portraits topic died down a bit, but if there's enough portraits to do a p1 vs p2, I'll implement it.
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#59  February 06, 2016, 08:43:18 pm
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Hey Lichtbringer, totally understand what you mean here, so it'll be worth a try. The portraits topic died down a bit, but if there's enough portraits to do a p1 vs p2, I'll implement it.

you are right, it has died down a bit, ive made the decision to have the rest commissioned, I have a lot of images that im planing to have done and I had Thedge do a few, at this point right now, he is really focused on the two full characters that he is working on and I don't blame him his amazing workload can only be pushed so hard, there is a lot of work being done there, I spoke with MetalWarrior as well and he said he may do some too, right now though I had been doing some but they just aren't as good as the real artists could make them.
I would prefer it being paid for the pros to do, which i have no problems coming put of my own pocket for.

I assure you, i have not forgotten about this topic.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#60  February 08, 2016, 08:17:48 pm
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I'm glad that you guys like the Idea, and thx for the answer.  ;D
Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 08:43:34 pm by Lichtbringer