
NiO artwork (Read 250151 times)

Started by NiO ErZeBeTh, February 20, 2015, 01:09:58 pm
Re: NiO artwork
#41  August 17, 2015, 06:34:05 pm
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about the price, try to estimate how many hours does it take, then use that as a basis , crossed over with how much you make at your day time job; sicne you are in mx (?) so for something that takes one hour you could charge something between 5-10 usd , if i takes more time just multiply by the hours (if 10 feels too cheap because either you make more omney than average or because you are tired and you need to charge as extra hours go higher until it feels apropiate). basically, charge per hour for somethign that feels fair for you, and this being deviantart, you migth want to charge extra for certain fetishes, like charging double for furry.

about paypal to credit card, it shoudl be possible, we are in the same country and I have been able to do it just fine (it just takes a few days to process)

Re: NiO artwork
#42  August 17, 2015, 09:05:34 pm
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yeah, I was told it's possible, but the genius of me put my FB name on the paypal and my real name is on the credit card and I can't link them for that reason unless I send a fax with documents and blah blah blah

gonna ask if it's possible to make a new mail-paypal and put my real name there to link them together to start tet process to get a new laptop (my last one cost me 700 dls and for diverse reasons I wasn't able to access my guarantee neither on the market or the Vizio site, and well, was a waste of money, I have tried to fixde multiple times by multiple people and stills gives me troubles.... and well, I want another x_x )

I think I'm gonna make something like a table, let's say lineart only = $x, lineart and color layers = $y, and etc etc
gonna stalk Chamat prices to get an idea x)
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#43  August 17, 2015, 09:27:40 pm
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I think you should link your Paypal account to your debit, IIRC Sean Altly's Haggar thread, Garuda had a hard time getting the payment to Sean because he linked his Paypal to his credit rather than his debit, if memory serves right.

For artwork prices, I think taking a look at MotorRoach, Diepod, or Daeron could give you a better idea on artwork prices.

Chamat could work for pixel art prices (IDK if Chamat does artwork though, if he does, disregard these two sentences)
This is a generic forum signature.
Re: NiO artwork
#44  August 18, 2015, 01:49:46 am
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I mostly prefer to do simple artwork at a cheap-fair price  than huge or detailed ones, hope they can help me out, my card is a debit one, I get paid there so I hope it works :D
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#45  August 20, 2015, 09:58:39 am
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a few years ago I wanted to make an AVGN character... I did a few sprites, I got a few soundclips from Arthas (a user back then) but I lost all my stuff in a HD crash, and even if I could recover them I had just a really few things done, but I still have the original idea I did...

and well, I downloaded the character by Duckuss and make this spriteswap to see if it works
1st one is the original face, intended to be an edit from Seth (KOF02), 2nd one is the same face edited to be a bit more cartoonish

also, still need suggestions about the comission thingy!
            Zorf Giudecca
Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 10:32:18 am by NiO KuSaNaGi
Re: NiO artwork
#46  August 31, 2015, 01:41:09 pm
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I don't remember if I already post this before... it doesn't show nudity, but the character (Mileena) is topless so, to avoid any trouble I will put it on Spoiler as a NSFW thing...

Here is my OLD vs NEW... I really like the result of the new one (but not sure if I will keep it like that or mess around with it again someday) xD

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

you can see the full size image (right one) on my deviant account
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#47  August 31, 2015, 01:47:36 pm
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Saw this over at dA earlier, the new shading is really great, I really like it bro.
You still doing it with a mouse though?
Re: NiO artwork
#48  August 31, 2015, 01:56:21 pm
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I used to, but I got a Bamboo Wacom that works really nice most of the times (yeah, sometimes it goes crazy and works like if I was holding the pen alll the time)...

I also discovered the Paint Tool SAI program, it helps a lot to paint, some of  my older draws were made with photoshop and  I'm not a pro, SAI made things easier
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#49  September 04, 2015, 05:25:41 am
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My attempt at CVS sprites, this time Kula based on her KOF 2000-XIII sprite and watching a few sprites from CVS Kim and a CVS Kula edit, maybe it needs a few tweaks to look more accurate to CVS sprites, but I liked the result

            Zorf Giudecca


Re: NiO artwork
#50  September 04, 2015, 08:09:46 am
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you're getting there, but the lightsource for her legs are wrong, they look like they're coming from the front, not up
Re: NiO artwork
#51  September 04, 2015, 08:45:16 am
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I liked it, but what Walrusluis said + maybe more vibrant coloursfor hair.

Aside that, it's awesome :)!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: NiO artwork
#52  September 04, 2015, 09:59:17 am
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well, Kula seems like a hard character to convert... I tried to give her legs the light coming from the sky reflecting in the lower part but I'm not sure  yet how would I fix it
            Zorf Giudecca


Re: NiO artwork
#53  September 04, 2015, 10:04:16 am
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i think its more of a proportion thing, KOF's native proportions don't really mesh well together with CvS if you were to just reshade their sprites, you'll have to basically redraw her proportions in order to fit in with capcom's art style, its much more than a reshade. take a look at alex sinigalgia's kula sprite and you'll see what i mean.
Re: NiO artwork
#54  September 04, 2015, 08:58:00 pm
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I sprited her body from KOFXIII and tried to give her a CVS cartoonish style, used the KOF00 sprite for comparison and to avoid the same body shape... I also wanted to make her a bit more "rounded" if that's how I can described, as seen on some images were Kula doesn't have a flat ass xD

what would be a good character to observe and fix Kula?
(I used Kim as a base and my memory when I sprited Ken in CVS) 

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#55  September 05, 2015, 12:44:00 am
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iirc, cvs yuri they have the same body measurements
Re: NiO artwork
#56  September 16, 2015, 05:21:20 am
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Another CVS atempt, this time I made my version of Juri from SF4

bases used Kim, King and Mika, also some this sprite edits by JSevion and I used his foots as a base
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#57  October 13, 2015, 06:28:04 am
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added something new... I saw an image on DA and I wanted to make something similar to use on a SP, but I'm not good making that stuff so I just stop it but I think it was cool enough to share, maybe someone could find it useful

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#58  October 14, 2015, 10:12:52 am
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well, making an screenpack idea... there's some nice screenpacks out there, but I can't get one that I'm 100% comfortable with, so I'm trying to put ideas to make a new one (not sure if I'm gonna be able to do it, but at least I'm doing something xD)

screenpack menu idea (I could get better fonts) and add a few things maybe

Ryu edit I did to use in this Sp idea (I wanted to use KOF edits because those are the ones I use the most, and also I want them to be edits so they represent what Mugen is about

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#59  October 14, 2015, 10:32:34 am
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That Ryu looks awesome! I'd love to see more of these.
Re: NiO artwork
#60  October 14, 2015, 12:00:18 pm
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thanks, I know it has some flaws and maybe could be better, but as a photoshop noob I'm more than satisfied with the result

also, I added more stuff to the idea

Ideas I have are:

-world map moving to the right (repeating itself always)
-character protraits with another layer in the background (transparency) to add some color changes in it and make it look more alive)
-possibly the Everything vs Everything fonts moving to the right or left and repeating
-fonts in red line fading (appearing and disappearing)

and I think that's all for the Menu, I don't know how to do it, but I'm gonna make what's needed and later ask for help
            Zorf Giudecca
Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 12:04:48 pm by NiO KuSaNaGi