PMs. I hope this is enough to prove the guy's mindset. The fun side: watch me lose my patience over this guy. The sad side: I've taught whole classes of six year olds and never lost my temper that much. This whole part was with Volzilla. Guess who is who in each post. 
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i think you might be misunderstanding something from me. that initial comment in the release, wasn't just something i typed out for here. it was a promo comment i posted everywhere and just cut and paste it here.
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Well, I'm glad you wrote. Smiley
First, lemme tell ya I mean no animosity towards you or your team, dude. I understood you probably were just advertising your character. The advice I gave you also covered advertising: most people don't like it, but if you are gonna do it, at least do it properly.
Wanna be liked here? List all the bugs fixed (specially infinites), the sprites added, show some screens with reasonable CLSNs, and add 'BETA'.
DO NOT talk about AI any more. That is pretty much a drawback to most people here, because they'll think your priorities are wrong.
The worthwhile people don't give a rat's ass about if your char is from your team, ScruffyDragon, IMT, EOH or whatever. They're just sick of broken MvC gameplay, just like Batman's. Take feedback less seriously, but FIX the stuff pointed, or just ignore it. NEVER contradict it. If they are out of line, someone else will stop them.
Wanna check a properly-coded MvC character?
Check MystikBlaze's Evil Ryu (has awful CLSNs, though).
Wanna learn a lot about game balance and character polishing?
Read the two links I posted.
That's the best advice I can give you, dude.
Wish you lots of luck with your project.
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no offense, but i and cvg could care less about the bulk of the population here not caring for AI.
comic mugen char fans like their AI, and that is who we are targeting. we're hoping to find those people that prefer those kinds of characters, but don't know about cvg.
plus, he was very proud of his ai work, so thats reason enough for me to point it out. couple that with i was impressed with it, and done deal.
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Quote from: volzzilla on August 29, 2009, 11:13:28 PM
no offense, but i and cvg could care less about the bulk of the population here not caring for AI.
Then get ready for the bulk of the population here not appreciating it. And missing the most worthwhile feedback. Or do you only want 'Nice Car +1' posts?
Quote from: volzzilla on August 29, 2009, 11:13:28 PM
comic mugen char fans like their AI, and that is who we are targeting. we're hoping to find those people that prefer those kinds of characters, but don't know about cvg.
Ok, but you DO know that your targeted population is not the majority here, right?
Quote from: volzzilla on August 29, 2009, 11:13:28 PM
plus, he was very proud of his ai work, so thats reason enough for me to point it out. couple that with i was impressed with it, and done deal.
You don't seem to understand the situation here. This place is not about replying 'If you don't like it don't download' when people post feedback. It's more 'If you don't like feedback then don't post your stuff'.
This also goes for your Guyver topic. If you keep handling things this way, you are gonna lose even more credibility. If you want to get more appreciation, then have your team read the careful guides PotS made.
http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=99092.0http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=79268.0If people see you try to improve your stuff instead of just defending, they will react better.
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well, i've put up with that POS for too long and i'm tired of it and i dont give a crap if he was giving "feedback" or not. he's hounded me for months here. my goal is to piss him off so much he'll decide to never post in my threads again. so anything else that happens beyond that, not caring if i can get that result as it will be a win.
besides, if this place doesn't have much of the target audience, what am i losing, nothing.
and yes, i know, not many people here in that regard, but there are some and i know for a fact we've found some, so again, win there.
to be honest, you all think the guild is the greatest place, but as much as it doesn't like the comic mugen focus places, the feeling is mutual. i keep getting told all the time to just ignore this place, and when i got to deal with orochi and people attacking me for being fed up with his bullshit, i have to agree.
the only person that was even worth while regarding the POS in response was Hank Venture. but his strategy was tested long ago and failed. everyone else isn't listening to me at all saying some crap about "deal with feedback". obviously they arent listening to a word i say. its about putting up with his crap for months and for the most part trying to turn the other cheek. so my goal now is to make the asshole look like a fool as that worked in the past, so might as well do it again.
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I think you should make up your mind: do you come here to improve your creations? Then this is the best place. 'Comic' MUGEN communities won't give as useful feedback as this place.
Do you come here to get 'Nice car+1!' posts? You won't. 'Comic' MUGEN communities will probably give you more of those.
Do you come here for advertising? Like it or not, this is the oldest and biggest place in the MUGEN world, with the most users and creators. So, if you want the publicity, this IS the best place.
But you will have to deal with the place's rules (both the explicit and the implicit ones).
Improve your creations, fix the stuff, and people will stop shitposting. Keep your defensive attitude, and even more people will shitpost.
Did you start reading the topics on MUGEN creation improvement I gave you?
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total misconception the guild has about comic char mugen fans. i've seen great feedback all the time...hell, i've given it myself on numerous occasions.
and like i said, its been about 2 things mainly, showing off things that fall through the cracks and finding the comic mugen fans that also fall through the cracks here that don't know about places like CVG.
you might think this place has a ton of great feedback people, but for the most part, the comic mugen community thinks this place is full of loud mouths that enjoy just being obnoxious...and i can't help but agree.
so i'm at a crossroads, keep doing what i'm doing, or stop because i'm sick of assholes like orochi and the little cronies that enjoy pushing that shit further and not listening to my gripe to begin with. the titiln post i made was massive evidence. what do i get after it, shit on.
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My personal experience in MUGEN Comic forums is just 'Nice car +1' or sprite feedback (heck, there are great spriters there).
But most coders there suck really hard... just Loganir, maybe. Heck, the templates they made for 'MvC' gameplay have awful, awful flaws.
If you are at crossroads, my advice is this: either you stay here for publicity and start ignoring people (NOT replying to them, just post your stuff and maybe lock the topic), or leave.
Those who care will find you even if you leave, anyway.
And please, give you creators the two topics I pointed you to. They are REALLY useful.
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then you've missed a lot regarding feedback by comic char fans. in fact, at CVG we have a whole board dedicated such a thing that i started. i write out a review (maybe biased to some degree on occasion and lacking in some technical know-how, but still honest and respectful feedback) and it encourages others to do the same.
and i've seen a ton in other places too...including, gasp, imt.
but probably not a good idea to tell them something the guild says in that regard. most people i know react to the guild similarly to the way the guild reacts to hearing the name kong. (and i like his colossus and some of his other chars alot. though detest magneto and some others)
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Have you even read the guidelines I pointed you to? This is like the 4th time I've asked you. :p
And don't get me started on Kong, dude. You just obviously have different standards than most of us have. The kind of high-level-technical-feedback I've seen @ MUGEN comic forums is next to null, and your liking of Kong's chars proves me this is NOT wrong.
We obviously have a different idea of what is useful feedback.
I respect your ideas and creation methods, but you also have to respect that the guys here have differents views and will probably regard whatever you release as crap due to this difference in standards.
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then that should be my answer right there on if i should listen to my friends and drop this place if whoever is going to give me crap based off whatever.
like i said, i like some of the kong comic chars, not all.
and no i didnt read the guidelines, and i'm not going to. little difficult to pay any mind to some things said here when respect is certainly not high on priorities here. in fact, thats our #1 rule at CVG, respect people. here, i don't even think that concept is considered by a bulk of the population.
that might piss you off, but look at it from my perspective. i get greif from a dickhead and does anyone come to my defense, even after i post damning evidence? no. instead its more bullshit for other loudmouths.
you might think this place is great, but its biggest flaw is rudeness and disrespect, and no matter who doesn't act like that, they are all believed to be seen in that same light because there is such a large majority that are actually like that.
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and no i didnt read the guidelines, and i'm not going to.
A shame, because that's what real help and feedback is about.
Dude, what you just seem to show is an utter lack of will to improve your creations, expect people to answer in only 'NICE CAR +1!!!' comments, while you badmouth the place I call home. You are breaking every single non-written rule and expect people to comply to your standards.
Who is the one being disrespectful?
And if you get shit from people here, the best way is to answer with A FUCKIN' IMPROVED CREATION. That's it. Any other thing will just lead to more drama.
I think this conversation is over.
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in fact, you want me to listen to you, tell that asshole to back the fuck off. feedback is one thing (assuming its done a week or so far in the future) i'm talking about the bullshit he's given me for months upon months, as evidenced by the Titiln quotes.
til then, i'm sticking to my opinion of this place.
i already decided not to post a couple releases here, as well as made diff plans for another. and i did have plans to make some wide ranging WIP topic here, but don't think thats happening now.
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As I said, the conversation is over. This is Guild, not your place. If I go to your CVGWhatever forum, I'll learn YOUR manners. Here, you have to get used to US.
Talk to me after you've read the two topics I linked you.
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um, your not listening to me at all. i've said orochi has been disrespectful to me for months. and it wasn't about creations, it was just him seeing an opportunity to be a dick and taking it.
and this attitude gets either praised by the guild, or overlooked by jackasses that don't listen chalking it all up to, "He can't take guild feedback"
shit, i've not even made a damn thing. i'm just getting into sprite editing. up to now its been mugen promotion, and team logistics and organization for the main creators i work with.
you all praise yourself for technical feedback, but do you all actually listen to anything, apparently not and i have proof to back it up.
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dont tell me what to do when you obviously have the reading comprehension of the many others. the orochi gill crap was about him harassing me for months about bullshit. not about me not wanting feedback for guyver.
i dont know how many times i have to say it for someone to finally get thats what i've been saying all this time.
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i say this due to your report on my post which was full of shit as it was obvious you didnt get the point either.
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You don't get it, do you?
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then stop pm'ing me trying to make me think the way you do...END OF CONVERSATION.
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Dude, are you even in touch with reality? YOU PM'd ME.... bah, whatever.
You charz rox! +1!
There, I said it. Will you now leave me alone?
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your the one bugging me with this crap. especially since you prove my point on people's ability to listen here. my entire deal was about orochi gill harrassing me over a different website for months. it was never about feedback on guyver.