
Fighter Creator - Old Updates (Read 211519 times)

Started by CSGames, May 25, 2014, 06:38:35 am
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Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#21  March 27, 2015, 12:41:06 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Will be posting a Quick Start Guide along with the first character creation guide later tonight.
Also your going to need to get a update for FC to fix resource copying so you can use the character template.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#22  March 27, 2015, 12:56:48 am
  • ****
    • USA
yay!!! im interested in using this..
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#23  March 27, 2015, 06:57:03 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Fighter Creator 3.0 - Update 3/26/15

Details : 

Additions -

   *   Can now change the background color of the preview window.
   *   Default ground if no stage is loaded.

Fixes -

   *   Copying resources.
   *   Scripts appearing in the wrong folders.
   *   Frame indenting.
   *   Character system variable creation.

Installation :

Replace the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe" application, in your Fighter Creator install directory, with the one in this download.


Fighter Creator 3.0 - Character Guide - 01 Getting Started

Here is the first guide of a series that will help you create your own complete characters, starting with a template then building up to a game ready character.

Requires the latest patch to work properly

Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#24  March 27, 2015, 06:34:16 pm
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  • *****
  • Sr. Black Person
  • Mess with the chuchu you get the pewpew
    • USA
do you have a guide for stages/lifebars as well?
Want to feel useful for a useless show? click here
119/150 Chars, I'm not dead yet....the true surprise is in my thread.
Hahahah fuck you photobucket.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#25  March 27, 2015, 08:50:31 pm
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Will be posting guides for those most likely tonight.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#26  May 22, 2015, 06:20:18 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Sorry for the lack of updates, been working hard getting this engine to work as well as possible.

But here is the latest update for Fighter Creator :
( Standard/Commercial edition users can get this update using the link that was emailed to you )

Latest Version  |

Change Log  |


 * Position Collision function, allows you to position an entity, previously in a collision, anywhere. Useful for aligning a player in throw attacks.
 * Holding SHIFT and/or ALT increases an Edit Box value scroll speed.
 * Full function support in Animation Scripts.
 * Highlights over script frames, to make it easier to distinguish frames from scripts.
 * Place On Ground function, immediately places player(s) on the ground level.
 * Shortcut key for creating items ( CTRL+A ).


 * Enter Key not working properly on dialogs and edit boxes.
 * Go To Script function causing the scripts this function was used in to end instead of continuing through the remaining frames.


 * Editor Performance - Overall/Fullscreen Mode.
 * Duplicating frames in correct order.


 * Attack/Throw Collision functions now automatically shift player priorities.
 * Player Functions can now use variables for player fields.
 * Go To Script functions can now point to Automatic & Manual Scripts
 * Changed Animate/Random Number functions to accept variables for To Value and Speed fields

Installation  | 

Replace the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe" application, in your Fighter Creator install directory, with the one in this download.


Example Project -

Not complete yet because I have been doing a lot of testing with the character, so let me know how well it works :

Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#27  June 27, 2015, 03:13:46 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Sorry for the extremely long delay, put a lot of time into to improving the engine's performance, but here is the latest update along the example project to help get you guys going :

Fighter Creator - Update -

Change Log  |


 * Reset Timer function.
 * Remove Decimal function.
 * Copy Resource options to select if you want to copy media also.
 * Option in 'Settings' to enable/disable script/frame previews.
 * Autosave settings.
 * Load/Unload Player functions.


 * Get Timer Value function.
 * Refreshing Script option.
 * Script and Frame run time mode.


 * Selection box not showing when editing Menu Gadgets.
 * Set Gadget Position function sets the incorrect Gadget position data.
 * Start Timer function name.
 * Timer Variables not being reset.
 * Duplicating multiple items.
 * List item tags not displaying/showing when they shouldn't.
 * Issue causing extra frames to be created.
 * Edit boxes being left open when dialog has been closed.
 * Playtest not working.
 * Comment text not displaying in status bar.
 * Game not being properly reset after play testing.
 * Player controls still being mirrored after characters have been loaded and then unloaded.
 * Duplicating resources doesn't copy data descriptions.
 * Quick Adjust Variables not being saved.


 * Revised the player field in Get/Set Variable functions.
 * Progressbar Gadgets' percent value is automatically clamped to 0 - 100 range.
 * Timer Variables can now be used as number variables.
 * The active gamemode's start script is re-processed when resetting the preview.
 * Inactive Collision boxes can no longer be collided with unless colliding boxes' Collision Mode are set to Multiple.
 * Media files are also copied when copying resources containing media.
 * When selecting an image to add, the name of the FC Image is automatically set to the filename of the selected image file.
 * Project Framerate is used when playtesting the game.


 * More Editor/Engine Performance tweaks. Still not perfect, but much better than before.

Installation  | 

Replace the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe" application, in your Fighter Creator install directory, with the one in this download.


Example Project

Use this project as a guide for building your own games. Will be adding a lot more features to it soon.

Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#28  July 02, 2015, 04:06:36 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Fighter Creator - Update - 7/1/15

Latest Version  |

Change Log  |


 * Comment creation shortcut command. ( ALT+C )
 * Media previews for selection dialogs. ( HOLD RMB )
 * Importing/adjusting images to/for different image sets.
 * Search/Replace for data/scripts/media. ( ALT+S )
 * Select all items command. ( ALT+A )
 * Update script frame data when names of media/variables/entities are modified.


 * Import Mode image importing options in context menu.


 * Project/Side bar icons not staying highlighted when they should.
 * Frame creation when the Script Processor is enabled.
 * First field in flyout gadget appearing too high up.
 * Image Animation preview when editing Entity Animation Image Frame.
 * Copy To/Resource creating duplicates.
 * Autosave settings not being saved.


 * Backup images are now placed in their own folder.
 * Image importing settings now all in one dialog.
 * Copying image color sets now only affect images with the same image set.
 * Hide Playtest button when just a resource (not a project) is opened.

Installation  | 

Replace the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe" application and 'Editor.fci' file, in your Fighter Creator install directory, with the files in this download.


( Commercial/Standard edition users can get this update using the same link that was previously emailed to you. )
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#29  August 02, 2015, 08:06:56 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Latest Version  |

Change Log  |


* Screen effects are now supported and can be modified in real-time inside the Preview Settings menu.

* In-Field Function Arithmetic.

* Sharpening effect to Image Adjustments.


* Demo Version project restrictions.


* Image Adjustments automatically using a fur/hair effect.
* Stage Camera settings being right-clickable.
* Preview Panel being invisible sometimes after loading projects/resources.
* Image Adjustments Edge blurring issues.
* Saving wrong Object Priority data.


* Disabled Cinematics, will be making significant updates to it.
* Collision Functions support variables.
* Xbox Controllers are assigned directly to active players.

Installation  | 

1. Replace the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe' application, in your Fighter Creator install directory, with the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe' in this download.
2. Replace the 'Editor.fci' file, in your Fighter Creator install directory, with the 'Editor.fci' in this download. ( Can skip this step if you've installed the previous update )
3. Move the 'Effects' folder, in this download, into your Fighter Creator install folder.

Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#30  September 15, 2015, 01:39:34 pm
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer

Change Log  |

* Clamp, Data pass, and Reset Collision functions.
* Temporary Variables. Can be created using the 'Temporary Variable' function or by placing "tv_" plus the name of the variable, in a variable function field. e.g. 'tv_Strength'
* Import/Export Character Templates.
* Ground Level/Threshold debugging and options.
* Frame function field variable checker.
* Notepad.

* Xbox Controller creation, as it is no longer needed.
* Multiple/Single field in Collision functions.

* Selection Dialog not showing folders.
* If Condition variable 1 field not visible.
* Editor crashes if user image is not found.
* In-Field Processing issues, can now use negative number/variables.
* Issue causing Or Condition functions to be processed when the shouldn't be.
* Issue that causes objects to move inconsistently.
* Images being upscaled twice when added individually.
* Search/Replace causing frames to be rearranged.

* Or Condition function now needs to be linked to an If Condition.
* Speed field in Entity Image Animation function now supports variable usage.
* Xbox controls are now automatically used when a xbox controller is connected.

* Player Screen Side variables.
* Framerate Based Movements.
* Collision Detection.

Installation  | 

Extract the files from this download and place them in your Fighter Creator install directory. Overwrite/Replace any files if you are prompted to do so, and delete the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe' file.


[ Commercial/Standard Edition owners can grab this update using the link previously sent to you by email. ]
Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 09:36:23 am by CSGames
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#31  September 15, 2015, 02:04:24 pm
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
New Character Template

Designed to help users understand how to create the basics systems needed to get a functional character on screen. All you have to do is just add your own sprites to a character using this template to see results on screen, and then expand on the systems provided by the template.

Template Document Download

Installation Video

Last Edit: September 16, 2015, 01:22:43 am by CSGames
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#32  September 18, 2015, 05:19:13 pm
  • ******
Well went ahead and bought the program. So you better not disappear!

How close to current fighting game standards are you going to implement things? Like will it have push boxes along with blue and red hit boxes?

How much feedback would you like in things that would make this easier to use and things that current fighters have?

Are there specific areas you are focusing on?

Will it be easy to set up engines and templates to share and allow people to expand on?
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#33  September 18, 2015, 08:24:27 pm
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
Thanks lol, I'm not going anywhere.

As close as I can possibly get it to where the character can generally work for most fighting games, and then you would just add your game-specific features on top of it.

A ton of feedback is welcomed.

Just mainly focusing on basic movement and combat, but I can also cover more advanced features like tag team systems and so on.

Yes, templates for complete resources or gameplay systems will be share-able and people will be able to add on top of them.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#34  September 18, 2015, 08:36:24 pm
  • ******
I don't ask for anything crazy. I just want to be able to create games like Street Fighter and Darkstalkers accurately.

I take a lot of screen shots and videos to compare source accuracy when I create. I'd love it if for example I could use your interface to simplify the way hits work.

Like when someone jabs them I'd like to visually be able to place the character in the correct location they should be at for each tick. Does that make sense? And to be able to do similar to code wall push, etc.

Make templates for these and have the ability to edit each move respectively.

That's just 1 example. I'm tearing the SF and DS series apart and would love to give you ideas. I get most of my ideas while doing my MUGEN adaptations. Your visual interface could open a lot of doors as this progresses.

The reason I mentioned the push box is because MUGEN doesn't have one at all. And we have to do crazy work arounds to make things work properly.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#35  September 18, 2015, 09:14:30 pm
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
You mean something like this :
If you look closely you will see a couple of small boxes, these are Position Collision boxes. I used them for the throw attack, but they allow you to position players where ever you want in the game.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#36  September 19, 2015, 12:32:05 am
  • ******
Yeah that looks like it'd be useful. I'll give you more feedback when I can mess with the full version. Still got to wait for my download link and Probably have to wait till Tuesday because I'll be staying with my mother the next 3 days and FC didn't run on my laptop.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#37  October 04, 2015, 07:16:48 pm
  • ****
  • stillRetired.
  • Formerly Known As Genesis
    • USA
JNP is always two weeks ahead of me  >_>

So i went and bought the commercial edition. I guess I'm waiting for a emailed link correct?
Expect a bunch of ideas/feature requests/suggestions/questions ;D
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#38  October 05, 2015, 02:22:36 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer
@Genesis:  Yeah, please give me as much feedback as you can.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#39  October 08, 2015, 01:55:14 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer

Change Log  |

  • Resource Systems

  • Character templates
  • Clock on bottom bar

  • Deleted resource data being added to newly created resources
  • Scripts not showing in search results

  • Disabled Notepad

Installation  | 

Extract the files from this download and place them in your Fighter Creator install directory. Overwrite/Replace any files if you are prompted to do so, and delete the 'Fighter Creator Demo.exe' file ( If it exists ).


[ Commercial/Standard Edition owners can grab this update using the link previously sent to you by email. ]
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#40  October 08, 2015, 01:55:50 am
  • **
  • Fighter Creator Developer

Makes game development with Fighter Creator a lot easier by allowing users to create or use predefined game mechanics which, streamlines the creation process. By using Resource Systems, you no longer need to know how to implement most of the complicated gameplay features because resource systems, created by other users, can contain these features already perfected for you.

Resource System options can be accessed by clicking on the 'RS' button at the bottom of the middle bar  : 

  • New Resource System  -  Sets up a new resource system.
  • Import Resource System  -  Import an existing resource system.
  • Edit Resource System  -  Imports an existing resource system for editing.
  • Reset Resource System  -  Removes any left over resource system data.

If creating or editing a Resource System, new options will be available for you to add variables, entities, scripts, and frames to that system  :

When items are added to the system they will be tagged to let you know  :

After you are finished adding/adjusting everything in the system, clicking on the Resource System button, and clicking the 'Export Resource System' option will allow you to save your changes and export the results to a file  :

Once the file has been exported, press the Resource System button again, and then click on the 'Close Resource System' option to exit out of Resource System editing.

To use the Resource System, press the Resource System button, then press the 'Import Resource System' button to load the system you previously exported.
After the system has been imported, the data the system contained will be added to your project. Any data added to the Resource System hidden will not be visible when imported ( frames will still be visible but cannot be modified ). If there were any scripts that were added to the Resource System pre-defined, they can be accessed by pressing the Resource System button

After choosing the pre-defined script you want to insert into your project, you will then need to name the script  :

Once named, the script will be added to your project ready for usage  :

The Character Template posted before will be converted into a Resource System and posted here soon.
Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 06:20:02 am by CSGames