
Mortal Kombat Custom Characters (Read 54083 times)

Started by CommanderReptile, November 14, 2007, 05:46:30 am
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Mortal Kombat Custom Characters
#1  November 14, 2007, 05:46:30 am
  • *
  • I amsss the realsss reptile the othersss are Fake!
UHHHH i have seen people on youtube showoff their custom characters for mortal kombat project 4.1 which are basicly color edited characters and using specail moves from other characters.  I have seen these custom characters so far.  Snake, Ruby, acid, sub-zero vII, and the Mortal Kombat 2 Blood Storm characters.  Snake is a reptile with darker green clothes,indigo skin, custom stance, ect.  Ruby is a character from the cartoon series of mortal kombat which is jade with red instead of green.  Acid is a green cyborg with acid related special moves.  Sub-zero vII is like the classic sub-zero but with the black stripes on the uniform like in Mortal Kombat shoalin Monks and has dark blue.   
acid 1 :
acid 2:

these links take you to youtube which play videos demonstrating their custom characters the last one takes u to a youtube user that has videos that shows gameplay of the upcoming Mortal Kombat Mugen Game other than 5.0 some have the custom and some don't.

Well the i have not really gotten to the point so sorry. :P  anyways let me get to the point.  Does anyone know what program i need to do voice edits/sound edits?,what program to use to do color edits, how to add different special attacks and finishers.
Re: Mortal Kombat Custom Characters
#2  November 14, 2007, 01:26:08 pm
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I used Fighter Factory for the first two but haven't figured out how to add specials or finishers. :-\ Why did you lock the topic?
Horray for randomness!

My old Youtube videos.
Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 12:40:25 am by Reptile
Re: Mortal Kombat Custom Characters
#3  November 15, 2007, 04:55:00 am
  • *
  • I amsss the realsss reptile the othersss are Fake!
i did not know i did i will unlock it
Re: Mortal Kombat Custom Characters
#4  November 15, 2007, 01:43:38 pm
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No I mean the other topic which is linked to this one. :sugoi:
Horray for randomness!

My old Youtube videos.