
3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide (Read 91510 times)

Started by SuperFromND, November 25, 2023, 07:34:44 pm
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Re: 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide
#21  August 15, 2024, 07:48:26 am
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does this mean we can use stereoscopic dlls to now view mugen in stereoscopic 3d now too?

Not sure about custom DLLs, but I recently confirmed that you can get a stereoscopic image using something like ReShade with the Depth3D shader. The effect isn't particularly pronounced with the default settings (though I was only testing it with anaglyph glasses because I didn't want to bust out my VR headset just to check if side-by-side looked good), but you can do it and it's pretty nifty. Just be sure to turn MSAA off in Ikemen GO first if you try this, otherwise Reshade won't be able to grab the depth info it needs to render a stereoscopic image.

Creator of the Ikemen GO Command List Generator and its successor, Iguana.
I also make 3D stage ports for Ikemen GO. You can find my stages here. :heart:
Re: 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide
#22  December 13, 2024, 07:41:28 pm
So as we talked about a few days ago on the server, there are several custom parameters we can use with glTF for Ikemen. I'll drop the list of the ones we have right now here. I'll keep it updated as more get added!


disableZTest and disableZWrite:
Disable depth test and writing to depth buffer respectively

castShadow: adding castShadow = 0 to meshes turns shadows off for that mesh

shadowMapBias: default value is 0.02

shadowMapNear: deafault value is 0.1 for point / spot light, -20 from directional light

shadowMapFar: default value is 50

shadowMapBottom: directional light only, default value is -20

shadowMapTop: directional light only, default value is 20

shadowMapLeft: directional light only, default value is -20

shadowMapRight:  directional light only, default value is 20
Re: 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide
#23  December 26, 2024, 02:39:53 am
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I can't move the character position with zoffset in 3d stages, Does anyone know how I can do it?
Re: 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide
#24  December 26, 2024, 07:09:32 am
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  • The other Indian
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change the fov
Re: 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide
#25  December 26, 2024, 11:56:27 am
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thanks but I change the fov but the image increases or decreases, it doesn't really move like zoffset which moves the Y coordinate
Re: 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide
#26  March 10, 2025, 10:59:39 am
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    • USA
Not really a guide per-se, but I wrote a little Python script to make it easier to add 2D animations to 3D stages. Figured it'd be useful to post here, so here's the script:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

And here's a mirror of the script on my Github, just in case!

If you don't know how to use scripts in Blender (which is fair enough as I never really mentioned it on this guide), I made a quick YouTube video showing how to use it:

Creator of the Ikemen GO Command List Generator and its successor, Iguana.
I also make 3D stage ports for Ikemen GO. You can find my stages here. :heart: