
Help with Tag Mode (Read 3430 times)

Started by GaziraAgain, April 06, 2024, 11:25:51 pm
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Help with Tag Mode
#1  April 06, 2024, 11:25:51 pm
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When I see Ikemen Go videos with people playing Tag mode at the start of the round the second character goes out of the screen and you can call him/her during the battle. But in my case, when I start the round both characters are on the stage and do the same... it's like simul but controling the two characters. I add Pots active tag system and it's the same. What I need to do for can play Tag mode well? Thank you very much.
Re: Help with Tag Mode
#2  April 20, 2024, 03:42:12 am
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What version of Ikemen are you using? Also, what characters are you using? I've never seen that. Does it do that even if you're picking Kung Fu Man?
Re: Help with Tag Mode
#3  April 20, 2024, 10:51:26 am
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I use 0.99 version and it happens with all characters. Maybe it's because I disable Simul Mode in the main.lua file?

Yes, it seems that this is the problem. I try to play with a new Ikemen with Simul mode enabled and Tag Mode works fine. Problem solved, thanks!
Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 11:07:06 am by GaziraAgain
Re: Help with Tag Mode
#4  April 20, 2024, 05:42:11 pm
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No problem!
Re: Help with Tag Mode
New #5  April 20, 2024, 09:17:21 pm
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I have redone the fight.def file step by step and the error was in the round section and in the start.waittime = it originally had the value 0, I have changed it to 30 which is the default and it now works well! I have no idea why but... works!
Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 12:12:44 am by GaziraAgain