
Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade & Versus Mode) (Read 317289 times)

Started by GaziraAgain, April 08, 2024, 11:05:58 pm
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Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#21  May 04, 2024, 12:22:59 pm
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Portrait update for Million Arthur Arcana Blood characters, let's start with:

Iai Arthur

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Thief Arthur

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Yamaneko Arthur

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See you soon with more portraits and extras!
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#22  May 07, 2024, 10:32:37 pm
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Lifebar main animations are clear! I add combo messages too. So now I need to put effort with Double Down, Draw and Time Over animations. I need to fix some things but I hope next week I have it. Here I leave you a video to show us the advances, I hope you like it!
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#23  May 12, 2024, 08:44:10 pm
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More portraits and extras for Melty Blood Type Lumina characters, let's start with:

Powered Ciel

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Red Arcueid

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Count of Monte Cristo

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Dead Apostle Noel

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Next Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, see you soon!
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#24  May 16, 2024, 11:55:51 pm
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Important update with the animations of the Distortion and Hyper Finish backgrounds. Big thanks to Hexioum for ripping the animations. For my part, I have added the animations of the portraits and other images that intervene in the animation. This looks very good! We won't see you soon with the final version, see you soon!

Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#25  May 21, 2024, 09:59:50 pm
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News in the lifebars, I still have a few things left to tweak and I'm already releasing the final version. In this and thanks to the help of Hexioum you can see the lifebars above the Distortion background that was missing. It has also helped me to make it disappear without any failure.
I have tweaked and adjusted all the life bars and powerbars.
3D effect in the cross-shaped image of the fight animation.
Images for combo messages.
In the next post you can find the download link too, see you soon!

Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#26  June 02, 2024, 11:38:46 am
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Return to the portraits and extras, now it's turn for Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax characters, let's start with:


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More portraits of the same game characters soon! And I continue working with the Cross Tag Battle lifebars, I need to finish some little things and soon it's finished!
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#27  June 08, 2024, 01:10:50 pm
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Lifebar released!!!

Here I leave you the portraits to finish the first part of the game Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, let's start with:


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More Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax portraits and extras very soon, I hope you like it!
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#28  June 16, 2024, 06:46:52 pm
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More Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax portraits and extras, let's start with:


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I start to work with the Versus mode of the screnpack, see you soon!
Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 06:50:40 pm by GaziraAgain
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#29  June 17, 2024, 11:17:57 pm
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One more, from Blazblue Central Fiction, Izayoi:

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I have created a special template for the versus portraits that were badly cut due to their size, now they look much better! There are few to coordinate so I will release them all in one pack and how to install them, it is very easy.

Regarding the versus version, it is already working, but not entirely well... I have separated the portrait into two images, in the first the illustration of the char and in the second the small portrait and the name, this should go above the effect of light but I can't, not even using layerno = 1 or 2, would anyone know how to do it?

Here the code that I use:
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In this way and only by changing the second portrait it would be possible to create both modes very easily.
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#30  June 20, 2024, 07:37:00 pm
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Here I leave you a pack with the adapted versus portraits. In these cases you will find 2 portraits since the angle of player 1 is different from that of player 2. The first continues at 9000.10 and the second must go at 9000.15. Now you just have to rewrite this code in the .air file (you can also find it in the file you download).
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You will see that some portraits continue to be a little cut off, that is because there is only one pX.window and this is configured for the second portrait. If another portrait is added and it can be configured, it will look good, we will have to wait.

This pack contains versus portraits for:

Iron Tager

Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
Neo Politan

Under Night In-Birth

Melty Blood Type Lumina

Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax

Guilty Gear Xrd

Now little update with Katalina and Belial from Grandblue Fantasy Versus:


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See you soon with portraits and extras for King Of Fighters XII characters.
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#31  June 25, 2024, 12:34:49 am
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Blazblue Battle Coliseum Verus Mode in progress!

P1 and P2 portraits works fine with it respective screenpack. You only need to change the 9000,1 portrait for play both versions. See you soon!
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#32  July 07, 2024, 08:06:13 pm
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Hello everyone, here I leave you the progress of the 2-player version of the screenpack. I have already added the selectable games and I have converted the select portraits so that you can easily play both versions.
I need to try it for a couple of days to see if everything goes correctly.
See you soon!

Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#33  July 08, 2024, 11:04:22 pm
  • *
    • UK
Hello everyone, here I leave you the progress of the 2-player version of the screenpack. I have already added the selectable games and I have converted the select portraits so that you can easily play both versions.
I need to try it for a couple of days to see if everything goes correctly.
See you soon!


Looks good so far!
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#34  July 09, 2024, 07:06:18 pm
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Thank you very much! I think everything is good now but I test a little more to see if something is wrong.
In this new version, including the Arcade mode I create an intro for the select screen with layerno=1 so the problem with the first flyer, you need to wait 2 seconds to see it is fixed. I include a rank font not an image so depending the mode you can see rank. And some changes in the animations of versus and winner.
But you need a little of work changing portraits...
See you durning this week for the final release.
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade Mode)
#35  July 14, 2024, 11:49:38 am
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Here I leave you the two-player version of the Blazblue Battle Coliseum screenpack. There are important improvements compared to the previous version (Arcade). This version has also been updated with all the improvements. Inside the compressed you will find the folders with the files that you must copy or replace. I have also added portraits for your stages and finally I have uploaded another file with all the corrected select portraits since in this version the portrait 9000.1 is used for both modes and the 9000.2 is only for the versus mode and the 9000.3 for arcade mode. You will find a file (Readme) with the new code that you must add to the .air file of each character. I guess you won't have any problems doing it, here are the links, I hope you like it!

I put here and in the first post the link for the screenpack:

And here you can download in a pack all select character portraits for this updated version:

Now all the portraits that appear have Arcade and Versus mode art. Now the only change that remains it's add versus and winner character names, I hope I can do it soon.
Well I continue with King of Fighters XII soon.
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade & Versus Mode)
#36  July 14, 2024, 09:31:31 pm
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    • UK
Hello, Just to point out, There's no templates in the Versus Version or any templates for the new versions in general (As It's still the old versions) & also, Shouldn't there be a sample character for the versus one?, It would make sense if you don't want one (Since Arcade did have Ragna by OHMSBY as a sample for Arcade with it's portraits added)
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade & Versus Mode)
#37  July 14, 2024, 11:31:41 pm
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The templates that I include are Stage and Small portraits. You can take any 9000,1 image like a template for character's artwork. For small portraits I upload all small faces that the screenpack have and then you can modify it, but I have included almost all the characters that appear in the Arcade version. This week I will upload the file ok? See you soon.
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade & Versus Mode)
#38  July 15, 2024, 08:06:09 pm
  • *
    • UK
Just to point out for portraitscale, Since I'm trying to get the name to properly fit in without problems, How do I necessarily fix that? (Since in the video, It managed to fit in but mine doesn't)
Last Edit: July 15, 2024, 08:12:24 pm by PhoenixPhantom
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade & Versus Mode)
#39  July 15, 2024, 11:46:25 pm
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You need to use portraitscale in all characters that doesn't have scale x and y = 1 in their .cns This is only in low res characters. To use portraitscale well you need to divide 1 with the .cns scale, for example, if the scale of the char it's x=0.5 and y=0.5 portraitscale = 2,2

Blazblue, Under Night in-Birth and P4 Arena use the same scales, then the rest but you need to calculate one and the other of the same game use equal.
Re: Blazblue Battle Coliseum (Arcade & Versus Mode)
#40  July 31, 2024, 07:55:00 pm
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I'm finishing the second version of the screenpack, this one designed for low res chars. In this version you can find more than 70 selectable games, some repeated but with different characters from the saga. Here is a small sample of the game selection.

In order not to do exactly the same in this version, the versus and winner animations are taken from the Blazblue Continuum Shift game.

And I do another one based on Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend.

See you soon!