
The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding (Read 287494 times)

Started by Lost_Avenger, February 16, 2015, 01:53:58 pm
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Should I continue this project or switch back to Street Fighter?

Capcom Fighting Jam 2
Street Fighter
You should go home and be a family man
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#61  June 28, 2016, 11:25:22 am
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Its all good, man. My testers don't usually respond anymore anyway and I don't remember my skype password anymore. Ive been counting the family man option as a me getting to pick whichever tbh. I'll probably start a SF project on the side and work on it when I can. The extra SF characters from CFJ2 that haven't been made yet will just move over. I don't plan to have the same system for both games. Since SF is going to be more SF based. Not sure what system yet though.

Edit: I got some of my files moved from my tower to my laptop. The drive is so small that it cant even freaking update the OS lol. I'm moving stuff around to try to fit both projects on my tiny hd.

So for a system on the hypothetical SF game. I don't want to flood the system with extra mechanics. SFV went small on purpose and for the most part, it kind of works. I don't want a SFV feel though(I like parts of it, but other parts just feel wrong. The system compliments the changes, but characters feel wrong missing key moves or having things locked into a system skill/trigger). Ive considered multiple systems and kind of want to throw some stuff out there and see what you guys think.

Of the SF games that I've played, I liked the feel of Alpha 2 and 3s the most. I liked the combo options of SF4, but didn't like the focus attack/fadc systems. So I want to mix elements of these 3 games together:

System mechanics:
Back dashing(3 or 5. Not sure I liked the back dashing system of 4 as much.)
Alpha style counter(A/5). Kind of like the concept of 5 more than Alpha. More unique
kara throws(3/4/5?)

Things Im iffy on:
-Taunt power ups(3)
-Ukemi vs Safe fall vs quick stand(I dont know if I have the sprites for ukemi on everyone)
-multi leveled supers vs specific level supers. Specific level supers would work best for the SF3 characters as they effect things like trajectory of certain supers.
-Character specific features. I bashed it earlier, but Im thinking it could work if sprinkled in. Like universal overheads on the SF3 characters or focus attack for C.Viper
-a revenge type super per character. Allowing ex moves to cancel into said super that would allow combo options that a traditional super system would have
-a custom combo type feature that can be super canceled into.
-universal overhead. Though this could be character specific

The more stuff that is added, the longer it will take to create and the longer it will take to test. Id like to not include all of it obviously. What do you guys think?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 07:49:46 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#62  June 29, 2016, 01:34:16 pm
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Made some small adjustments:
Ryu: gains an extra active frame to make cancels easier.

-invincibility on lk shadow cut kick was removed. invincibility on ex shadow cut kick extended by a frame
-several normals received several adjustments to their hitboxes. He gained a few more options for anti airs now. A couple moves gained additional priority as well.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#63  August 31, 2016, 10:11:26 pm
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Does Ryu even need an evil mode? Trying to decide if it is worth the investment to add a mode that I may or may not use in the future.

My vacation is coming up in 3 days so Im back for a bit. Ive been busy trying to learn coding outside of mugen (starting with java and will go from there since it is really easy to pick up).

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#64  August 31, 2016, 10:20:42 pm
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No reason unless you just want to add a quick easy extra character.
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#65  August 31, 2016, 10:23:27 pm
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It's really up to you if you want to put the time in. I'm definitely doing the universal overhead myself. Taunt powerups are cool. He really doesn't need an evil mode, but it's really dependent of how you'd work that in. Definitely not worth a character slot.
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#66  August 31, 2016, 10:36:22 pm
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If you're unable to go the extra mile in making Evil Ryu a proper character like SF4 did then I would say it's not worth bothering with unless you feel like your game needs a novelty/boss character.
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#67  August 31, 2016, 11:24:45 pm
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for some reason, FF3 isnt working right anymore. The anim file editor keeps screwing up my anim files. It keeps combining my animations together when I edit my animations at all. I'll have to redownload it probably

I had to remove most of the bosses from the game because I was relying on projects that stalled or died. I was looking forward to adding Wesker and a few others. Jedah was removed due to time limits. Gouki is in now, but may or may not get a shin mode. So that leaves Vega, Gouki, Ingrid, and eventually Pyron. Mostly SF characters. I dont have a planned roster anymore though.

Evil Ryu has the sprites for his axe kick. He would basically just be a more combo heavy Ryu with reduced defense.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#68  August 31, 2016, 11:29:30 pm
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Shit ff3 gives me that issue too sometimes, I usually create a blank anim first and then copy paste text from a previous one to avoid that issue.
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#69  August 31, 2016, 11:36:29 pm
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I just want to ask you.. What did you do with Elena's size? She just looks awkward no matter what I change it to.
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#70  August 31, 2016, 11:50:42 pm
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change her x to .83333333. They used the same ratio for the SF3 characters that they did with the Alpha characters in CFJ. I havent reduced her frames yet like I should, but I will eventually. When you start messing with removing frames, she loses some of those weird hitbox things that make her Elena :p.

Im pretty sure I downloaded the 64 bit version, but with as tired as I usually am, I may have used the 32 bit version from my old computer. Either way, I redownloaded it and it seems to be working a bit better so far.

Edit: FF3 works now. The bug that would happen when you delete the last animation in your anim file has gone away too. I probably just forgot to update.

Also, I have no clue what I was thinking when I started Hayato cause he has a lot of his own stuff like I was prepping an individual release when I had no plans on releasing any of the edits outside of this project. He had his own helpers for sparks with no actual sprites for those helpers. He must have been using a very old Ryu or Ken as his base. Not sure why I would have done that since neither has slash sparks coded. I'll try to get him done on vacation, but cant promise that

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 12:16:15 am by Lost_Avenger
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#71  September 04, 2016, 02:54:01 am
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I tried the same trick on Hayato that I did with Hiryu and got 2 completely different results. Hayato feels fine, but Hiryu feels off. I reduced frames on his animations though iirc. Ill go back and readd some and see if it makes a difference. Im still drained so Ill get his normals done tomorrow after I mow the yard.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#72  October 19, 2016, 06:32:30 pm
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Been busy and havent had much time to post. Ive been redoing some of the clsn for Alex. I was using GM's Alex as a reference originally, but his hitboxes actually nerf him a bit in places compared to his 3s version. I might use some stuff from V, but I kind of doubt it. I dont really like V much and Alex(as well as the other dlc characters except maybe Urien) feel pretty weak compared to the main cast.

I put in for another vacation request, but it will likely be denied. Id love to have a better job that pays a bit more so I can switch to part time and go to college. Unfortunately, I dont see that happening for a while. I hate my job and eventually I will reach my breaking point and decide that I need to be more than this cause it is starting to effect my drive to do anything. IT started off as just a lack of motivation for mugen, but I've lost almost all motivation to do anything at this point. So yeah, I havent been around as much as I want to be and Im going to start making changes in my life so I can start enjoying it a bit cause I dont see much of a point in living the way I am now

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#73  October 19, 2016, 06:45:52 pm
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I hope you can find something better soon and get your motivation back. It was fun talking shop with you when I started my SF project. I bet it'd be even more fun now that I can code a lot better!

And I'm with you on Alex. He's one of my favs but seems much weaker in SFV than in 3. I do like his v trigger though!
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#74  October 20, 2016, 03:16:19 pm
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Im not sure what in the world is wrong with Alex, but for some reason his cmd is messed up. I must be using a really old cmd from back when they got corrupted with the older FFs or something cause I can only use his anti air special if I cancel into it and I am literally using the same command as Ryu(changed the input obviously). So Im going to scrap his cmd and rebuild it. Im pretty sure Ive had to do this before, so it is only a minor setback

Edit: The new cmd fixed it. Im not sure why that happened before. He only has 2 specials done. I still need to go back and add the projectile killer on his flash chop still. progress anyway

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 03:29:20 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: The fate of this project and my future in mugen coding
#75  November 26, 2016, 04:54:39 am
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You guys can go ahead and move this prohect to the inactive board. I no longer even have motivation enough to even bother opening mugen any more. Some day ill pick this up again, but it may be a very long time. Im having a bunch of issues in my life and I have no free time for much of anything. I literally just get up, shower, go to work, come home, eat, sleep. The same pointless cycle every day and I have no desire to do anything

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!