
Config Discussion (Read 11398 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, June 20, 2014, 07:44:49 pm
Config Discussion
#1  June 20, 2014, 07:44:49 pm
  • ******
Here is my proposal for the config options. These particular options will be universal for all characters. Meaning they will all access the same file. This will make it easier to set up your own custom games/mechanics. And will make it easier for users to add their own mechanics to the game.

Each character will also have their own specific config for customizing their command basics, specials, supers, and to denote which supers will be used for supers/ultras in SFA, SF2, SF3, and SF4 styles. And to determine which moves get focus breaker.

LP+LK = 1
2P , 2K = 2
Direction + MP, HP, MK, HK =3

LP+LK = 1
Start*Disables pause menu = 2

CVS2 Special Cancels
On = 1

SFA1 Chain Combos
On = 1

Custom Combos
SFA2 MP+MK = 1
CVS2 MP + MK = 2
SFA3 Light Version MP + MK = 3
SFA3 Medium Version MP + MK = 4
SFA3 Strong Version MP + MK = 5
SFA3 Light, Medium, Strong Version LP + LK, MP + MK, SP + SK*does not work when throw and taunt commands overlap = 6
SFA3 Light, Medium, Strong Version MP + SP + LK, MP + SP + MK, MP + SP + SK = 7

On = 1

Red Parry
On = 1

SF3 Blocking
On = 1

Universal Overhead
MP+MK*Does not work if custom combo var 3, 4, 5, or 6 are true = 1
MK + SK + LP = 2
LP + LK*Does not work if throw is the same = 3
SP + SK*Does not work if Taunt command is the same = 4

Dizzy Gauge
On = 1
Turn Dizzy completely off = 2

On = 1

On*Does not work if Dash is on = 1

SF3 Super Jump
On = 1

Quick Stand
Down*does not work if get up roll is 1 = 1
2P*does not work if get up roll is 2 = 2
3P*does not work if get up roll is 3 = 3

Get Up Roll (SFA3)
Down = 1
2P = 2
3P = 3

Air Recovery
2K = 1
3K = 2

Air Guard
On = 1

Guard Gauge
On = 1

SFA3 Air Juggle System
On = 1

Throw Tech
On = 1

Throw Escape
On = 1

Alpha Counter
B, DB, D+ Attack = 1
F+MP+MK for Punch version, F+SP+SK for kick version = 2
F, D, DF + Attack = 3

Timing Guard
On = 1

EX Moves
On = 1

LP + LK* Does not work if custom combo, throw, or universal overhead commands overlap = 1
MP + MK* Does not work if custom combo or universal overhead commands overlap = 2
SP + SK* Does not work if custom combo, taunt, or universal overhead commands overlap = 3
MK + SK + MP  = 4

Red Focus
LP + MP + MK = 1

Armor Moves
On = 1

Armor Breaker Moves
On = 1

Slow Get up
Hold Down = 1
2K* Does work if air recovery command overlaps = 2
3K* Does not work if air recovery command overlaps = 3

LP + LK*Does not work if throw, custom combo, Universal overhead, or Focus commands overlap = 1
SP + SK*Does not work if taunt, custom combo, Universal overhead, or Focus commands overlap = 2

Comeback Mechanic
Defensive =1
Offensive = 2
Both = 3

SF EX Guard Break
D+LP+LK = 1
QCF + MP + MK = 2

Max Supers Only works in SF3/MFG mode
On = 1

Can only turn on one of the following
SF3/MFG Super selection and varying bars
On = 1

SF2 Super Bars 1 Super Move
On = 1

3 Level Super Bar with multiple supers
On = 1

SF4 Super Bar with Ultra Bar
On = 1

Turn Off Super Moves
But Keep super bar for other meter using moves = 1
No Bar at all = 2
Re: Config Discussion
#2  June 21, 2014, 07:27:50 am
  • ****
  • Busy, busy, busy
Enabling everything is dumb. Id recommend merging these together a bit. Having 4 options for mp+mk for example. Focus/overhead/cc/etc. Its easier to code too

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Config Discussion
#3  June 21, 2014, 11:35:58 am
  • ******
I don't want EVERYTHING active but you just know SOMEBODY will :p
Won't the main difference in coding simply be a few more lines of state -1 commands?
Re: Config Discussion
#4  June 22, 2014, 05:19:50 am
  • ****
  • Busy, busy, busy
If you set it up a certain way you will pretty much have every possible combination of buttons in use

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Config Discussion
#5  June 26, 2014, 04:57:27 am
  • ******
Why is this making Ryu taunt? Trying to make a simple config. It seems to make sense but I guess I'm not understanding something.

[state -1, Taunt]
type = changestate
value = 195
triggerall = !AILevel && statetype != A
trigger1 = ctrl
trigger1 = cond(numhelper(40000), helper(40000),var(45), 1) && command = "start"

Now I do NOT have a var 45 set in the config at all.
I can't actually find the cond trigger in the docs but I can surmise it means condition.
Does this last trigger not mean the following?
is true if the helper is ID 40000 and it's var is var(45) and that equals 1?

This is the way the trigger is written in Jesuszilla and Rajaa's configs. What am I misinterpreting in this?

To clarify it should be var(2)=1 to allow this to be true. But I need to figure out what part of this I'm not understanding.
Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 05:19:04 am by Just No Point
Re: Config Discussion
#6  June 26, 2014, 09:43:56 am
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cond(A, B, C) = if A is true, then return B ; if A is false, then return C.
cond(numhelper(40000), helper(40000),var(45), 1)
A = numhelper(40000) = do I have a helper with that ID
B = helper(40000),var(45)
C = 1
If you have a helper 40000, then return helper 40000's var(45). If you don't, then return 1. Do you have a helper 40000 ?
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Config Discussion
#7  June 26, 2014, 03:17:18 pm
  • ******
Well crap. They don't have that in the wiki. So now I have to be sure to look in more spots. I was about to ask where you even found that then I vaguely remembered the "documentation" link on the download page.

Would you happen to know if all info in the wiki is in the docs? Obviously it's not vice versa!

Onto what I have for the config helper.
Spoiler: common1 (click to see content)

Spoiler: config (click to see content)

So, did I not create the helper correctly?

*Yes, I know start should not work unless var is set to 2 with my description below. Right now I'm just testing for simplicity's sake.
Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 03:24:10 pm by Just No Point
Re: Config Discussion
#8  June 26, 2014, 03:41:37 pm
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  • ****** > mugen > documentation (1.0 or 1.1) > documentation > trigger list / State controller reference. Yeah, I didn't think you were using anything else, because anything else is pretty much useless :P I never touched any Mugen Wiki myself, I don't even know which one you mean.

The helper has a destroyself triggered by "time", so it destroys itself after one tick, is that what you want ? As for the creation of the helper, you have a trigger "!time", I don't even know if that works in statedef -2 because it doesn't make sense.
If you want to check if your helper is present when your taunt trigger is evaluated, the simplest way is to give your helper an animation (like just 0). Just make sure it's there whenever your taunt condition is evaluated (I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do with it), because if it's not, then it's going to return C (in the "formula" I gave above), which you gave as 1, so it'll always trigger.

edit -
right, I think I get it. Statedef 40000 is a helper that has all the versets for the config stuff, and it's in the config file, it's what people can edit.
But it has a destroyself triggered by "time", and at best, it's constantly destroyed and recreated, which doesn't make a lot of sense (and I think the !time trigger in statedef -2 is bogus). You want it to be permanent (never destroy itself) and you want only one of it - !NumHelper(40000) is enough for a trigger, there's no need for anything else. The only problem you're having is that your helper immediately disappears, so the cond part always returns 1.

The cond expression seems a little weird at the moment, but maybe it's just because I'm only seeing half of the code.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 04:06:16 pm by DKDC
Re: Config Discussion
#9  June 26, 2014, 04:32:13 pm
  • ******
I thought Elecbyte had updated their docs since 1.0 to be this wiki they have. That's what I'd been using. I thought this and the docs were the same now.

Onto the code part. I was wondering about the destroyself, both Jesuszilla and Rajaa used it. About to have to head out on a 1 day vacation with family so this will probably be the last reply on the subject today.

The reason I had it returning 1 in the 1st question was I was under the assumption that 1 was what the var should be set as. 0 for no taunt, 1 for 2 button and 2 for start as taunt. That explains why it would work no matter what. Like you said, it was always returning 1.

Thanks for the response. I'll come back to this tomorrow.
Re: Config Discussion
#10  June 27, 2014, 05:49:09 am
  • ******
Okay, got it working.

I removed the destroyself and the other triggers besides !numhelper(40000)

Got the Taunt config working. Now I know how to do the config stuff so I should be able to add most of the rest pretty quickly now =D

Ryu is updated if anyone wants to take a look.

I don't know why Rajaa and Jesuszilla coded the config how they did but they must have had something else going on that I didn't see. Otherwise the helper destroyed itself right away.