
Why can't we delete our own threads? (Read 17911 times)

Started by Dai-Manji, November 20, 2024, 06:42:15 pm
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Why can't we delete our own threads?
#1  November 20, 2024, 06:42:15 pm
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    • USA
First off, not annoyed that Basara reported me, its understandable... after all, I did break the rules.

That said though, I didn't know you're supposed to re-edit prior threads to make new requests, nor that you could not delete your own thread.

Just seems kind of messed up that people can be put on blast for something that could be easily fixed by simply deleting / graveyarding your own thread.

Like, I'm glad that I now know to re-edit old threads, but honestly, the fact that I cannot delete my own requests, seems counter productive.

I suppose an argument could be made for like "if your thread becomes inaccessible, and there's an important link on it, then that helps no one", at which point, seems like also removing the option to edit your own posts would also be a good idea.
Re: Why can't we delete our own threads?
#2  November 20, 2024, 07:24:21 pm
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That's because some normal users abused of delete their own threads, so it was available only to mods and above to avoid problematic users that say garbage and then delete their stuff (or creators who regret of their releases and delete all their stuff)

So yeah, you can't delete your own threads, but you can edit them at will. If you want to make more requests, you can perfectly edit the thread you already made with more requests instead to make new ones, it's easy. Also, the report goes more to merge those threads into one, so don't worry about doing something wrong :)
Re: Why can't we delete our own threads?
#3  November 20, 2024, 07:25:05 pm
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
It's not that big of a deal to have more than one request thread on the first page, unless you're abusing it. Usually people tend to have one thread for all their requests. You don't need to delete your old ones or even edit them, as mods can merge them into one single topic.

Since one of your old requests had replies on it that can help other people, I merged and restored the original message (taken from Basara's quote), and deleted the other one with no replies.