
Z2 Inspired stages! (Read 550668 times)

Started by Daeron, December 11, 2012, 05:37:11 pm
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#21  December 12, 2012, 11:22:18 am
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In my opinion, the world tournament arena would be better than Goku's house, as it fits almost any character.
i make bad videos watch them if you like bad videos (
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#22  December 12, 2012, 12:42:25 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Thanks everybody!
The initial idea was to make a "home" for the z2 chars.

Desert stage was meant to recreate Goku vs Vegeta from the Saiyajin saga.
And stages related to the z2 chars cast are top priority  (for example No cell games stage planned since there is no Cell saga related character)

These are mostly all stages ive planned, and it would be great if each one would have a variation:

-Desert / Desert stormy  (Done)  (for Goku vs Vegeta)

-Namek                         (Done)  (for Frieza and possible piccolo)

-Time Chamber/ Time Chamber Night  (in process)  (for neutral, training stage)

-Namek last minutes      (Planned) (for Ssj Goku vs Frieza)

-Sayajin´s Landing         (planned) (for Secret)

-Goku Home                 (planned) (for Goku)

-City                             (planned) (for Gohan z2 if ever happens :P)

-Kami´s Look out            (planned) (for piccolo if ever happens :P)

This does not mean i will make them all, ill see what i can do as time passes, these are mostly my plans rigth now, and they can change XD

desert stage looks fine as it is, i wouldnt even have more versions of it.

For namek as I had suggested already via pm before this, I think you could have
Namek normal ( as it is now )
Namek carnage ( strewn with corpses, there is smoke in the air and corpses of namekians all over , freeza forces are flying around in groups )
Namek Porunga ( porunga in the distance, night stage
Namek apocalypse , red water, chunks of floating mountains flying by, lightning and red sky. there are lva jets spewing in the distance

Time chamber two versions are cool, so go with those.

Goku home, I have a vectorized dbz fish if you want to add a fish on a stick by a fire.

Kami lookout normal version could have kami fading in and out.  ( that way it means it could be at any time in dbz ).
Kami lookout could have a half destructed version . Like a nightmare version, during a dark creepy night, with the full moon on the back.

Now the following are suggestions i had given noz, and im aware they are kindof too big but what the heck i will give them to you as well.

Inner storm- a stage that would be set on what appears to be floating rocks in the middle of a tornado, there would be pieces of walls ( maybe even a cow occasionally ) flying around the whole thing, as the players fought in the floating rocks in the middle. There would be lightning sparking all around the wind tunnel,  Every now and then the wind would stop and the whole set would seem to start free falling from really high up, just to have the wind startup again, picking every falling object again into the loop.

Demon's temple, it would be based on ironmugen old daimao stage, check that one out, like an update of sorts to modernize it , it would be a temple with the myriad of demonic shadows in the back, blood splatters and all, and then every now and then the demons would vanish or reappear, as if they were an illusion. with a gem on the center holding crackling energy ( and occasionally with the red eyes of daimao showing there) this stage would be based off piccolo arcade stage.
Destroyed city- a city with scattered clothes flying through, some buildings in the distance are burning, the whole town looks like a ghost town, it represents Cell having ate through a whole city.( it could be an alt for the city one you wanted to make)

Fish dinner- a deep forest stage, based on mvc forest stages, on this one, there would be a big hd fish ( I got this on my resources) on a stick cooking by a fire, it would be Goku stage. squirrels would go around ( tree tops at mvxmen had this )  whatever other animals you could include.  maybe even old grandpa gohan cottage in the distance.( im aware that this is now very similar to your goku house one)

Red Ribbon mainframe, based from apocalypse stage plus a few things from black noah, including the screens. The screens would flash android schematics ( I got some stuff here for that ) , there would be a big central tank with cell fetus, wires hanging off him , energy would shake components now and then, with eerie energy coming from the center of the stage, from behing the components.
The screens scattered around the stage would flare up with some images, mechanical parts, eyes, etc.

Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#23  December 12, 2012, 01:30:48 pm
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if I can find my Net Cord (I'm on my mom's cpu) I'll be downloading these right away
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#24  December 12, 2012, 03:36:56 pm
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Iced,  desert stage wont have more variations, the ideal is one variation per stage, so the stormy version its the desert variation.
I really like your idea for the goku stage, we have seen him more fishing and eating arround the jungle than being in home XD
So as you say, we can put his home and the gohan shrine in the distance. (also i have in mind some nice re-usable sprites from capcom stages)

Red Ribbon idea is cool, but like ive said, related stages to the z2 chars have more priority.

The world tournament is a nice one also, but i dont have clever ideas on how to do it rigth now (also that stage is like in ALL the games, so lets give a shot to other locations first :) )
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#25  December 12, 2012, 04:35:46 pm
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The hyperbolic chamber could use paralax between the sandclocks, like i said before the back sandclock could and should be more to the right so you could see both working. 

About world tournament, the best way , that hasnt been really done would be one where you would be able to see the crowds and the back wall of the tournament, maybe from the very first tournament with the crowd next to the arena.  With an alternate destroyed arena from the piccolo versus goku fight.
either that or a tournament stage from the last tournaments with the giant crowds, this one would have an alternate with a huge hole in the walls, from the majin fight.

A babidi stage would be cool if there was an fx that turned the stage into other stages while they were fighting.with a burning M fx showing up as the stage shifted.


Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#26  December 12, 2012, 07:32:23 pm
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Iced you're a beast with them stage ideas,the Babidi stage would be awesome,now a destroyed world tournament would be great if we could have a giant piccolo boss,Balthy could that be possible to make,when you sprite piccolo
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#27  December 13, 2012, 01:27:57 am
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As you can see, the chamber interior is way more detailed, also the sandclocks and those ball things have delta, so the stage have gain in depth sensation.
Added some props near the characters, A supply crate with Sayajin armors, magic beans and some hoi-poi capsules!
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#28  December 13, 2012, 01:52:51 am
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you´re making me want to start with backgrounds :p
good work so far man ;)
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#29  December 13, 2012, 07:52:45 am
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can't wait to see what direction wizzy goes with these
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#30  December 13, 2012, 08:25:15 am
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Awesooome! :D
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#31  December 13, 2012, 09:07:43 am
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#32  December 13, 2012, 09:21:28 am
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From the best I've seen for Dbz

Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#33  December 13, 2012, 02:07:32 pm
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What about the Ryu's sack?
Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 12:31:28 am by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#34  December 13, 2012, 03:51:39 pm
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#35  December 13, 2012, 05:12:21 pm
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#36  December 13, 2012, 06:00:39 pm
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very cool :)
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#37  December 17, 2012, 11:43:55 pm
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The extreme weather modes for the first version of the time chamber:


Those weird pixels at the background move fast in the stage, making a blizzard effect at the background (i may need to make bigger snowflakes to put over the chars too)

Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#38  December 17, 2012, 11:51:50 pm
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Very nice. I wish you the best of luck on this.
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#39  December 18, 2012, 12:15:39 am
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I would reduce the snow on that one so its just small pixels here and there, as if it just started snowing, stages where the characters are too covered up usually look very messy .

Some ice mountains rising in the horizon would look cool.

Also, this is merely a suggestion, but perhaps breaking up the elements on the temple, so that the snowclocks and etc can all be aligned at slightly different heights, as it is right now there is a single straight line under the whole thing, which is breaking your perspective very slightly.
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#40  December 18, 2012, 01:15:00 am
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I would reduce the snow on that one so its just small pixels here and there, as if it just started snowing, stages where the characters are too covered up usually look very messy .
Or he could add both, like that MH77 MGS Helipad Stage from a while back

Hell, maybe he could use that snow (either one), just credit the people who helped (it should be stated in the readme of the stage).