
Gouken updated (01/04/2022) (Read 25389 times)

Started by KarmaCharmeleon, March 25, 2022, 06:56:13 pm
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Gouken updated (01/04/2022)
#1  March 25, 2022, 06:56:13 pm
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  • In a few minutes, bitch
    • Germany

While this is a proud release version of Gouken, I doubt it will be the definitive version of him. He will probably get more sprites in the future (mainly to cover default CvS2 system animations, maybe some more Intro/Win poses) and even a secondary boss mode (which is already in the character although not finished and hence not available). I hope you guys enjoy him in the meantime, as I feel it's already a pretty good character. Thank you so much for all the support and huge shoutouts to benhazard for making this character possible in the first place :)

Spoiler: <v.02/04/2022> (click to see content)
Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 10:26:47 pm by KarmaCharmeleon
Re: Gouken released
#2  March 25, 2022, 07:00:33 pm
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  • "Forgeddaboudit"
  • Squawkabilly
    • Romania
Finally, our uncle karate was unleashed. Thanks for making.
Re: Gouken released
#3  March 25, 2022, 07:01:53 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
OMG YES, the release!
Is it normal that I'm more hyped to play this Gouken than any commercial fighting game character announced? LOL.
Thanks for all the hardwork.
Your coding + Benhazard's sprite work can only make a masterpiece result.
Re: Gouken released
#4  March 25, 2022, 07:48:22 pm
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    • Netherlands
Grats on his release!

I never been a Gouken player but he seems solid so far.

The only feedback I have is that he seems to have no voice clip upon (regular) K.O.
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Gouken released
#5  March 25, 2022, 07:50:17 pm
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  • I must continue my training...
I like the different style this Gouken brings in comparison to Infinite's. And he compliments Pot's new releases as well. A very worthy additions to anyone's roster.

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best.

Mugen is a way for me to remain nostalgic with all of the dream matches I cooked up as a kid. It's also what I call a "Digital Action Figure Collection."
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Re: Gouken released
#6  March 25, 2022, 08:03:05 pm
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Nice, that was quick. I did a few minutes of testing as I don't have much time for now, will test him more later. For now, I found a few things:
- Sakotsu Wari is listed as F + b, while I think you meant F + y.
- Tenmakujinkyaku is listed as DF + k, but I can do it with just D, and only with MK, not all kicks.
- In the Move Details section, Tatsumaki Gorasen is listed as being both upper body invincible and fully invincible, I think you meant EX Tatsumaki Gorasen is fully invincible.
- He has no KO sound, as the sound is group 11 index 1, instead of 11, 0, and there is no code to activate it.
- The AI will often charge Gohadouken when in a good distance from the opponent, and will not fire it until is too late, resulting in spamming projectiles being a cheap and easy way to win against him:

Other than that, great release as always. :)
Re: Gouken released
#7  March 25, 2022, 09:42:30 pm
  • ******
    • Portugal
He's pretty fun. I didn't really fire SF4 for comparisons so I'm going from memory and feel on some things here. Gouken was the only char I mained in SF4, not that I played it very long.

- I think you should destroyself the angled Hadouken if it leaves the top of the screen, so he can fire another one
- Too much startup on his overhead
- Too little startup on far hard kick
- Far light kick doesn't look like it should be rapid fire. Close could be, though
- Fireball Clsn2's look mismatched with the sprites
- On that note, the fireballs seem to linger for a few frames after being hit by other fireballs
- He can dive kick from a back jump
- Back throw should have more startup. It's how they balanced its uniqueness in SF4. I think the tech window was longer than normal too
- I think missed throw attempts should have more recovery. I'm guilty of that too but at least I can blame SFA3
- Normal fireballs seem very small spritewise
- Kung Fu Man can crouch under Hadouken
- EX Hadouken doesn't have the charging sound. On that not why not use Gouken's own? I think he had one at least
- Tatsumaki spin sounds don't sound good. All versions. On a related note I don't know why people removed the shared channel in the "whiff" sounds
- Neutral hop attacks should use the animation for angled jump attacks
- Demon flip vels feel weird. Admittedly that may just be me. The throw follow-up definitely looks different, though
- His regular and MAX supers are all very samey
- Both MAX supers should have a bit more invulnerable frames
- I miss his Shin Shoryuken hit sounds
- EX Hadouken charge effect is smaller than the regular version
- I think back throw should not have selectable direction. Doesn't feel right and it's confusing. I think P2 goes too high as  well
- I think full Denjin Hadouken would feel better if the wall bounce had the typical velocities
- Denjin Hadouken (no charge) has too much startup. No need because it's not an ultra anymore
- I think you should pack more damage in the first hit of Shoryuken so that cancelling it into Tatsumaki does more total damage
- Related to the above, but MAX Shinkuu Tatsumaki needs to juggle better. He has no usable "Dream" cancels otherwise
- Not your fault but close hard kick custom combo looks comical, hehe. Like Chun-Li's Hyakuretsu
- Senkugoshoha looks weird because he only punches after losing all momentum
- Shin Shoryuken should be unblockable after the freeze
- I don't like that you made angled jumping MP juggle in tight combos but not in the combos where it's supposed to

Hope it helps.
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Re: Gouken released
#8  March 25, 2022, 10:18:45 pm
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  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
  • Competitive MUGEN when?
    • UK
Well here's the feedback I promised. PotS covered a shit ton but I have a few things to point out.
I do agree with a lot of points above, namely the lack of Lvl1 to Lvl2 damage and potential. Anyways, back to me:

- Various hitboxes like those of the high Hadoukens and EX Tatsumaki Gorasen are too thin and whiff on certain characters if their hurtboxes are too small.
- The Fully Charged Diagonal Hadoukens lack some transparency.
- The EX Flash Sound cuts off for EX Hyakkishu's followups.
- Hyakki Gosai doesn't do real damage (only 7 per hit).
- EX Kongoshin could do with a tad more damage.
- Why not give Shinkuu Tatsumaki a voice clip? He does already have a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku voice at the ready.
WIP Schedule:
The next Street Fighter All-Stars update
Re: Gouken released
#9  March 25, 2022, 11:02:59 pm
  • ***
  • From the Republic of the Little Bananas
    • Brazil
Here's some feedback:
- Hyakki Goheki doesn't hit
- The wind effect on his fully charged hadoken is so subtle that I can't notice, however the upwards versions lacks transparency.
Other than that people already pointed some other things that I noticed.

* Tested in Mugen 1.0.
Re: Gouken released
#10  March 25, 2022, 11:30:54 pm
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  • Runs his mouth more than he does actually play
    • USA
Here's some feedback:
- Hyakki Goheki doesn't hit
- The wind effect on his fully charged hadoken is so subtle that I can't notice, however the upwards versions lacks transparency.
Other than that people already pointed some other things that I noticed.

* Tested in Mugen 1.0.

I don't think Hyakki Goheki is supposed to hit. It's really more like an aerial parry, especially since it's done from a demon flip.

There really isn't much I have to say about him. He plays nice, he has some pretty good buttons, but I'm not good at using stuff like the demon flip and the counters so I'm probably not getting the most mileage out of him.
Re: Gouken released
#11  March 25, 2022, 11:34:02 pm
  • ***
Weirdly, his Hadouken gets stuck in the wall of some stages with zoom, although it only happened in a stage that is a fusion of Jack's AOF1 and AOF2 stages.
Re: Gouken released
#12  March 25, 2022, 11:53:15 pm
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Gouken released
#13  March 26, 2022, 12:27:56 am
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  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
For my feedback, I'm just going to focus mostly on aesthetics only:
-I don't like the idea of having a 2nd hitbox near his legs on his standing, crouching and get hits as certain moves can hit certain places where it shouldn't.
-His taunt doesn't have a landing effect and envshake when he stomps the ground like Senkugoshoha.
-Raikotokyaku uses a normal ground shockwave instead of a strong one when he slams the opponent to the ground and has a strong punch hit sound when there was no hitspark.
-The projectile hit sound will still play one tick after if it was parried.
-The swing sound on Hyakki Gojin cuts off when he touches the ground.
-Kongoshin doesn't have a voice clip when countering.
-The EX sound on EX Kongoshin cuts off when he successfully counters an attack.
-On EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, he moves so fast when you press forward, but so slow when press backwards (The speed should be even for both directions).
-If you managed to get the back leg of EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku to connect, a hit sound will be heard, but no hitspark or guard spark will appear.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Gouken released
#14  March 26, 2022, 01:39:55 am
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  • From the Republic of the Little Bananas
    • Brazil
I don't think Hyakki Goheki is supposed to hit. It's really more like an aerial parry, especially since it's done from a demon flip.

Yeah, you're right, since Akuma have a similar move I thought it worked the same way.
+ I just noticed a wrong color In his stance animation, it's between his belt and top gi, it's noticeable with his alternate palettes.
Last Edit: March 26, 2022, 05:18:08 am by Lurker
Re: Gouken released
#15  March 26, 2022, 02:37:05 am
  • **
    • USA
This Gouken is awesome! Thanks for the release!
Re: Gouken released
#16  March 26, 2022, 04:51:30 am
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  • The other Indian
    • India
Weirdly, his Hadouken gets stuck in the wall of some stages with zoom, although it only happened in a stage that is a fusion of Jack's AOF1 and AOF2 stages.

Sounds like a stage bounds problem and not a character flaw.
Re: Gouken released
#17  March 26, 2022, 06:04:50 am
  • ***
  • 1-Up
I've been looking forward to this character ever since I've first seen sprites of him and it's really nice to finally see him in action. That being said, I did find some things that, in my opinion, might still need a bit of polish.

Admittedly, it's been a while since I've played Gouken in SF4, but the damage of his demon flip grab doesn't seem right, as it barely does any.
His crouching MK barely has any reach at all. I know it wasn't great in SF4, either, but it seems kind of exaggerated here.

He's also missing a few sprites, or rather, he sometimes transforms into Ryu. This can be seen when he's thrown by another Gouken's P throw.

And this is purely cosmetic, but I think the after images for his supers should be blue (lv1) and purple (lv2) instead of having no tint for his lv1 and blue tint for his lv2.
His fully charged LP hadoken also doesn't have the darker swirl around it. This is also true for the horizontal EX hadoken.

Edit: He could also need some adjustments to his width during some of his attacks (like his close MK or close HK):
Last Edit: March 26, 2022, 06:23:58 am by Toni
Re: Gouken released
#18  March 26, 2022, 08:17:46 am
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  • Online
The afterimage colors are just a PotS style trademark, it's been like that for all characters in this style. :P
Re: Gouken released
#19  March 26, 2022, 09:11:22 am
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  • 1-Up
Ah, that's what I get for playing too much with PotS' updated characters. You're right, his old chars did have the colors like that.  :P Oh well, maybe something to keep in mind for a possible PotS 2.0 style remaster in ten years from now...
Re: Gouken released
#20  March 26, 2022, 04:33:22 pm
  • ***
Weirdly, his Hadouken gets stuck in the wall of some stages with zoom, although it only happened in a stage that is a fusion of Jack's AOF1 and AOF2 stages.

Sounds like a stage bounds problem and not a character flaw.

Actually yes, when i discovered that i was playing as Gouken, but it also happens with any other projectile. Sorry about that.