;Victory screen definition
;This is the screen that is shown when you win a match in arcade mode.
;It will not be displayed on the last match of arcade mode.
[Victory Screen]
enabled = 1
sounds.enabled = 0 ;Ikemen feature
time = 6000 ;Time to show screen
fadein.time = 10
fadeout.time = 40
;Winner's portrait and name
p1.offset = 0,0
p1.spr = 9000,2
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = 0.25,0.25
p1.window = 0,0, 1280,720
p1.name.offset = 60,540
p1.name.font = 3,3,1
;Win quote text
winquote.text = "- You are the winner! Get ready for the next battle! -" ;Default win quote text to show
winquote.offset = 45,615
winquote.spacing = 0, 0 ;Ikemen feature
winquote.font = 5,0,1
winquote.window = 38,521, 1235,708
winquote.textwrap = w ;Word wrap
winquote.delay = 3 ;Ikemen feature
winquote.time = 0 ;Ikemen feature
;Victory screen background
[VictoryBG 04] ;Background
type = normal
spriteno = 350,13
start = 0,0
layerno = 0
mask = 1
[VictoryBG 01]
type = anim
actionno = 360
; Circle glowing ring
[Begin Action 360]
350,12, 0,400, 5000, , , 1,1, 1 ;(more ticks = slower rotation/animation)
interpolate angle
350,12, 0,400, 1, , , 1,1, 360
[VictoryBG 0] ;sunglow
type = normal
spriteno = 350,15
start = 0,30
layerno = 0
mask = 1
[VictoryBG 03] ;sun
type = normal
spriteno = 350,16
start = 0,30
layerno = 0
mask = 1
[VictoryBG 07] ;Textbox
type = normal
spriteno = 350,14
start = 0,0
layerno = 0
mask = 1
[TitleBG 06] ;static
type = anim
actionno = 52
layerno = 1
start = 0,0
mask = 1
; Static
[Begin Action 52]
721,0, 0,0, 3, , A
721,1, 0,0, 3, , A
721,2, 0,0, 3, , A
721,3, 0,0, 3, , A
721,4, 0,0, 3, , A
721,5, 0,0, 3, , A
721,6, 0,0, 3, , A
721,7, 0,0, 3, , A
721,8, 0,0, 3, , A
721,9, 0,0, 3, , A
721,10, 0,0, 3, , A
721,11, 0,0, 3, , A
721,12, 0,0, 3, , A
721,13, 0,0, 3, , A
721,14, 0,0, 3, , A
721,15, 0,0, 3, , A
721,16, 0,0, 3, , A
721,17, 0,0, 3, , A
721,18, 0,0, 3, , A
721,19, 0,0, 3, , A
721,20, 0,0, 3, , A
721,21, 0,0, 3, , A
721,22, 0,0, 3, , A
721,23, 0,0, 3, , A
721,24, 0,0, 3, , A
721,25, 0,0, 3, , A
721,26, 0,0, 3, , A
721,27, 0,0, 3, , A
721,28, 0,0, 3, , A
721,29, 0,0, 3, , A