
Server move in a while (Read 34021 times)

Started by Valodim, May 08, 2014, 07:01:04 pm
Server move in a while
#1  May 08, 2014, 07:01:04 pm
  • ******
    • Germany
Hey there.

The forum server will be moved (with slight hardware reconfigurations) sometime soon. I don't have an exact date yet, but it will be in a couple of weeks at most. This will cause some downtime, in the range of few days, so long enough to be annoying but not long enough to actually migrate somewhere else for the time.

There IS a slight chance that things don't go as planned, buuut we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Just letting you know.
Re: Server move in a while
#2  May 08, 2014, 07:23:23 pm
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
dang, i wanted to pretend they were all banned for a week for not donating to the server funds, you ruined it! D:
Re: Server move in a while
#3  May 18, 2014, 12:27:25 pm
  • ******
    • Germany
likely moving today. expect a couple hours of downtime
Re: Server move in a while
#4  May 18, 2014, 07:13:50 pm
  • ******
    • Germany
Move done, for now. There will be more rough waters in a while, but we'll be good for a while at least :)