
MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N! (Read 1718664 times)

Started by ermaccer, September 20, 2019, 03:01:11 pm
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#21  September 20, 2019, 10:34:42 pm
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only thing i've encountered is that you'll have to move the portrait position in the system.def which he stated in the tutorial lol

otherwise using the scale code and all that good stuff in the system.def still works for this

A question i do have, is it possible to show P1 and his partner after selecting first fighter during simul/Tag?

No idea how would I save previous character pointer for turns mode, it's all linked together. Guess we'll see.

I get this error:

Latest version of MugenHook, latest version of x86 Ultimate ASI Loader, both placed in the root directory of MUGEN 1.1b.

Please check if your antivirus might interefere with the way this whole thing works.
it works but I don't understand why stances animation doesn't appear :/

Have you enabled them in .ini? Make sure you have added required frames (group, index) to frameLoader.dat!
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#22  September 20, 2019, 10:42:40 pm
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I had already tried that, but somehow trying it again did the trick.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#23  September 21, 2019, 01:03:55 am
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Excellent Ermaccer!
Made basic tests tonight but I will do a lot more after.

Some suggestions :
Color changing (while holding a key + arrows)
Alternate characters switching (ryu, evil ryu, violent ryu etc.)
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#24  September 21, 2019, 01:05:27 am
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Another suggestion,

be able to set different animations scales, for your characters
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#25  September 21, 2019, 02:18:31 am
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I like this here man. This is really going to stand out. Good deal
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#26  September 21, 2019, 02:26:21 am
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Same here, I like what i am seeing! Keeping my eye on this project as well!
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#27  September 21, 2019, 02:28:00 am
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Another quickie:
- The default big port combined with the Animated one over it.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#28  September 21, 2019, 08:22:38 am
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^ you can already do that, just, have to make it like you would custom portraits
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#29  September 21, 2019, 08:55:35 am
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Really? Hmm... I should probably remake my Street Fighter with this
The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#30  September 21, 2019, 09:21:01 am
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If I could make a suggestion - ability to adjust the amount of life gain for turns mode.

eg. would like to be able to specify 50% life gain for whatever it currently is

hope this makes sense
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#31  September 21, 2019, 09:24:50 am
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Yes, good stuff!
I like the fact mugen engine can have an evolution.

Some features out of select screen??
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#32  September 21, 2019, 09:46:45 am
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Another suggestion,

be able to set different animations scales, for your characters

Can implement that.

Another quickie:
- The default big port combined with the Animated one over it.

You can do this with custom sprites, no need to overdo.

Alternate characters switching (ryu, evil ryu, violent ryu etc.)
That's coming as variations. Figured out it will be faster to just read selected palette option and adjust character based on that instead of reading user input.

If I could make a suggestion - ability to adjust the amount of life gain for turns mode.

eg. would like to be able to specify 50% life gain for whatever it currently is

hope this makes sense

Not sure what you want to accomplish.
Last Edit: September 21, 2019, 09:48:47 am by ermaccer
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#33  September 21, 2019, 10:19:57 am
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If I could make a suggestion - ability to adjust the amount of life gain for turns mode.

eg. would like to be able to specify 50% life gain for whatever it currently is

hope this makes sense

Not sure what you want to accomplish.

I think he means recovering 50% of the actual life instead of a fixed value. In turns mode, when you win a round, you recover an amount of life (always the same, don't know how much though), I think he wants to recover life based on the current life after you win the round.

Edit: My turn now. Is it possible to add a sorta sliding effect to the portraits? Similar to SF4 and some other games, the portrait slides into the screen and stops in the right position. Would be also cool a fading effect, thought I think this is possible doing in the animation, playing with alpha and setting the time to -1 when the portrait is fully visible.
Last Edit: September 21, 2019, 10:45:08 am by DeathScythe
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#34  September 21, 2019, 11:41:41 am
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tyvm, this is great

i also think it'd be better if the 9000,1 sprite appear behind the anim
but you already say no need to overdo, so ...

does the "e - Select Animation" supposed to be loop or not?
i can't make it loop

thanks again, i'll be using this
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#35  September 21, 2019, 11:48:01 am
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Per character scale option is finished. Please note that this overwrites system.def scale thing so you need to decide what scale method you want (a new toggle - bEnableAnimationScale).

Edit: My turn now. Is it possible to add a sorta sliding effect to the portraits? Similar to SF4 and some other games, the portrait slides into the screen and stops in the right position. Would be also cool a fading effect, thought I think this is possible doing in the animation, playing with alpha and setting the time to -1 when the portrait is fully visible.
Sliding effect is certainly possible, I have figured an effective way to do so, stay tuned. I do not read alpha, pos and loopstart/end from .air files, so the alpha thing might not be possible.

tyvm, this is great

i also think it'd be better if the 9000,1 sprite appear behind the anim
but you already say no need to overdo, so ...

does the "e - Select Animation" supposed to be loop or not?
i can't make it loop

thanks again, i'll be using this

Loopstart/end from animation is not supported, it goes like this 0->Max frames in air->0->Max frames in air. Maybe support for loopstart/end can be added, I'll have to think about it.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#36  September 21, 2019, 02:41:30 pm
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any chance for simul vs screen to be 3v3 compatible or am I asking for too much?
got issues with ports not appearing on 3v3 in simul
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#37  September 21, 2019, 05:41:20 pm
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What about showing both/all characters when selected
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#38  September 21, 2019, 05:42:58 pm
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THIS IS GREAT !!! I might use this for my Mugen Project
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#39  September 21, 2019, 06:15:55 pm
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if you keep doing it
it could be the real 1.1 release?
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#40  September 21, 2019, 09:55:29 pm
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I'll keep an eye in this project, it looks promising, btw, can you make a video on how to install it?