StormEX--Red Fusion. said, 14 years agoOK so i gave it a try and i didn't feel much of anything? Maby because i was rejecting the fact that it works! Also it tasted like SHIT!!!
TempesT said, 14 years agoOMFG HAHADon't listen to people on the internet >.<If I tell you not to drink your own piss, does that mean you'd do it?No, it does not.Listen to me.Don't drink your own piss.And now you know~
I did it not because you guys told me to but because i was interested in finding out myself. Its not the worst thing on earth a person can do so I'm not ashamed of doing it. however i did washed the holy fuck out of my mouth with baking soda,tooth paste, and mouth wash. . So no harm done..!That shit was still better then a Five hour Energy!
[Krizalid] said, 14 years ago User got +Respect for Reply #48yeah i'm willing to agree with this, if only because he didn't try to backpedal like a bitch
Now, to be honest, for Urinetherapy to work, it must be your first urine in the morning ... you know, the one that comes out almost brown and stuff (TRUE STORY). So yeah, the question above is relevant.
ShoShingo said, 14 years ago[Krizalid] said, 14 years ago User got +Respect for Reply #48yeah i'm willing to agree with this, if only because he didn't try to backpedal like a bitch Well yeah if i say i'm ganna do something 80% of the time i do. I'm no Bitch. [Krizalid] said, 14 years agoHe drank that urine like a Champion, like a true erudite of scientific research.Much restepc. Thank you! The after taste really wasn't what i'd expected, not good not bad, just so so i'd say. c001357 said, 14 years agowas it clear or yellowthis is important 45% White 55% Yellow.
Haha, everyone loves StormEX now!! He's a pretty cool guys, he drinks his own pee and doesn't afraid of anyone.