
Fate/Grand Order (Read 2509686 times)

Started by c001357, August 10, 2015, 05:42:19 pm
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Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4901  April 23, 2024, 08:27:10 am
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I really do need to come back here more often, especially since I plan on adding back in MUGEN once I get some stuff added into the computer:

Basically a Round Up of all of the BS that happened since I was away... again.

- I think I got an NP4 Waver while I was trying to see if I can get an NP2 Reines during the Case Files Event but I did end up getting Faker during the Paid Singles who was what I wanted the most.

- Ended up getting Bazett/Manannan but failed to get an NP2 Copy which hurts because I really do like her unique as hell playstyle... ended up getting Nikitch during the multis for Bazzet

- Game decided to make it up to me by giving me Kingprotea in a multi during that CCC Event.

- FINALLY, FINALLY got Merlin during the Chaldea Men's Event so I can truly do Immortal Teams with Morgan or Himiko at my leisure

- Then got Odysseus within 2-3 multis, then NP2 Tesla and some paid Singles and then got my final 4* Story Servant I have yet to get: Edison... no really.

- Then did another single multi on a random as hell whim going for Sigurd in the Road to LB2 Banner and ended up getting him

- Then while going for CEs in the recent Event Water Monsters(That and more copies of Lancer Melt), I ended up only getting 1 other Lancer Melt for NP2 and NP2 Trung Sisters(Seriously my 4* Servant Luck tends to be the pits).

- Then while trying to go for Daikokuten in this current banner, I do a few more extra multis than I planned(While Traum is close by, the real saving I'm doing is when we get Summer 6 due to the sheer insanity those banners give), I see a Rainbow: It's Napoleon! Got spooked AGAIN...

- And literally as I was typing this, I did a Paid Single on the Da Vinci Lily banner... and ended up getting her.

It always ends up being a monkey's paw of some kind...

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4902  April 28, 2024, 07:31:09 am
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There it goes another Free SR ticket for Marie's NP.

My current priorities of the 4* Servants to level their NPs are her and Baobhan Sith (LV3).
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4903  April 30, 2024, 11:09:47 pm
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  • The Goddess Returns
Did the same and got Ashwatthaman to NP2 because I realized he barely will get banners.

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4904  May 04, 2024, 03:27:28 am
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    • New Zealand
I got Faker because i'm stupid and don't use SRs much anyway.