
Possible Pocket Fighter + other games in a tourney? (Read 2115 times)

Started by MR. IBZS II, August 04, 2013, 03:57:31 am
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Possible Pocket Fighter + other games in a tourney?
#1  August 04, 2013, 03:57:31 am
  • *****
  • Super Mario Fighters 3 resurrected.
    • USA
Should other fighting games be playable in tourneys, like Pocket Fighter, Rakuga Kids, Castlevania Judgement, Power Stone, and others? Unless, they already appeared in them, so please note any games that need a tourney or tournament.
Re: Possible Pocket Fighter + other games in a tourney?
#2  August 04, 2013, 04:01:09 am
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
okay you are hereby banned of making threads.