
How do I get back at people online? (Read 549556 times)

Started by Zthunder, March 18, 2009, 05:25:56 am
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#121  April 08, 2009, 12:47:49 am
  • ******
  • I got a PM.
Can we all just hug.

Re: How do I get back at people online?
#122  April 08, 2009, 12:49:50 am
  • avatar
It should also be noted that the person that posted this topic on our board has been a gamefaqs member for less than a month. We have no idea who he is, for all we know it could be Zthunder luring us here to either show his intentions of getting back at us or he thinks we're are going to totally assault him and prove his point.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#123  April 08, 2009, 12:51:01 am

And Zthunder, may I remind you that the board was never openly hostile to you at first. Everytime that you made a new account we were of course wary of your antics but we always gave you a chance to redeem yourself. But each and every time you managed to rile the regulars up and turn everyone against you. So what if your life sucks? Man up or end it, don't pollute messageboards with it.

And Afro Lighting, why would you delete that link to a perfectly enjoyable topic?
note to self. Change username when visiting different sites - Zthunder
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#124  April 08, 2009, 12:55:17 am
  • Cracka-thom
Because I posted that before I wanted Zthunder to be happy again. His life is shit and he is not making it any better.
A friendly visitor.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#125  April 08, 2009, 12:56:18 am
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Z, only one person "looked you up," and he actually found this thread accidentally. I think what you said speaks volumes more to your paranoia than to our devotion to finding and torturing you.

I don't want to be too harsh, but since the day you left up until today, your name has only been mentioned two, maybe three times.

I know it's not all of you but you know how that board is. All it takes is a few people to say "Zthunder did it!" and I'm then hit with a bunch of hurtful and pointless comments. I had nothing against hiei that day. I was sorry about his lost. Fumbler pm'd me on the irc and told me what happened and I tried to comfort him but then he lashes out on me. and then takes it one step further by posting all of that garbage! No one would let me explain myself! It's always been like that and you have to admit it. I was never given the chance to truly be accepted as a different person. I'm sorry to the ones who never really had nothing against me but they were overshadowed by the real asses and the band wagoners. I never wanted it to come this far.

There were always a few people willing to give you a chance. I distinctly remember there having been topics in which you said something pretty inoffensive, someone responded harshly, and a third person told them to cool down and give you a chance. Time and time again, though, you lashed out in response, justifying the first poster's actions and disappointing the second poster.

Oh, and in regard to his dad.... Well, I can't pretend I know what he was feeling that day, and I hope I don't know the feeling of losing my father for a long time, so this is all conjecture - but don't you think that he might have just been looking for a way to figure out his feelings?

You'd have to clear it up with him, because it's really, really not my business to speak for him, but he's about my age; iirc a little younger, actually. He'd just experienced a devastating loss, and you, who he knew to be pretty... inflammatory, said something that he probably would have handled fine if he'd just been having a bad day, but couldn't be OK with when it happened.

It was just bad timing on your part. I'm positive that if you had known about what happened, things would have gone differently, but you never got the heads up, so you had some of his grief and anger and confusion thrown at you. You really just have to try to see it from his perspective. Losing someone is hard, and losing a parent is completely unfathomable for me, so it's understandable that he'd be pretty volatile, right?

I'm just saying, maybe instead of holding a grudge against him for so long, you should try to talk to him. Clear the air. I don't know whether you'll be willing to, and even if you are, I don't know if he'll be willing to, but I think it's important to make the effort, Z.

Can we all just hug.

Of course! I'm always glad for hugs. *hugs everyone*
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#126  April 08, 2009, 12:57:48 am
  • **
Hello, I am from board that is being mentioned here and I would like to get some words in, I am not here to start an invasion and disprove of the "AMSB" poster's methods. I've also been interested in Mugen but I digress. Zthunder I just want to ask you to calm down, it's been 2 months since the moderators of Gamefaqs, not us, have banned you for filling our board with personal attacks against it's members including our youngest poster which you are atleast 5 years older than. It is time you acted your age Zthunder and just let this go. Your actions have been blinded to you by your rage and even the members of another board off gamefaqs have been mocking your schemes to attack the internet. Even after two months you have not stopped and think about why people have attacked you. Please just stop this foolishness, I know how much mugen is important to you and I would hate it if this board shunned you.

Honestly I don't think this will get through to you but when you are calm and ready to have a civil discussion about the bad blood between you and the board then give our board a ring. This forum does not need to be polluted with internet drama.

See I don't understand you guys. One minute your making fun of me then the next you guys want to "apologize" or make me "come to my senses". Let's say, hypothetically, I decide to come back. Why? So you guys can push me to the point where I get banned again?

Afro you were in the irc when me and hiei clashed. Admit it. Who the hell got angry first? Who was trying to show some concern? I know how close you guys are but you can't deny the fact that HEY STARTED IT! I never wanted any beef but he mocked me. And then every jumps on me for retaliating. Thats the thing with that board. I never get my point across. No one ever listens to me. All they see is "Zthunders a troll! Zthunders a troll! Ignore everything he says!".

I'm not sure I want to come back. They've made it clear that they don't want me there. Ok not everyone but enough finds me to be an utter annoyance. I have way too many problems in my life right now. Too many people in my life I'm trying to prove something to. The last place I want to do this at is on the internet.

It should also be noted that the person that posted this topic on our board has been a gamefaqs member for less than a month. We have no idea who he is, for all we know it could be Zthunder luring us here to either show his intentions of getting back at us or he thinks we're are going to totally assault him and prove his point.

The hell? I don't know that guy. This is what I'm talking about. Everybody thinks I'm the big bad troll trying to get attention.I couldn't make an account last month because it HASN'T BEEN 90 DAYS! Stop accusing me of shit.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#127  April 08, 2009, 01:03:34 am
  • ******
  • I got a PM.
I know how to fix this, you guys should just beg on your hands and knees for him to comeback.

Maybe if you beat yourselves in a form of penance he will come back.

Or pay him, yeah money fixes everything.

What the hell Zthunder?

What do they have to do?
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#128  April 08, 2009, 01:05:40 am
  • **
I know how to fix this, you guys should just beg on your hands and knees for him to comeback.

Maybe if you beat yourselves in a form of penance he will come back.

Or pay him, yeah money fixes everything.

What the hell Zthunder?

What do they have to do?

They're not really asking me to come back. They're asking me to come back just to clear things up I guess but the Gamefaqs banhammer has scared me way t0o much. I ain't taking the chance logging on to that site again.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#129  April 08, 2009, 01:06:01 am

Who said we want him back?
note to self. Change username when visiting different sites - Zthunder
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#130  April 08, 2009, 01:06:45 am
  • **
I want to know who the fuck you are. Your really startin to piss me off anyway.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#131  April 08, 2009, 01:12:11 am
  • ******
  • I am hilarious
  • and you will quote everything I say
    • USA
What a time for this to happen. I just started using my account again there recently. :P
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#132  April 08, 2009, 01:14:44 am
  • avatar
See I don't understand you guys. One minute your making fun of me then the next you guys want to "apologize" or make me "come to my senses". Let's say, hypothetically, I decide to come back. Why? So you guys can push me to the point where I get banned again?

I'm not sure I want to come back. They've made it clear that they don't want me there. Ok not everyone but enough finds me to be an utter annoyance. I have way too many problems in my life right now. Too many people in my life I'm trying to prove something to. The last place I want to do this at is on the internet.

No, I don't think that's our intention. Most of the people who antagonize you don't want you back when you leave. The people who do ask you to return, or offer to be nice to you if you do, are usually being sincere. Sure, there are some people who just want you back to screw with you, but they should be easy to spot.

At least, there were people like that. I have no idea how most posters feel about you right now, but I'd wager that they're thinking you're more pathetic than anything. So I think it's best for you if you don't return - at least, not now.

But after a while, if you get up enough courage, you can probably do it. I would recommend that you use a new username, and don't bring up any old arguments on the board. Also, try to stay mellow, if you ever come back. One of the well-known things about you is definitely your short temper....
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#133  April 08, 2009, 01:17:01 am
  • Cracka-thom

See I don't understand you guys. One minute your making fun of me then the next you guys want to "apologize" or make me "come to my senses". Let's say, hypothetically, I decide to come back. Why? So you guys can push me to the point where I get banned again?

Stop calling me the whole board. If you want to point fingers than point fingers at me. And the reason why you should come back to the board is pretty much exactly what I said in my message, get this off of this board for their sakes and so we can actually talk about what has you so angry. All of this can be peacefully settled and here is not the battleground for that.

Afro you were in the irc when me and hiei clashed. Admit it. Who the hell got angry first? Who was trying to show some concern? I know how close you guys are but you can't deny the fact that HEY STARTED IT! I never wanted any beef but he mocked me. And then every jumps on me for retaliating. Thats the thing with that board. I never get my point across. No one ever listens to me. All they see is "Zthunders a troll! Zthunders a troll! Ignore everything he says!".

Actually if I remember correctly I'm the one who exploded at you first for the comment "I thought you life had been good so far" as I was assuming the that comment was not only very ironic and in bad taste but the only thing that was going "good" in Hieibell's life at that point was him getting his first girlfriend, which I assumed is something you put very highly about.

In short I'm the one that unleashed your hissy fit that set off. That does not make me the "Evil AMSB" your pointing about but I'm just the match that started the fire I suppose. I wasn't the one pointing and laughing at you like some of the others, atleast not at that moment but I was defending a friend which now that I look back on it might not have been my place to do that day. I am sorry for that one too.

I'm not sure I want to come back. They've made it clear that they don't want me there. Ok not everyone but enough finds me to be an utter annoyance. I have way too many problems in my life right now. Too many people in my life I'm trying to prove something to. The last place I want to do this at is on the internet.

Then stop spending so much time on the internet and take care of the problems in your life in a rational manner, stop directing all of your hate onto this topic and stop escaping into things like videogames and the computer. Just give yourself another rest and think of some peaceful and rational ways to settle your problems.
A friendly visitor.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#134  April 08, 2009, 01:17:29 am
  • ****
  • wink wink, nudge nudge
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#135  April 08, 2009, 01:18:45 am
  • Cracka-thom
and if you take Gnorry's advice to heart please take note that any new posters will instantly be thought of as Zthunder thanks to someone's paranoid witch hunt. Already the poster that posted this is thought of as you
A friendly visitor.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#136  April 08, 2009, 01:27:12 am
  • **
Ok guys. I appreciate what your trying to do. I won't "invade" AMSB but I also won't be returning any time soon also.  Like you guys said, I need to work out my problems in my life first.  And I will work on my temper. People just don't seem to understand how hard it is living with bipolar (it's no secret now) but whatever.  I'll try to improve. You guys coming over here sorta made me angry but also made me realize that at least SOME people care. Which is something I don't really feel much anymore but thanks.

Anyway, I also apologize to the guys on here. I didn't mean to turn this topic into chaos and piss a few people off. I'm just gonna log off for today and try to clear my head. This is all too much for me right now.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#137  April 08, 2009, 01:28:16 am
  • ****
  • wink wink, nudge nudge
and if you take Gnorry's advice to heart please take note that any new posters will instantly be thought of as Zthunder thanks to someone's paranoid witch hunt. Already the poster that posted this is thought of as you
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#138  April 08, 2009, 01:32:42 am
  • avatar
and if you take Gnorry's advice to heart please take note that any new posters will instantly be thought of as Zthunder thanks to someone's paranoid witch hunt. Already the poster that posted this is thought of as you

Oh yeah. There's that whole issue, but I'm assuming you can stand the heat, I think this ordeal will be forgotten by next month, Z.

Ok guys. I appreciate what your trying to do. I won't "invade" AMSB but I also won't be returning any time soon also.  Like you guys said, I need to work out my problems in my life first.  And I will work on my temper. People just don't seem to understand how hard it is living with bipolar (it's no secret now) but whatever.  I'll try to improve. You guys coming over here sorta made me angry but also made me realize that at least SOME people care. Which is something I don't really feel much anymore but thanks.

Bipolar is awful, but since my mom is schizophrenic, I have a good chance of (at least partly) understanding what you mean someday in the future. Hereditary mental illnesses, fuck yeah.

Anyway, bye Z.
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#139  April 08, 2009, 01:42:26 am
  • ******
ownage thread
Re: How do I get back at people online?
#140  April 08, 2009, 01:43:15 am
  • Cracka-thom
Intangibly Egor, the one that alerted the board to this topic. And Beck is awesome.

And Z, I had a good friend on the internet who has Bipolar disease and I semi understand (Though it seemed to make her a babbling bag of hormones and sex more than anger.) I wish you good luck on for what ever you decide on doing.

A Gnorry, thank you for standing by my side in fixing this the peaceful way even if you were the one here first,damn you.  :P
A friendly visitor.