
COTM: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions (Read 437052 times)

Started by RajaaBoy, April 03, 2011, 06:26:45 pm
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Re: How to Nominate and Vote
#41  January 03, 2012, 01:43:25 pm
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Should I come up with a new award (image) for every new year?
Re: How to Nominate and Vote
#42  January 03, 2012, 01:53:45 pm
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Should I come up with a new award (image) for every new year?
That sounds like a good idea to differentiate the years, but given how slowly you make the current ones... well, you'll probably only finish this time next year. :twisted:
Re: How to Nominate and Vote
#43  January 04, 2012, 12:49:24 pm
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I do them in a decent amount of time. Now I have to come up with something else. >:(
Re: How to Nominate and Vote
#44  January 09, 2012, 11:20:09 pm
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When December vote is over, will there be a "Character of the Year" vote where nominees are the 12 CotM ? :)
Re: How to Nominate and Vote
#45  January 10, 2012, 01:39:46 am
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That sounds pretty feasible really. Much simpler than taking nominations for character of the year.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: How to Nominate and Vote
#46  January 10, 2012, 01:50:54 am
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Hmm. That does sound like a good idea. So I just need to come up with one Character of the Year award.
Char of Year Poll question
#47  February 05, 2012, 09:41:23 pm
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will it only be for monthly winners, or what do you all think about the idea of 2nd place chars being candidates too? i wonder due to a couple months there was no vote, and good candidates who came in 2nd (dante by bugya, squall leonhart by sean altly)
Re: Char of Year Poll question
#48  February 05, 2012, 09:50:06 pm
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I'd tend to say "why not".
Some chars that finished 2nd are better than some others who finished 1st at other months, so it makes sense in this way.
On the other side, if a char finished 2nd on one month, then it means the char that finished 1st will probably get more votes in CotY than the one that finished 2nd, considering only this particular month.

But yeah, just to give their chance to some very good chars, and since it doesn't involved more work, why not.
Re: Char of Year Poll question
#49  February 05, 2012, 09:53:12 pm
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should that be done after 12 cotm or just make it yearly with the chars from the year before?
Re: Char of Year Poll question
#50  February 05, 2012, 09:59:32 pm
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Characters have to have a special portrait made by the CotM host to participate in CotY.
Re: Char of Year Poll question
#51  February 05, 2012, 10:02:24 pm
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I thought you were going to make a special portrait for the winner of CotY anyway. ::)

And when will you open the poll !? >:)
Re: Char of Year Poll question
#52  February 05, 2012, 10:10:07 pm
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Yeah, but you can't just skip the regular portrait and go strait to the most prestigious portrait. I might as well include 20th place characters. they could have almost won too!

I don't know when I'm going to open it, I thought I was going to open it this morning, but I didn't. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
Re: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#53  March 20, 2012, 11:54:00 pm
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How can I post any of my created characters here so at least the voters sees can vote the character? Such as viewing the characters moves and such... 
"GrayCircle will surpass ever hero one day!"

My Local Name: Fighting Toys Freak.


Re: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#54  March 20, 2012, 11:56:58 pm
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You don't post them here. You post them in the Releases section.
Re: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#55  July 03, 2012, 04:33:03 am
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So is Coty still going with just the 12 monthly winners?
Cause I think it would be better to go with the top 2-4. In some cases, cotm comes down to a handful of votes difference(sometimes even resulting in ties). This way, you get a better overall representation of the year imo.
If that overly saturates the vote, then split the vote into 2(or more. Id even go for a 48 character bracket style voting system ala sports play-offs) and narrow it down that way.
You may lose the cotm battle, but you still get a shot at the coty war. I dont think you should take more than 4 though. The problem would then be, what if there is a multi tie for xth place lol. Only the winner gets a special portrait or whatever.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: COTM: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#56  August 06, 2014, 11:48:29 am
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I don't know where else to post this so I thought I'd put it here since it is a suggestion.

I've noticed in a lot of months there seems to be the same author chosen for multiple nominations in the same month, I don't think it's anyone's intention
to monopolize on cotm at all, but I think a cap on how many times an author can be nominated each month should be applied.

 It kinda kills the "weight" of Cotm at times, it feels less like something you can earn and more like something you can get with enough releases in the same month. I think it would help the prestige of winning it. I think like one nom per author would be Ideal, but at the least 2. 

Basically with a cap of 2 it would be the first two to hit 4 votes in nomination.
Re: COTM: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#57  August 07, 2014, 12:34:13 am
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I assume this is Z2 related?
Re: COTM: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#58  August 07, 2014, 12:38:18 am
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only people i recall to ever get more than 2 a month were kamekaze and race so no, it isnt.
Re: COTM: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#59  August 07, 2014, 11:19:55 am
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Z2 is like 1 or 2 per YEAR max, LOL. It's just a coincidence we got 2 in the same month, because EVO.

On the other hand, look at the other side : by having 2 or more nominees in the same months, you reduce your chances of winning CotM. Some people vote inconditionally because "Hey author XXX" or "Oh, ZZZ-style it's my favourite". We you start having 3 chars the same month, people won't know who to vote for, and your votes will be divided among all characters, while all these votes could have gone to only 1 character if you had only one nominated character.

Meh, who cares, it's just for fun.
Re: COTM: Nominating, Voting, and Suggestions
#60  August 07, 2014, 11:33:04 am
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Someone with 4 plus characters would likely be benefitted from having their entries reduced. More votes towards one of them.  But the real question is if that would also be fairer for the others with one release per month, since there would be less "repeats" from the same person and thus less potential votes towards a non winning thing..
Neocide has an interesting proposal that I think merits discussing.