
DP Input Inconsistency  (Read 7808 times)

Started by Master0fFaster, February 23, 2025, 10:31:09 pm
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DP Input Inconsistency
#1  February 23, 2025, 10:31:09 pm
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Been playing around with inputs lately, and for some reason, 623a is making my 236a come out. This doesn't happen with 236B and 623b, and 236a cancels into 623a without any problem.
I heard somewhere that this was caused by the order in which the moves are indexed, but i changed that and it still doesn't work. I've tried doing this, too, but to no avail

name = "623a"
command = F, D, DF, a
time = 25
name = "623a"
command = F, D, DF, F, a
time = 25

This is my first time, and I don't have much experience working on MUGEN stuff, so I am genuinely lost
Re: DP Input Inconsistency
#2  February 24, 2025, 01:34:40 am
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so the order of the statedef -1 matters, like you mentioned.
Make sure the more complex move is above the easier move. Like your 2nd "623a" would probably never be triggered.

You also need to look at your buffer times. 623 and 236, idk what moves those would be. is one backwards and one's forwards?

if you think a move should come out, but a different move is interrupting it, make sure the input is above the bad one. Then focus on the location of the changestate, then look at the triggers.
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Re: DP Input Inconsistency
#3  March 04, 2025, 04:51:37 am
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You also need to look at your buffer times. 623 and 236, idk what moves those would be. is one backwards and one's forwards?
The number keyboard, 623 is DP and 236 is QCF

This is my first time, and I don't have much experience working on MUGEN stuff, so I am genuinely lost
Don't worry, it's normal. One thing you can add is ~ behind the command (~F, D, DF in this case) so the system can take better the command. Also, the order of the commands it refers you should put it higher than the others. I mean, in the case of the specials section, the DP move you've to leave it in the upper part so the system can recognize it easily, here's an example:
Spoiler: From my Earthworm Jim (click to see content)
I hope this helps ;)
Re: DP Input Inconsistency
#4  March 04, 2025, 01:43:08 pm
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The order of [Command]'s is irrelevant. It's the order of State -1 ChangeStates that matters like Odb718 said. More complex motions should be above simpler motions.

name = "623a"
command = F, D, DF, a
time = 25
name = "623a"
command = F, D, DF, F, a
time = 25
You don't need these two inputs because you can't do the second one without doing the first one. Only the first one is necessary (the second is incorrect anyway). They also lack "~" like Basara said.
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Re: DP Input Inconsistency
#5  March 06, 2025, 08:18:50 pm
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The second command was a desperate attempt at overriding QCF, I know it's incorrect, I was just lacking the information that the states I should be changing the order of are the -1 ones.