
TurtleWax (Read 4518 times)

Started by wardy, February 07, 2024, 10:32:55 am
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#1  February 07, 2024, 10:32:55 am
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 Hi, fairly new here. Been reading about buffering systems and found turtle wax for Ikemen Go. Issue is that there isn't much info out there on it specifically so I'm not sure how to use it. I know you copy the buffering.lua to your chars folder. But that is about it.

Managed to add the EXPLODsive Buffering system to a char 4y ago using jmorphs Ken to figure it out. Was a beginner then and life has kept me busy since, so still a beginner, but trying to learn again. I know EXPLODsive is no longer being developed and has largely been replaced anyway, otherwise I'd relearn that. The Git page is written for someone that has more experience in char editing it seems.

1. Are there any characters that use this system anyone knows of that I can take a look at? Or any good tutorials?

2. Would reading up on using the original Deep Buffering help or confuse me more?

3. Do different buffering systems "feel" different when playing your roster? Eg. You have POTS style Ken on EXPLOD and POTS Ryu on TW. (I know POTS Ryu has a buffering system already, just an example.)
Re: TurtleWax
#2  February 07, 2024, 12:02:04 pm
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1. You're probably better off asking in the Ikemen Discord since Kamekaze and Jesuszilla hang out there. Or check out the TMNTxJL game. I'm not sure it can be added that easily to individual characters though since it uses a Lua script.

My chars use my own buffer system which uses only native features (no Lua).

2. Maybe confuse you more since that code uses bit shifting, which is not necessary in Ikemen. But the theory may teach you something about fighting game inputs (mostly classic Capcom I think, in this case)

3. They do. Especially after you realize the bugs and limitations of each system.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: TurtleWax
#3  February 09, 2024, 01:35:31 am
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 Thanks for the info!

 I've grabbed TMNTxJL, will look at the char files. It's made with an older version of TW where a buffer file in the char root is not needed but everything else should be the same. I also went ahead and ran through Tiny and Deep buffer. Helped put TW in context and also a great write-up on the history of inputs for fighting games. Hopefully with info on how Deep is implemented and TMNTxJL I can figure things out. I'll also ask on the Discord for any future questions.