I present to you...
Garfieldfan's Factory!
This, obviously, is where I show off what I'm working on, be it a solo effort or a collab with one or more authors. Only characters will be shown off here (either via images or through Streamable showcases, which you can always find through the characters' Recent Showcase section), not stages or the like... at least not normally, as I might drop a small peak of those here and there.
Current WIPs:
Garfield (With WlanmaniaX)Current Status: What's On Now?, some tweaks, other additional (but unimportant) things
Recent Showcase: HereBeta Released? YesYes, the fat cat himself. I've been working on him on and off for 2 years now, mainly because I don't want anything to be broken or too overpowered. He more or less plays like a polished version of a Wlan character... so basically more like a MvC character (aside from a rather gimmick-y special). Only except I plan to add a few extra things to him.