
.Def - lets start by the beggining... (Read 5909 times)

Started by recruta42, October 14, 2007, 04:14:20 pm
.Def - lets start by the beggining...
#1  October 14, 2007, 04:14:20 pm
  • **
  • Call me Private42.
Well...On this topic I will explain how I split the files of the chars...

Basicaly the .DEF file is contructed this way:

mugenversion = 04,14,2002     ;Version of M.U.G.E.N character works on
author = "RECRUTA42"                 ;Character author name
pal.defaults = 6,3,4,2                      ;Default palettes in order of preference

; Files for the player

cmd       = <charname>.cmd   

Use to define the command of all moves of the char.
cns        = <charname>.cns         

Here I put the default constant of the chars as well as all the char poses like intro, winA, winB, Lose, Draw:

State 170 - Time over
State 171 - Suicide
State 175 - Draw Game
State 180-189 - Win poses
State 190-194 - Intro
State 195 - Taunt
State 196 - Weapon Recover
State 5900 - Inicialization of the char variables

st          =  <charname>.cns    

Redundant par of the file above...
st1   = basic.cns

On this file I put the basic movements of the chars like:

State 100-104 - Run forward
State 105-109 - Run backward
State 110-111 - Laydown
State 112-113 - Forward Roll
State 114-115 - Backward Roll
State 116-117 - Lower evade
State 118-119 - Hopping
State 168 - Ground Recover Fwd
State 169 - Ground Recover Backward

st2   = -2<charname>.cns

Here I put the sctrl and triggers that will always be checked by the CPU, including [Statedef -3]
Some examples are:

- Pain sound
- Sword Helper
- Sword Bar
- Life Bar
- Power Bar
- Attack type execute by the sword (0 - Not considered a sword attack, 1 - Weak Slash, 2 - Medium Slash, 3 - Hard Slash)
- Counter
- Rage Explosion/Issen
- Tag Team

st3   = sword<charname>.cns

This files is destined specially for the weapon helper. Believe it or not it is the biggest CSN file...just to see the pain that is to program this helper.

st4   = Hitdef.cns

I use this file for special/custom hitdef of the chars, specially when he commits suicide or die in a tag team battle.

st5   = NAttacks.cns

This file is for the normal attacks. Generally speaking:

200 - Stand Light Sword Far
210 - Stand Light Sword Near
220 - Stand Medium Sword Far
230 - Stand Medium Sword Near
240 - Stand Hard Sword Far
250 - Stand Hard Sword Near
260 - Stand Light Running Attack
270 - Stand Medium Running Attack
280 - Stand Hard Running Attack
290 - Overhead
300 - Stand Light Kick
310 - Stand Hard Kick
320 - Stand Light Kick Running
350 - Small Pursuit
360 - Big Pursuit
400 - Crouch Light Sword Far
410 - Crouch Light Sword Near
420 - Crouch Medium Sword Far
430 - Crouch Medium Sword Near
440 - Crouch Hard Sword
500 - Crouch Light Kick
510 - Crouch Hard Kick
600 - Air Light Sword
610 - Air Medium Sword
620 - Air Hard Sword
700 - Air Kick
800 - Throw
810 - Throw Connect
820 - Throw Connect - P2
821 - Throw Connect - P2 - SelfAnim
830 - Throw Connect - Reverse
840 - Throw Connect - P2 - Reverse
841 - Throw Connect - P2 - SelfAnim - Reverse
850 - Throw Attack Forward
860 - Throw Attack Backward

st6   = UNAttacks.cns

Unnarmed attack of the char.

205 - Stand Light Punch Weaponless
265 - Stand Light Punch Running Weaponless
295 - Overhead Weaponless
305 - Stand Light Kick Weaponless
315 - Stand Hard Kick Weaponless
325 - Stand Light Running Kick Weaponless
355 - Small Pursuit Weaponless
365 - Big Pursuit Weaponless
405 - Crouch Light Punch Weaponless
505 - Crouch Light Kick Weaponless
515 - Crouch Hard Kick Weaponless
605 - Air Light Punch Weaponless
705 - Air Kick Weaponless
860 - Throw Attack (weaponless)

st7   = SAttacks.cns

Special attacks of the char

State 1000-1099 - Special A
State 1100-1199 - Special B
State 1200-1299 - Special C
State 1300-1399 - Special D
State 1400-1499 - Special E
State 1500-1599 - Special F
State 1600-1699 - Special G
State 1700-1799 - Special H
State 1800-1899 - Special I
State 1900 - Disarm
State 1910 - Disarmed Weak
State 1911 - Disarmed Medium
State 1912 - Disarmed Hard
State 1920 - Disarm Weaponless
State 1930 - Disarm Weaponless HIT - P1
State 1940-1941 - Disarmed Weponless HIT - P2

st8   = HAttacks.cns

Hyper Attacks

State 3000-3099 - Hyper Attack A
State 3100-3199 - Hyper Attack B
State 3200-3299 - Hyper Attack C
State 3300-3399 - Hyper Attack D
State 3400-3499 - Hyper Attack E
State 3500 - Rage Explosion
State 3510-3599 - ISSEN!

stcommon = common1.cns    

Commonf states for all chars
sprite  = <charname>.sff       

Sprites of the char.
anim    = <charname>.air      

Animations of the char.
sound  = <charname>.snd      

Sounds of the char.
pal1    = <charname>.act 
pal2    = <charname>1.act
pal3   = <charname>2.act
pal4   = <charname>3.act
pal5   = <charname>4.act
pal6   = <charname>5.act
pal7   = <charname>6.act

Pallets of the chars.
Re: .Def - lets start by the beggining...
#2  October 17, 2007, 04:33:39 pm
  • ****
  • Snake Eater
Couldnt you have just grouped

State 3000-3099 - Hyper Attack A
State 3100-3199 - Hyper Attack B
State 3200-3299 - Hyper Attack C
State 3300-3399 - Hyper Attack D
State 3400-3499 - Hyper Attack E
State 3500 - Rage Explosion
State 3510-3599 - ISSEN!

instead of 3510-3599


Instead of naming them all

1000, 1
1001, 2
1004, 400
Interactive Stage W.I.P Click Below


I give my life not for honor but for you
Re: .Def - lets start by the beggining...
#3  October 18, 2007, 01:11:24 am
  • *****
  • Legend now but still learning
    • USA
thx alot this helps like hell thx man  ;)