
Does this thing exist?/who is the author?/etc. thread.  (Read 6798689 times)

Started by Messatsu, August 26, 2007, 08:29:40 pm
Re: Does this thing exist?/who is the author?/etc. thread.
#27041  January 21, 2025, 07:04:04 pm
  • **
    • Brazil
Who made this Dan from Sengoku?

And the player character from My Hero?

And Zan from Undercover Cops?

Lan (from Super Fighter?)

Kaori from Tough Guy

Yukihime (don't know where she is from)

Zan by Brown:
Lan & Kaori:
Yukihime is from game named Metamoqester. Yukihime by Sepher is offline.
Yukihime by Sakuraka:
Re: Does this thing exist?/who is the author?/etc. thread.
#27042  January 29, 2025, 03:37:08 am
  • *****
  • Super Mario Fighters 3 resurrected.
    • USA
Anyone know of any KoF sprite set Ryo Sazakis that have a custom, not Pots playstyle by chance? Would really appreciate any arrange edits as well.
Re: Does this thing exist?/who is the author?/etc. thread.
#27043  January 30, 2025, 04:58:37 pm
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
Is there a KOF Ryo with POTS gameplay on MUGEN?? What??
Anyway, about your question, the only ones I know are Fatal Fury Wild Ambition versions of Ryo Sakazaki, the original one by Ironmugen and the edited/resprited one by Gabiru, JonathanS & Clayton... and of course both edited by Duracelleur (check it out there if there're more Ryo edits modified by him)


Re: Does this thing exist?/who is the author?/etc. thread.
#27044  January 31, 2025, 05:06:23 am
  • **
  • ViktorVaughN_N
    • USA
Anyone know of any KoF sprite set Ryo Sazakis that have a custom, not Pots playstyle by chance? Would really appreciate any arrange edits as well.
Popoponta's Ryo has an arrange mode with air combos, EX moves, air dashes, etc. that you can access by holding down start while selecting him. It's very jokey though and has all sorts of things like a Buster Wolf and Akuma's warp.