Yeah, this govts killd alot of people over the last 200+ plus years, then again, The US still holds the record for most killed soldiers and civilians, all in the name of progress. Civil War? Anyone remember that?
And not to mention the mortality rate increasing every year due to a crappy health care system, people who dont have healthcare, loose gun control [anyone see Bowling4columbine], gang affiliations that have to do with Rap preferences instead of defending territory, crooked cops, racists, facists who want to have there way no matter who gets in their way, Pro-lifers/Pro-execution hypocryses, greedy doctors, pirate DVD makers, acceptabilty of pandering, gay bashing, women abusing, child neglecting, human slave trafficking, no accountability or responsibilities when it comes to white collar crime, organized crime, random school shootings, runaway fathers, poor water maintenace so were all forced to buy bottle water but its okay to bathe in it, air pollution, gas prices, terrorists that were trained by the US govt but nobody pointed that out, stupid ignorant uneducated silver spoon fed ilbred...
i wish that a mob of people would just go to that idiots house and drag him outside and throw out all of his crap and tell him hes fucken fired, his kids are fired, and anybody else named George, Dubya, or Bush for the next 500 years will not be constitutionally allowed to run for any office. 
I got off topic, sorry.
I've noticed on most TV CSI/LAWnORDER dramas, that when ever the Victim or a Criminal is Black, for some reason it has to be about racism. That doesnt seem right to me, to portray Black Human Beings as the type of people to just readily pull out the race card everytime theyve been wronged, or accused of doing something wrong.
LawAndOrder example:There was this one episode where this black guy killed this woman cause of a money crime, he then puts on his case that hes the victim cause hes black and rich, even though that chr lived in a modest appartment in the upper eastside and wasnt part of any black support communty groups, and worked in a diverse realestate company where he made a point to no affiliate with any black employees.
CSI example:A group of hooded college students were going around in vegas beating people to death, one of the Main Chrs caught the group while still in his vehicle, he saw the guy pick up a rock gettin ready to finish off the guy theyre beating, without thinking he floors it and hits the guy, his hoody pals drag him out of his truck and beat the csi half to death. In the end, the guy that was killed's family sued the police department for 50 million claiming racism, the other hooded criminals were all under age kids so they were let go, and the same 1/2 beaten to death csi had to help out the guy he ran over's little brother from getting mixed up with some gang boss.
I dont know every black person in the US, but im very sure their not all one-dimensional.
God i miss, fresh prince and family matters.