
Optional Animation Standards (Read 810183 times)

Started by Jmorphman, February 16, 2012, 03:40:11 am
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Optional Animation Standards
#1  February 16, 2012, 03:40:11 am
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This is a list of optional animations that you can include in your characters to make them compatible with certain aspects of other characters, or to make certain special attacks of theirs look better.

Spoiler: Apple For You - 858 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Vertical spinning - 5250, 5251 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Pre-Claytality pose - 5305 (click to see content)

Spoiler: KOF hard knockdown - 5420, 5421, 5422, 5423, 5424, 5430 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Hit by Hammer Throw/Stuck In Ground - 5888 / 5889 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Standing Guard Crush - 5910, 5911, 5912, 5915 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Crouching Guard Crush - 5920, 5921, 5922 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Jumping Guard Crush - 5930 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Throw Escape/Tech Hit - 5940 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Throw has been escaped out of - 5945 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Collapse/Cheese Kill/Crumple/Face-down collapse - 5950, 5955, 5330, 5130, 5131 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Demon Transformation/Red Arremer Transformation - 5960 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Animal Transformation/Goddess Athena Transformation - 5965 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Hit by Gai Spider - 5976 / 5977 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Hit by Kaoloon's Prediction - 5980 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Spinning Horizontally/Hit by Anakaris' Naraku no Ana/Pit of Darkness - 7008 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Rolled up into a ball/Hell Dunk/Spirit Roller - 7688 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Crushed/Smashed flat - 7689 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Seppuku - 7694 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Massive Bee Stings - 7695 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Electrocution - 7696, 9010, 9011, 9012 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Burned - 7697 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Vertically sliced in half on the floor - 7700, 7701, 7702 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Bisected and left standing - 7710, 7711, 7712, 7713 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Bisected and knocked down - 7714, 7717, 7716, 7717, 7718, 7719 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Bisected while lying down - 7720, 7721, 7722, 7723 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Transformed by Togakubi Sarashi - 7730 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Bloated Up - 7780 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Midnight Bliss/Pharaoh Decoration - 9020, 9021, 9022, 9025, 9026, 66660, 66661, 66662, 99020, 99021, 99022 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Pharaoh's Curse/Royal Judgement/Retro Mutagen - 19030, 19032, 19034, 19035, 19036, 19038, 19039, 19040, 19050, 19052, 19054, 19055, 19056, 19058, 19059, 19050 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Hit by Itadaki Scoop - 333666777 (click to see content)

the following have things not yet listed, if you're looking for something and it's not here it's probably below
I hope to cover everything listed in these links, eventually

Please tell me if you see anything missing, and it would be extra helpful to have information on the missing stuff besides just the name. :P
Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 06:11:41 am by Jmorphman
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#2  February 16, 2012, 04:41:56 am
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IIRC CFJ's midnight bliss is simply a transformed sprite whereas Savior has 3-4 sprites for each character over the animation.

The "horizontal" spinning has them spinning flat. Assume they're lying on their back and spinning in a circle like that. AFAIK the animation is really only using in darkstalkers.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#3  February 16, 2012, 04:45:09 am
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Spoiler: unsorted, incomplete descriptions (click to see content)

IIRC CFJ's midnight bliss is simply a transformed sprite whereas Savior has 3-4 sprites for each character over the animation.
I know, I was just hoping there was an animation standard that let you plug in that sprite for a CFJ style Midnight Bliss.

Because otherwise I changed the palette template for Guile for naught.
Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 08:53:08 am by Jmorphman
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#4  February 16, 2012, 09:01:16 am
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
IIRC CFJ's midnight bliss is simply a transformed sprite whereas Savior has 3-4 sprites for each character over the animation.

The "horizontal" spinning has them spinning flat. Assume they're lying on their back and spinning in a circle like that. AFAIK the animation is really only using in darkstalkers.

Colossus also uses it on his throw. I have never seen it used on mugen tho.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#5  February 16, 2012, 09:29:33 am
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Good topic, now add animations. ;D
Also, sticky this guys.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#6  February 16, 2012, 03:41:46 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Add dash colision, perhaps remove the ones that were for jnp stuff since no one will use those.  Add maybe peketo fatality?

Alessi childification move.

BALL move from darkstalkers ( used in hsienko bowling ball move and in lord raptor )
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#7  February 16, 2012, 04:16:25 pm
  • ******
7698 - Scream
Reserved for TDS' SFvsDS game.

7699 - Paralyzed
Reserved for TDS' SFvsDS game.

Ummm, think you can remove this  o_O I don't even remember what the scream was for!
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#8  February 16, 2012, 07:44:01 pm
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  • A frame here, a pixel there.
No one has attempted to come up with standards for Darkstalkers' severed body sprites, have they? Would need the following animations:

-Lower body standing
-Lower body falling through the air
-Lower body lying on the ground
-Upper body in midair (flipping)
-Upper body lying on the ground
-Standing recovery (*this may not be necessary, but Huitzil has unused sprites for it)
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#9  February 17, 2012, 02:28:19 am
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It's possible they could fit in with Samsho standards, no?
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#10  February 17, 2012, 03:12:25 am
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  • A frame here, a pixel there.
Do you have a resource for those? They don't seem to be on the list at the start of the topic, and I haven't had any luck with Google.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#11  February 17, 2012, 09:20:01 am
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Here are some KOF anim standards:

For anims 5050,5060,5080,5090,5100,5110,5120,5150,5160 and 5170, you need 2 extra animations for up/diagup hits respectively (i.e.5051,5052). Besides 5050 and 5060, all of these anims are duplicates.  I recommend that anims 5160-5162 have their y axis decreased by 20 to fit mugen's bounce states (also 5161/2 should have 2 frames, the latter with time = -1) If you need to see example sprites, I can update this section.

Here are the optional KOF anim standards:

5900 - Counter Wire

The character is sent flying towards the wall. The number of frames in KOF is 2 (with the last frame at time = -1), but I believe that this is a looping anim in JJBA

Note: this anim has no effect on state 5900 :P

5970,5975 - Blue Mary M.Spider and Crab Clutch

This sprites exist for every KOF character from 97-XI, there's no excuse not to add them now that there is a more recent Blue Mary available.  ;)

If you want to add the M.Spider get hit anim it should look like this in the .air:

[Begin Action 5970]
5970,0, -35,0, 24
5970,1, -35,0, 5
5970,2, -35,0, -1

*Note: sometimes even with aligned sprites, the x pos may not be the same, in this case you'll have to adjust the x to fit manually

If you want to add the Crab Clutch get hit anim it should look like this in the .air:

[Begin Action 5975]
5975,0, 64,0, 15
5975,1, 64,0, 15
5975,2, 64,0, -1

Other anims for KOF get hits (like hard knockdown) are best left custom, like throws. Here are some examples:

; KOF Skidding
[Begin Action 1403]
Clsn2Default: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -48, -32, 47, -1
5040,0, 0,0, 2
5040,0, 3,0, 2
5040,0, 0,0, 2
5040,0, 3,0, 2

; KOF Skidding Stop
[Begin Action 1404]
Clsn2Default: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -48, -32, 47, -1
5040,10, 0,0, 9

; KOF Hard Knockdown
[Begin Action 1352]
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -48, -32, 47, -1
5012,20, 0,0, 2,VH
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -48, -32, 47, -1
5012,10, 0,0, 6,VH
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -48, -32, 47, -1
5030,40, 0,0, 4
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -48, -32, 47, -1
5030,30, 0,0, 4

Anakaris Curse / Retro Mutagen Animation Standards
#12  February 17, 2012, 05:59:31 pm
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You'll need to include these special animation numbers mapped with blue CLSN boxes in your character if you want them to become transformed when hit by Thomas Hsieh's Anakaris's special attack"Royal Judgement" or my upcoming Shredder's Retro Mutagen Ray

note: All animations must be mapped with Blue CLSN
Stand  - 19030
Crouching - 19032 (usually this is the same as standing animation)
Walking Forward -   19034
Walking Backward - 19035
Jumping Animation- 19036
Jump Start Frame- 19038
Jump Land Frame- 19039
Get Hit Frame - 19040

If you include special transformed sprites in your character and assign them to the numbers listed above they should be compatible when Anakaris Performs the move Royal Judgment D, DF, F + P (Air only)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

You can get Thomas Hsieh's Anakaris here to test & implement this for yourself:

Good luck!
Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 08:05:08 pm by Dcat
Re: Anakaris Curse / Retro Mutagen Animation Standards
#13  February 17, 2012, 11:02:20 pm
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Re: Anakaris Curse / Retro Mutagen Animation Standards
#14  February 17, 2012, 11:06:15 pm
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  • Your Channel 6 News Anchor is in another Castle!
Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 11:10:26 pm by Dcat
Re: Anakaris Curse / Retro Mutagen Animation Standards
#15  February 17, 2012, 11:11:05 pm
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#16  February 21, 2012, 09:43:17 am
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Alessi childification move.

Unfortunately, until someone else that isn't H" releases an Alessi (or patches his) it can't be a standard. The coding only only triggers for certain name AND authorname parameters (ie: warusaki3's Black Polnareff and bad darkness' Kahn)
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#17  February 22, 2012, 05:45:35 pm
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8055000-8055999: Character trait identifiers By Messatsu.
This is a simple, painless method that can be added into any character to make interactions function better. For instance, CvS Vega's intro vs. beautiful women, or ugly people; then there's blood color or hit sounds (should a robot bleed? do androids dream of electric sheep?). Simply add these as air entries into your character (sprite reference or animation info is totally unimportant, just as long as the animation entry is present and valid).
(Not finished just yet...will be all up in a bit) or not?
This one interests me a lot, but I still don't get it about anims. I mean, this standards are supposed to be used for intros, aren't they?? And the anim should be blank, or addin a piece of code and some stuff like that?? Someone explain me this detailed, please :)
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#18  February 22, 2012, 07:24:34 pm
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These are just trait identifiers, so for example if you're making Ryu :
He's a
8055001 - Male
8055014 - Middle Aged
8055020 - Human
8055030 - Blood color Red
8055040 - Armor Type / Body Composition None
8055047 - Blocking Armor Type None
8055054 - Unarmed
8055062 - Average
8055065 - Really Dorky
8055074 - Absolutely Moral (?!)
8055083 - Smart
8055092 - AI Average

You define these anims for your character, using a blank anim, ie. :
[begin action 8055001]
-1,0, 0,0, -1

This way, your character can be identified by others.
It can be used for intros or winquotes (mocking girls, mocking ugly people, shouting on evil people, etc.) , but also for many other things, for example :
- changing the hitsounds if the opponent is a robot.
- modifying the color of the blood spark when you're using a samurai shodown character and the opponent's trait says his blood is green/blue/whatever.
- Scaling the AI depending on the opponent's AI.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#19  February 22, 2012, 07:25:26 pm
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You use enemy,selfanimexist(n) as your trigger to see if the opponent has those anims.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#20  February 22, 2012, 07:30:05 pm
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We need a "grabbed by the neck" optional animation. you know a real one that doesn't use going up anims or sprites. I found myself editing those with ease to create the required sprites for this kind of animation for my game.

(CVS chars are easy because they already have good sprites that fit the getting grabbed by the neck anim but others like KOF kinda lack those on most of the chars).