
Your input into KOFE (Read 259975 times)

Started by swipergod, October 08, 2015, 05:36:46 am
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#41  October 05, 2016, 02:26:18 am
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Sounds like Robert 03 is the way to go. He won't be color separated right away, but he'll go on the list. I'll get the missing sprites drafted. The intention is for him to play exactly like he does currently and just change the look. No new moves or anything (just like what I did with Geese).
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#42  October 05, 2016, 05:07:46 am
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Oh, please not 2k3!
Use '96, '99 or NGBC instead, I would suggest using 99 since I made every move he ever had for it and 2k3 sprite set needs a lot of work to take it to a decent state.
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#43  October 05, 2016, 11:45:34 am
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To be honest, 2k3 Robert is my favorite design for him, and it does upsets me that they only ended up using it once. Like, yeah, he has inconsistencies, but he's far from the worst sprited character in 2k3, given that the flaws on his sprites require you to pause the game, and most likely compare it to his NESTS incarnation. It's not a big deal, and I'd rather have that over the overused NESTS Robert.

Now, if we were discussing about 2k3 Terry, THEN I would be concerned.

Re: Your input into KOFE
#44  October 05, 2016, 06:18:46 pm
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03 Terry = Yuck. Sorry to those who actually like him.

I totally agree that the sizing and quality hiccups are an issue. I don't want Robert to be shorter than Yuri after all. But I would say that there's other quality issues with some SNK sprites. The Mizuki sprites that I use for Orochi don't blend with some of the Orochi sprites that were used for him. Mai's walk forward and backward hasn't been resprited since '95 and look terrible. Some of these I've fixed already. I'll go through KOFE to see if there's other sprites worth touching up, but I wouldn't avoid using 03 Robert just for that, especially if he's got a good look. I think the color separation possibilities have me interested...
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#45  October 05, 2016, 07:50:29 pm
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Hmmm, for input, it seems like alot of things are already interesting enough. I mean CS'd characters, Vice with Pants, Grandpa Shiranui, KOF'd MORRIGAN!! What more couldn't we want?
Well, the only opinion I have is maybe the return of Ingrid as a HIDDEN character type. I know for some games a hidden character or 2 is ALWAYS a must to have for the roster, since it can really up the fun dosage and nostalgia. Nothing can truly beat a character that is hidden for it brings back the 90s hype! I can also understand that she is also not in her own team but that can be ok as well, for one of the KOF games Iori and Kyo were teamless too!
I can see great promise with Ingrid in the roster PLUS her overall standard effects can EASILY Be edited for a XI/NGBC Feel. You can even throw in a custom intro against a few of the fighters like the Capcom series fighters wondering why they are in the KOF dimension, and
even one for a few KOF Fighters ( Esp. Athena).
Re: Your input into KOFE
#46  October 05, 2016, 08:20:16 pm
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You don't have to pause the game to see the poor quality of the sprites, posing, and new animations.

Sorry, but 2K3 Robert (cool as his outfit may be) is easily one of the worst sprite sheets I've seen in a commercial game. Unless some magic can be worked on them, I'd much rather see 99-2K2.
Re: Your input into KOFE
#47  October 05, 2016, 08:27:06 pm
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I'll only be content with 2K3 Robert if either Thedge or MW are commissioned to make it of good quality. But if that's not the case, then 99-2K2 Robert all the freaking way.

I mean, as much as I love that outfit, the inconsistencies and terrible quality of 2K3 Robert's set is not worth going for.
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#48  October 05, 2016, 09:00:06 pm
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Hmm, trying to estimate the amount of work here to upgrade Robert as something to explore for later. What are the really bad areas that need fixing? His walk forward and backwards are obviously in need of fixing. The missing straps on the flip kick and the Haoh are a few more. Noticed some punches and kicks needing either a better transition or resizing. Any other major ones?

Note that I wouldn't be using his LDM kick thingy or his kicking fireballs. He'd play exactly as he does now in KOFE (closer to 2k2 if you haven't played him).
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#49  October 05, 2016, 09:36:58 pm
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If that the case, I suggest using a color separated KOF96-98 sprite set, you can get to something similar to 2k3 by separating the sleeves and you have a plenty of sprites to use with a consistent set.
Don't get me wrong, I do like 2k3 Robert  design and gameplay, but the execution is poor to say the least.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#50  October 06, 2016, 03:13:08 am
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What's up with you and KoF '96 - KoF '98? I am not trying to be rude, but you were out voted on this.
Re: Your input into KOFE
#51  October 06, 2016, 03:17:52 am
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I would take his word for it considering he's a skilled and reputable spriter who knows what he's talking about and has an entire post showing how unforgivably bad that sprite set is.
Re: Your input into KOFE
#52  October 06, 2016, 03:24:51 am
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But KOFE's Robert Garcia is currently a mixture of his NESTS saga clothing and KoF 2003 stance.
Re: Your input into KOFE
#53  October 06, 2016, 03:26:24 am
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It's not only Robert just to add on, 2K3 has some pretty bad sprites all around. Terry was already mentioned, Yamazaki's magic abs, Mukai's wonky posing, Shen has some pretty bad stuff too. Redesigns were cool, but they really butchered some characters in-game.
Re: Your input into KOFE
#54  October 06, 2016, 03:55:19 am
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Oh this is what's taking up the sidebar at Guild? Robert discussion?

Robert was boring as hell until 2003. Thus, best Robert is 2003. Now can we end this?
Re: Your input into KOFE
#55  October 06, 2016, 09:18:29 am
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Anything but the  Robert 2k3 visual... yeeuck. I'd agree with Aerosmugen on this, for Color seperating the Nests version.
Re: Your input into KOFE
#56  October 06, 2016, 11:50:27 am
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People are expressing which design they prefer, not which one was the best sprited. Again, 2003 had some rough sprites, but Robert is hardly the worst one from that game, and he's hardly that bad to begin with. I'm a spriter myself, and I didn't notice the faults with 2k3 Robert until Thedge showed the side by side comparison with NESTS Robert. I acknowledge that it has problems, but it's nothing that warrants scrapping the design from the game, and it's nothing that cannot be changed in the future.

Ryo still had rough as hell animations that were never updated since KOF 96 (and some of them were merely slightly edited from KOF 94/95). A lot of his animations have jumpy shading, and his stance animation is stiff and pretty much disgusting to look at. Before KOF XII, the only time he had his animations updated was in NGBC, where his animations actually looked more polished. Does that means we should take out default Ryo from the game and replace him with NGBC Ryo?

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Re: Your input into KOFE
#57  October 06, 2016, 03:29:42 pm
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Didn't realized this was going to become such a debated topic.  :o

So KOFE currently has 99-02 Robert. That will continue to be the default Robert for now. I'll explore the cost of touching up Robert '03 by figuring out how many sprites need to be fixed. Not everything does (his trip comes to mind).

About Ingrid. I agree that she'd fit in the SNK universe quite nicely. I made the choice of Tabasa though because she's mostly already sprited and creatively, there's more flexibility with her moveset.
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#58  October 06, 2016, 05:02:50 pm
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Indeed it became quite hot here. Personally I always liked pre '03 Robert design more regardless of how overused it is. Wouldn't mind '03 one if it came as selectable alternative and/or also featured different gameplay. Being just a looks swap of his... meh, I'd pass, not worth the fixing effort to replace the one who's good already(and I prefer more =P ).
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#59  October 07, 2016, 09:14:38 pm
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New opinion time. Andy Bogard. Currently has his palm blasts. Recent game have shown him with full screen projectiles. Do we give Andy his long range or keep him as is? Andy stands out as the only Fatal Fury guy without a ranged projectile. Eiji currently has the exact same projectile Andy does. Thoughts?
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Re: Your input into KOFE
#60  October 08, 2016, 08:15:01 am
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Is it OK to post a future character suggestions here? I suggest Gang-il.

If someone has a copy of KOF XIV, his normals and commands can be captured, and his moves can be copied from Kim and his sons. The only problem with Gang-il right now is making sprites for him.
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