
"Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties) (Read 322629 times)

Started by no1wammy, October 28, 2021, 02:12:11 am
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#21  October 30, 2021, 04:42:29 am
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Am I blind or is their intention that there is no block functionality?  Unless one of those extra dashes is mislabeled or they really wanna try to get traditional 2D fighting game blocking mechanics to run holding backwards on a platform fighter.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#22  October 30, 2021, 11:13:06 am
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inb4 there is no blocking/shielding functionality at all
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#23  October 30, 2021, 11:27:33 am
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Spoiler: Potential gameplay document (click to see content)

Competitive Platform Fighter players besides Melee players exist.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#24  October 30, 2021, 02:20:10 pm
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Brawlhalla's done quite well with no block/shield mechanic, for example.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#25  October 30, 2021, 05:14:34 pm
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Who plays Brawlhalla anymore?
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#26  October 30, 2021, 06:20:56 pm
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Who plays Brawlhalla anymore?

It's got over 20,000 players active on Steam, which is more than the likes of SFV and Tekken 7 which are only in the 4 digits. That might just be due to the advantage of being free to play though.
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#27  October 30, 2021, 08:30:25 pm
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#28  October 30, 2021, 09:33:11 pm
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I'm surprised Warner Brothers hasn't tried anything like this before hand with all the properties the company owns or has the rights to.

They have to make sure that it's something that can stand on its own two feet.. which, I'm sure they could easily pull off.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#29  October 30, 2021, 11:28:48 pm
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Hm.  I gotta say, I played Brawlhalla twice, once for each update adding Steven Universe and Tomb Raider, and it still only added up to about half an hour playtime.  I can't say I even noticed if it had a guard button or not, but it wasn't that great playing a game.  So playerbase size or not, now I'm a bit more worried if that's the direction they're going in.

So this is almost disconnected from the game as we currently know it as it is, but today Adult Swim had a particularly interesting if bizarre announcement.  Shocking, them of all people, I know.  They're doing a Cartoon Network-wide horror-ish crossover series or special or something.

Basically Happy Tree Friends meet the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts.

And the coincidence of similar timing of this game's leaking and AS pulling this show out of nowhere makes me wish it actually was a more condensed fighter based just on CN properties.  You'd even get the same roster as is in the initial leaked roster photo, just minus Gandalf.  CN alone has a still ridiculous range of fighter possibilities and would be more concise on character modeling rather than the weirdness of bringing some particular live-action characters into these 3D cartoon style.  Like, the previous rumors propose Mad Max, and Max Rockatansky is great and all but pretty freaking weird standing next to Bugs Bunny.
Last Edit: October 31, 2021, 02:26:53 am by Long John Killer
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#30  October 31, 2021, 02:32:20 am
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^ New Subspace Emissary is looking lit.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#31  October 31, 2021, 07:59:03 pm
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I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking of that joke myself sooner.  In a Smash clone thread of all things too.

I saw an article I think from EventHubs earlier that brought to attention that Warner Bros. owns Rooster Teeth.  So speaking of clashing art styles, I can't even begin to imagine how awkward the RWBY girls would look in here, seeing they're technically viable if not really expected.  But I can almost imagine them wanting one just to check off the "token anime character" checkbox on their roster list covering each demographic.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#32  October 31, 2021, 09:10:07 pm
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I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking of that joke myself sooner.  In a Smash clone thread of all things too.

I saw an article I think from EventHubs earlier that brought to attention that Warner Bros. owns Rooster Teeth.  So speaking of clashing art styles, I can't even begin to imagine how awkward the RWBY girls would look in here, seeing they're technically viable if not really expected.  But I can almost imagine them wanting one just to check off the "token anime character" checkbox on their roster list covering each demographic.

We already do have Gandalf as the "token realistic (looking) character" ala Snake in Smash, and you can argue Bugs and maybe Shaggy are cartoonier than everyone else too, so a "token anime character" wouldn't be unexpected. Maybe a "token 90s character", "token 80s character", and so on and so forth to appeal to various generations.

EDIT: Even funnier, Gandalf is technically a guest character; as even though his film rights are owned by Warner Bros, he originates from the Legendarium, a literary franchise by Tolkien. So basically this is the closest we'll get to Geralt in Smash, as so many people demanded.
Last Edit: October 31, 2021, 09:18:55 pm by Miru962
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#33  October 31, 2021, 09:40:09 pm
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Eh, a possible direction they could go as well.  In that case the 80's rep could be Lion-O.  90's I'm not sure, was gonna jump at the Power Rangers but Hasbro I think is tied to Disney now.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#34  October 31, 2021, 09:46:39 pm
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#35  October 31, 2021, 09:48:36 pm
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Yes, just have it every time you switch from stock matches to timed you get a clip of one of them saying "Time, huh?  Thanks for the tip".

I kinda legit forgot about Disney buying out Fox.  Was looking up a number of companies for who owns what.  That sucks in this particular case, because Adult Swim had a humongous case in Family Guy and Futurama's popularity and series survival as a whole and they would frankly make neat additions to a Smash clone like this.

More-so Futurama though because I wouldn't mind beating up Rick with Farnsworth's finglonger.
Last Edit: October 31, 2021, 09:55:21 pm by Long John Killer
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#36  November 18, 2021, 04:29:56 am
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Actual teasers starting to pop up around the various related social media accounts.  An official reveal is likely coming soon.

Spoiler: Sweet, sweet brand synergy (click to see content)
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#37  November 18, 2021, 11:11:58 am
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This is going to be a mess.

HOPEFULLY, a fun mess.
Also, better be a MK character at play here.
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#38  November 18, 2021, 03:25:47 pm
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Its official now.

Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#39  November 18, 2021, 04:23:44 pm
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F2P is very worrying, but the production quality looks pretty damn good, surprisingly.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#40  November 18, 2021, 04:47:23 pm
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