
The Palette Thread  (Read 187253 times)

Started by Neocide, December 01, 2014, 11:55:45 am
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The Palette Thread
#1  December 01, 2014, 11:55:45 am
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  • Smooches
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    • Skype - Neocide
Welp only took me 3 friggin days to do all these so I hope people actually make some, and actually Try a little harder.. (No offense, but some were bad in the other thread.)  Without further Ado, Pals for every character (And sub character) as of now in the game, minus 2 surprise villains. And 2 sayains I don't know if I'll continue (it's  about 30% chance I will finish them in 2015) I'll just go in alphabetical order;

Spoiler: Meta Spoiler D: (click to see content)

Note: When doing Goku's ssj and ssj2 palettes, make sure to keep the hair in ssj more bright in contrast, while dimmer with ssj2, so when he switches modes the theme stays in place. Cell jr's armor shares a color or two with the skin,I thought of removing the option for the armor part, but I'm sure some of you can work around it or figure something out. If you've done palettes in the other thread, please be sure to bring them over here, and spoil your images with said characters name.

Puar is with yamcha but there is no obligation to make their palettes match each other like I did previously. Same with cell and cell jr's. You can if you want though.
Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 01:28:17 am by Neocide
Re: The Palette Thread
#2  December 01, 2014, 12:45:40 pm
  • ******

In the palette there's an unused yellow colour (I think it is):

or is it for the gems? If yes, I have to update the template.

Also, the mouth of his second form shares colours with the purple parts of his body (shoulders, head, abs).
The second form sprite has some "double zones" (pixels that are repeated), like on his right foot and on his tail.
Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 12:51:37 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: The Palette Thread
#3  December 01, 2014, 01:10:32 pm
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yea the gem thing was my goof, the mouth sharing purple colors isn't a big deal, it's only that one frame with his mouth open.

First post has fixed frieza pal in it now.  Double zones? you mean like two pixels wide instead of one? if so yea I know it's something I fixed in the sff, just not on the palette template.

I'm not really worried about things like that for this sort of thing :p
Re: The Palette Thread
#4  December 01, 2014, 01:18:42 pm
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    • Zimbabwe
Those sprites are dope.
Good luck with palettes men, and you for the code, Neocide!


Re: The Palette Thread
#5  December 01, 2014, 02:00:14 pm
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The sprites look magnificient. Following your long path from the way early ZGTEAM times, it has been a great pleasure seeing your hard work and dedication to bringing all these characters to life (over and over again - if you count all the sheets you made multiple times haha). I truely admire your effort (knowing that you had gone through hard private times inbetween as well makes it even more outstanding).

On a way different note, Benhazard created the Piccolo sprites right? Also didn't he work on C16 in that style too?

Also do you plan to do anything with these full sheets you created/edited? Or with all the other unused stuff?

BTW. I'd love to see a compilation of all the sheets you ever made! There most be about 5 gokus at least haha
Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 02:12:02 pm by HQ
Re: The Palette Thread
#6  December 01, 2014, 04:41:02 pm
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"During a time of struggle, K-ON's beautiful story provided the influence needed for me to become an ideal president. I am now a better man."
— Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States
Re: The Palette Thread
#7  December 01, 2014, 06:15:33 pm
  • ***
Frieza's  smallport actually looks awful :<
Re: The Palette Thread
#8  December 01, 2014, 06:39:01 pm
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    • Argentina
I'm sorry for disappointing you, Rai Tei :<

Do we have to update our old palettes, Neocide?
Re: The Palette Thread
#9  December 01, 2014, 09:08:23 pm
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Sorry, didn't mean to insult anyone.
I thought it was Neo's, that's why I was being awfully honest :D

Would be awesome if you could improve it
because you've done many great jobs before.
Re: The Palette Thread
#10  December 01, 2014, 10:01:50 pm
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  • Smooches
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    • Skype - Neocide
I appreciate all the words and all that,but can we keep this about the palettes please? :p

@HQ: I've done over 40 sheets now. I can't even remember all the damn goku sheets I've done, it's been ALOT though.
Ben did extras on piccolo, roken did the main sheet of him though.

also @rai tei: you are tripping, I like the small frieza portrait, outlines needed fixing but I did that on the no template one. I think it looks good, it would have been better if you would have explained what was wrong rather than saying it was awful, even if I did it. so nyan nyan nyan.

@【 HadeS 】: shouldn't have to,I used your 18 sprite fix on the sheet template and it came out fine.

after this I won't be responding outside of palette questions. Please keep it to the palettes, or make a palette and then comment on something. at least do it right! :p
Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 10:30:43 pm by Neocide
Re: The Palette Thread
#11  December 01, 2014, 10:26:28 pm
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Yeah, mostly issues with outlines with his eyes being the biggest problem.
I'll be back to my cave now. /offtopic
Re: The Palette Thread
#12  December 03, 2014, 12:12:57 am
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  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
Palette delivery for ummm.... I C Weiner :laugh:

Stupidity aside, Hatter here to answer your flyer on the news thread:

Android 18 - I  :heart: Tifa Lockhart (UPDATED)*:

Kuririn Haohmaru

Bigeta (M.Bison + Vegeta... UPDATED)

Piccolo Belmont (try to guess which one):

*I honestly didn't like the hair on this one, but I did it like this because I followed the contrast tip you told me (Color layers in Photoshop are grrreat!). I think it can be better if I fiddled around with the contrast a bit, but would that ruin the index or the palette you put down???
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Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 04:09:52 pm by Black Hatter
Re: The Palette Thread
#13  December 03, 2014, 04:18:33 am
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    • Skype - Neocide
Ok.. thanks for doing pals and keep trying, BUT I can't use these as is, for 3 reasons:

1. you gotta fix the contrast on 18, it's really offset (you have really dark colors for the first two, and extremely bright ones that really throw it off)

2. Your totally ruining the Indexing on all of them. Try to save them as they are, not just copying them and pasting them to your paint program, as the index got totally ruined.

3. Cell's palette, you made your own color separation,as I don't have his legs seperated from his skin and the palette is useless.

Thank you so much for the effort, and I want you to keep trying, just remember these 3 things I mentioned (I actually kinda like the bison one, minus a few contrast issues) 
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 04:34:28 am by Neocide
Re: The Palette Thread
#14  December 03, 2014, 04:44:19 am
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  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
Hmmmm I think I know how to get past the contrast issues. But the indexing... damn you guessed it right off the bat. I never knew that pasting indexed images to MS paint would ruin an index... well at least I know now.  Right now I need some shut eye, so I'll redo them first thing in the morning.  Thanks for the heads up!
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Re: The Palette Thread
#15  December 03, 2014, 05:32:40 am
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  • Build it, shape it, by my will.
Just to give you an idea on what to expect, this one took about 30+ mins to make, heh.

Honestly, it'll look weird for Ginyu to not retain any blend of purple skin.  Just me.
Re: The Palette Thread
#16  December 03, 2014, 07:02:41 am
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  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
nice, and I look at ginyu like yoshi, when I was color seperating him, he looked fine in yellow and in red, and blue, you just have to get the right contrast.


Been doing swordsmen themes for trunks.
Re: The Palette Thread
#17  December 03, 2014, 04:10:28 pm
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  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
Updated my post with new palettes, and replaced a few, check'em out and tell me if you like 'em :)
Good luck Neocide!
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Re: The Palette Thread
#18  December 04, 2014, 01:08:14 am
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    • France
    • Skype - elevesimon
Some Trunks palletes:

Made Archer from the visual novel Fate/stay night. He usually fight with twin swords so I made a pal for each of the two swords:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Archer with Kanshou sword:

Archer with Bakuya sword:

"During a time of struggle, K-ON's beautiful story provided the influence needed for me to become an ideal president. I am now a better man."
— Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States
Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 02:25:59 am by Ryūku Tsukuyomi
Re: The Palette Thread
#19  December 04, 2014, 01:10:09 am
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@Black Hatter: your indexing is still fucked up man. I don't know what you're doing, but you're losing the whole index.

Also changing the contrasts won't make a new indexed palette, it just helps with showing the tones.

I've made a bunch of trunks pals, done atm on doing palettes, gonna get back to cutting and then putting people into the system


Skywalker strikes back :

Trunks may care:

Crono Trunks:

Might do a vader one later. Yea that'll be the last one I do for trunks

Re: The Palette Thread
#20  December 04, 2014, 01:15:53 am
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  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
@Neocide: I think I just realized what I'm doing wrong with the indexing. I'm reverting it to RGB mode, putting in the colors on another layer with the 'Color' mode on, indexing it again, and saving it. The part with me reverting it to RGB mode is what's fucking up the index, no?

Anyways, I'll look into the palettes tomorrow, and I'll hit you up with a Guilty Gear pal for Trunks.
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