
FeLo & Co (Read 828358 times)

Started by FeLo_Llop, April 04, 2010, 03:30:29 pm
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Re: FeLo & Co
#61  August 14, 2010, 11:13:56 pm
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GOH: bmc would tell birds that they're broken because they shouldn't air recover.
Re: FeLo & Co
#62  August 15, 2010, 01:25:22 am
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Don't try to guess.

It even doesn't starts with a "D" on the name...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#63  August 15, 2010, 02:00:22 am
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  • so i herd taht mudkip howard is PREDICTABLE!
    • Chile
So, it finish with D? :D

I insist, it's CvS Gon, with Tekken 3 and Gon (from SNES) moves :3
Haha, I'm just kidding x3
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[Lifebar] SFZ4:
[Stages] SFII remakes and SF custom:
Re: FeLo & Co
#64  August 15, 2010, 02:33:42 am
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#65  August 15, 2010, 03:56:00 am
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  • so i herd taht mudkip howard is PREDICTABLE!
    • Chile
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[Lifebar] SFZ4:
[Stages] SFII remakes and SF custom:
Re: FeLo & Co
#66  August 29, 2010, 03:23:33 am
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...After exams, summer job, practices and the incoming 2 extra exams, I see it's time for talking a bit about some progress(sprite wise talking):

- Crimson Viper:
- Basic Gethits: DONE
- Special Gethits: 50%
- Dash
- Back Dash
- Getting Up from Crouch
- Side change
- Side chang crouch
- Stand
- Crouch
- Crouching
- Walk Back
- Walk Forward
- Getting up from floor

- Chun Li:
- Gethits: There's a total of 84 gethits, including some animations that are not "exactly" impact receiving, such as blocking, parry, break defense, etc. Just misses 2 things: The specific gethit against "someone's attack" and the roll, which is usually used in SF after falling to the floor in an air impact.
- Some special attacks has their color separation.
- All basics are done.
- Misc: winpose, intro, taunt, etc. I'd talk about an 80% if you're considering the WHOLE thing, but if you're going only with CvS2 had, then put a 100%.
- Rescued attacks&graphically improved things. Around 70% done.
- Some other stuff I don't remember now.

- Cammy:
- Gethits: color separation is 80% done.

I haven't advanced a lot on her, Viper, university and those things, consumed my time :(

- Rose:
- There will be some surprises on her ;)

And I guess it's all for today.

Have a nice day!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#67  August 29, 2010, 03:35:11 am
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Hey, what's up FeLo??
That Crimson Viper looks cool... good luck!!
i hope it results well ;D
Re: FeLo & Co
#68  August 29, 2010, 04:38:08 am
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That's much progress. How nice! :sugoi:
Re: FeLo & Co
#69  August 30, 2010, 07:09:41 pm
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    • Chile
Wow, that`s excellent sprites for those characters. Looks really if they were in CVS games. If you need some help with coding or such tell me.
Re: FeLo & Co
#70  September 04, 2010, 03:13:22 pm
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Thanks people!!

Not sure why I haven't put the image...:S

Here's a sample of the quality and basic color(anyway, it has a color separation in the "in work" palette)

(Of course, mine has bigger boobs, cause Vipah is worth of those ;)!)
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#71  September 04, 2010, 04:38:34 pm
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Very good, Felo. I'd like to see some video of it. How is progress?
Re: FeLo & Co
#72  September 04, 2010, 06:17:49 pm
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Niice, what's the base your using? or is it custom? Honestly i would say you should rip the sprites/models/whatever from SFIV PC to help you a lot more
Re: FeLo & Co
#73  September 04, 2010, 06:22:29 pm
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- Darkgirl: Look at my previous post, in Bold letter (en negrita). I just work the sprites.

- Hien: I'm using C.Viper herself, from SF-IV. In the begining of the character, I was basing on CVS-King, but I re-did EVERYTHING to fit it 100% correctly. And yeah, I'm using the rips from SF-IV ;)
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#74  September 04, 2010, 06:26:52 pm
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Re: FeLo & Co
#75  September 04, 2010, 07:21:33 pm
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Re: FeLo & Co
#76  September 05, 2010, 12:30:14 am
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  • Because Card Fighters Clash 2 wasn't quite as good
awesome work!! though the hips seems a little weird o.o, but i'll live with that  :)
Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 05:37:48 pm by SilentRipper
Re: FeLo & Co
#77  September 05, 2010, 11:09:30 pm
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Holy...! This is some beautiful work! I'm liking what I see, particularly with Viper! :) Keep up the good work man!
Re: FeLo & Co
#78  September 06, 2010, 03:51:29 am
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I am glad to see that you put your life in order, and that your dedication is still as strong as ever.


Re: FeLo & Co
#79  September 12, 2010, 04:02:41 am
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No palette template?


Re: FeLo & Co
#80  September 12, 2010, 05:27:03 am
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There's no character yet.  Felo hasn't even finished all the sprites.  Hold your horses.