But i also want to know, do most Black americans really hate the Boondocks cartoon/comic?
I never saw the episodes (thankfully), but I hated most of the comic strips. There were a few good ones, but most were just.....ugh. It's own "black satire" is what killed it.
Curtis is much, MUCH better.
Thankful for what? Not watching a cartoon? Is it because Aaron McGruder was'nt afraid to satire the truth along with stereotypes providing a message at the end that struck a nerve to make you feel guilty?
Im a Black Man and The Boondocks is one of the most Funny and Thought invoking cartoons to ever come out.
I read The Boondocks strip and i still read Curtis since i was in the 4th grade and Curtis is completely different obviously.
Im glad that Uncle rucker is is in the cartoon and the cartoon is considered Canon now. Yeah the Fight Scenes are doone by Madhouse (Cowboy Bebop, Desert Punk) and its seems to have more of them but thats only to draw a newer audience.
The key word there is "own." I see nothing black involved in any aspect of that show. All I see is the same thing repeated, repeated, and repeated . I mean, I've seen kids laugh at Uncle Ruckus saying, "I love white people. I hate black people." for 30-something episodes.
Do you know what Uncle Ruckus character is for?
He does'nt just say he hates Black people for no reason. He explains and Rants because Aaron McGruder uses his expression say what white uppity people think about Ignorant Blacks in High Cirlces. If Uncle Ruckus was a white man Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the other Non N-word using activist would have work for the next 5 years protesting the show. Only cause Aaron McGruder (The creator) is Black this is Overlooked most of the time.
I guess you'd be the perfect person to ask [I mean at least you added a little reason], what exactly is it about that show that makes you, err ah, people, actually laugh?_?
Since im People i'll just say the Show is actually good because its hits the satiracle parts right on the head.
I mean Did you ever see the episode with Thugnificent's version of cribs? The overexaggeration on the references is what make it worthwhile.
Look at this scene where riley platinum chain that Thugnificent gave him gets stolen and he goes back to get it.
Pay attention to who has the chain. Yeah a White Kid, A Big White Kid who appears on Maury show and Knock out the Scared straight mediator lol! Not so stereotypical is'nt it?
Its show the same shit happens to anybody White or Black.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=073HUo2NnEYFunny part is he takes busta rhymes with him to get the chain back.
You have to see what happen after that and the message that goes with it.