Some very quick feedback...
- no CLSN1 on air d+y, air y, air b and standing b (Dropkick)?
There are CLSN1, but... Can't hit standing KFM with any of those.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
As late as I could get air Body Press d+y

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Standing Dropkick

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Air Droplick

There is some red CLSN, but for a split second.
- Have you changed the position of p2 in the Moonsault Press? p2 looks much further away in the fall animation. Is it just me? Looks strange.
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Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
It's the same for Gigas Breaker.

Gigas Breaker p2 positionSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty


All tested in MUGEN 1.0