
Complete Stage Creation Tutorial (Read 1022551 times)

Started by Cybaster, August 29, 2009, 04:10:31 pm
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Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#41  April 18, 2010, 06:00:17 pm
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    • France
They're up again. It was just a problem with the links. :(
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#42  May 21, 2010, 08:58:57 pm
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  • I tasted your sperm, and liked it. :P
Nice, I'll take this into use right away to add some moving objects in my
own batch, but have you ever gotten the chance to state if it works for
newer stages for Mugen 1.7 Alpha or higher?

A dream carried out on my own.
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#43  May 22, 2010, 12:01:16 am
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    • France
For Mugen RC7 and other RC series, my tutorial is perfectly fine as long as you code everything in the old Winmugen style way, for HR and LR stages.
If you follow the tutorial and understand all the concepts behind them, there's no reason you can't adapt to the few changes in RC, such as the localcoord parameter.
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#44  July 07, 2010, 12:41:51 pm
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  • ~X~ . Anger is one letter short of danger . ~X~
    • Albania
Very Very Nice and helpful tutorial...!!
THNX Buddy 4 ur time dedicated to this tutorial... 8) 8)

But there is a little problem with parallax...!
VIB's page is off so i thought ot help even more and...
Follow this!

[img resized=1 width= height=][/img]
♣Konna mono de katteru to omota ka? <=> You thought you could win against me? ♣
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#45  July 08, 2010, 01:22:10 pm
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    • France
Changed, thanks. ;)
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#46  September 05, 2010, 06:36:06 pm
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amazing tutorial.thx
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#47  November 20, 2010, 09:39:35 pm
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It will open a window. Now, click on the Palette scroll, and click on "Exact". Alternatively, if the image has too many colours (more than 256), click on "Local (Perceptual)". Then, click "OK". Note that if your image has too many colors, it will be subject to what we call colorloss, and will result in something ugly. There are ways to avoid this, and we will abord this in the chapter "Avoiding colorloss".

- The image is now in indexed colors, but with a bad palette. Let's open the palette. Click on Image -> Mode -> Color Table.

ummm there isnt a "palette scroll" option in gimp  :???:
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Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#48  February 22, 2011, 05:26:10 pm
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That was an amazing tutorial. I'm just getting started and still cutting my teeth on it all, so it's great to have a step by step to help me along. Thank you.  :D
Taking what i'm getting 'cause i'm working for a living'--
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Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#49  February 22, 2011, 11:47:25 pm
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ummm there isnt a "palette scroll" option in gimp  :???:
For GIMP users:
1. Go to Image -> Mode -> Indexed.
2. Choose Generate Optimum Pallette (256 Color) and click Convert.
3. Go to Colors -> Map -> Rearange Colormap.
4. Drag the color you want to be transparent in mugen to the Top Left of the color table (Index no. 0) and press Ok or Enter.
5. Save the file in PCX format and you're done!


Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#50  May 15, 2011, 07:17:25 pm
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exellent work men!!! good
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#51  June 02, 2011, 04:23:03 am
While making a Motif i was trying to figure out why my transparency was not coming out right on Mugen or Fighter Factory when using Photoshop. Then i followed the instructions on the part about "applying the  palete" and setting the bottom 0 color to the transpereant color on the palate in PS and it solved my issue , now Mugen and Fighter Factory can both read the transperant effect. thanx a ton man!
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#52  July 13, 2011, 09:02:09 pm
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  • Maker of obscurity.
That tutorial is amazing^^ I even managed to do a new stage with delta effects, something which I haven't tried before.
-Toshio Tenma
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#53  August 26, 2011, 05:43:49 pm
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i just want to say thankyou for taking your time to write such a sweet tut. i plan on making some cool art with your advice on stage creating, again thankyou.
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#54  September 05, 2011, 07:09:37 pm
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  • MUGEN IS MY LIFE /I promise from not to derail.
Hey that was great This could help me
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#55  September 17, 2011, 07:13:15 pm
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I'm new to all of this stuff :o
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#56  October 13, 2011, 10:31:34 am
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  • Kung fu Girl!
Amazing tutorial and perfect for starters =)
Any additional information for mugen 1.0 stages and hd stages?
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#57  February 02, 2012, 03:49:52 am
  • Anime sucks
Sweet stuff and thanks for all the people that know how to use gimp really well, cause adobe wont open any files for me even if i try to use swatches on a character it still wont work plus im not waiting another 5 hours to redownload it again cause its worthless, gimp is the way to go :sugoi:
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#58  February 25, 2012, 11:41:16 am
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I love you for this!
I had a few stages that were placing the characters too high up and now i can use them thanks to this guide.
Veigar said:
I AM evil! Stop Laughing!!
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Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#59  February 26, 2012, 09:18:48 pm
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  • Bang Bang!!!
Man this tutorial is great gives you all the step by step instruction on creating an proper and advance stage so epic haha.
Re: Complete Stage Creation Tutorial
#60  May 17, 2012, 04:19:46 pm
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I read this tutorial for the first time and I noticed that your method of getting the color in the right place in the palette is long and unnecessary now that Fighter Factory can reverse palettes!

All one needs to do when indexing an image now is apply the exact amount of colors to it, then use the "forced" option and place the background color or any color they want to appear in the palette in the first color spot of the palette!

Update your tutorial. We can use PNG files now! And the new stage parameters! I had to figure out what they mean for myself! Why doesn't this tutorial make my stage for me?! >:(