
Some bug report (Read 11821 times)

Started by venom_corporation, July 23, 2009, 06:16:35 am
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Some bug report
New #1  July 23, 2009, 06:16:35 am
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I hope is right post bugs of chars that not mine... sorry if this wrong.

Cody by H':
Kyo XI by Beppu:


Problem when he throws stones, some times it doesnt disappears or make too much damage (take all lifebar).
No crouching attacks (same problem in Warusaki chars, i tell you just in case).
Roll movement (a+x) sometimes dont passes across the opponent when the enemy is close to Cody.
No groove bar


- Run sound dont stop in time when he stop to do this movement.
- No Black BG when he do a DM (Super power)
- IA never gets fight
- No K.O. Sound
- Roll movement (a+x) sometimes dont passes across the opponent when the enemy is close to Kyo.
- Problem with burn explod, this effect always appears binded to the oponent when kyo do a special move with fire, no matter if this movement contact the enemy. A screenshot for this:

Both Characters runs OK in winmugen.

Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 06:32:01 am by venom_corporation