
Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025) (Read 1872867 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, October 12, 2010, 08:33:06 pm
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Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#821  May 07, 2024, 05:28:07 pm
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Scott Pilgrim chars?
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#822  May 07, 2024, 07:19:25 pm
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The Originals section of your site?
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#823  May 07, 2024, 08:34:34 pm
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Adaptation Site?
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#824  May 08, 2024, 03:36:09 am
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You're closer this time ;)

But don't worry, tomorrow will be the day where I reveal the mistery... and I hope it worths the wait :P
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#825  May 09, 2024, 03:16:02 am
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Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#826  June 12, 2024, 05:59:55 am
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OK, I hope you liked my unexpected double release, now I'm working on Ninja from Street Master, my next release :nuttrox: I'll be posting some shots these days, but by now he's in process to ensemble his SFF, I already got the sprites now ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#827  June 22, 2024, 06:10:11 am
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As I said before, I continue making Street Master chars for MUGEN, I did 3 and now I'm making the 4th with Ninja (aka Geki), I got all basics and palettes done and making punches, kicks and specials. I hope to get it during this weekend or maybe next week. Also I added the three chars as part of my WIP list (Ninja, Gen and Bison), I hope to show the last 2 sooner or later, as well reworking on the Lifebars thread and make finally those lifebars :P
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Coming back to my normal projects)
#828  July 04, 2024, 07:44:03 pm
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Scott Pilgrim chars?
Yeah, why not??

Working on SPvTW collection on MFFA, I felt sad since there's no good Ramona on MUGEN (only that crap by Jerii Uzumaki), the only good one is part of Scott Pilgrim Versus and wasn't released outside this game...and I just experimented and I could make a CS for Ramona that can recreate the other 3 palettes from the game...

With that said, I decided to add Ramona to my SPvTW projects with a complete CS for her, as well to rework Kim (probably remake the CS for her, but I posted the one already did anyway), so I added to my first post, along with Lynette who wasn't included yet but in my site. Here you'll see my advances on the coding and stuff, but for CS of both as well Lynette's new sprites, I just revived the resprite thread in Sprite Projects so take a look there for more details ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim)
#829  July 18, 2024, 06:29:53 am
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First preview of Ramona and Kim
After working on their CS, now I'm also getting the finished sprites to ensemble them into SFF, so now I can continue with these 2. I'll be advancing in both girls at the same time since it's a project I want to make. I needed to make a good Kim and MUGEN also deserves a good Ramona, and I'll gonna give you both!!
Now working on CS for punches and kicks as well the gethits to get an alpha for both, expect some more advcances soon!!

EDIT: Forgot to put it last night, but I left you a poll about how would you like them ;)
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 06:39:20 pm by Basara Lapis
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim)
#830  July 19, 2024, 08:45:44 pm
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the only good one is part of Scott Pilgrim Versus and wasn't released outside this game...and I just experimented and I could make a CS for Ramona that can recreate the other 3 palettes from the game...
You could try asking the creators permission to convert them for MUGEN, most of their chars are IKEMEN only, with only a few, like Roxy, working on 1.1.
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim)
#831  July 22, 2024, 05:37:50 am
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You could try asking the creators permission to convert them for MUGEN, most of their chars are IKEMEN only, with only a few, like Roxy, working on 1.1.
I thought in that, but besides I loved the fullgame, I disagree with various of the versions shown there since they're far from my own vision of them, especially the main chars like Ramona. If I would like to convert some of them for normal MUGEN, I'd go for some of the bosses like Mr. Chao or some of the stage enemies converted into chars

And about chars, I got one more I've been prepared recently, here's a preview of it ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim)
#832  August 01, 2024, 03:50:08 am
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Stephen Stills has been released!!
Don't expected he came so fast to finish him eventually, but I'm glad I finally work again on SPvTW chars, I missed it a lot :joy: now back to work on Ramona and Kim, finishing their CS and making their palettes for the SFFs so I can start to code them. Also I've to work on my Street Master stuff (working on Ninja, I hope to get it ready on next month), but also I've seen some of my past works to be updated heavily (mostly Dan, Bishamon and Joe Kusanagi), let's see if I got the time to make them all :)

Meanwhile... here's a new poll for you people n_n
Re: Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025)
#833  March 06, 2025, 06:20:24 pm
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Well, I'm back this 2025 with not necessarily from ClayFighter. Saying this, I just released Ninja from Street Master and the Stage Pack from that game, one step closer of my wanted new fullgame.

I was thinking to finish and release some of my ye-olde WIPs, various of them I never talked about and some are part of my WIP page in my site, that will be seen during these weeks, but I want to release a lot of stuff in this month, so I hope to do it ;) soon more news that aren't just for ClayFighter, stay tuned ;D
Re: Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025)
#834  March 07, 2025, 08:34:48 pm
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Well, I'm back this 2025 with not necessarily from ClayFighter. Saying this, I just released Ninja from Street Master and the Stage Pack from that game, one step closer of my wanted new fullgame.

I was thinking to finish and release some of my ye-olde WIPs, various of them I never talked about and some are part of my WIP page in my site, that will be seen during these weeks, but I want to release a lot of stuff in this month, so I hope to do it ;) soon more news that aren't just for ClayFighter, stay tuned ;D
I hope we get Larry Light soon. That's one of my anticipated wips from you lol
Re: Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025)
#835  March 07, 2025, 09:27:45 pm
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Saying this, I just released Ninja from Street Master and the Stage Pack from that game, one step closer of my wanted new fullgame.

BTW... In your stage pack, the Bison stage... is in Street Master the stage for Ninja.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Will you make Kens borders transparent, like in the source game?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

BTW... looks like Ken can do a air attack while falling after the air version of the Hurricane Kick (but not another air Hurricane Kick).
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 09:41:32 pm by Staubhold
Re: Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025)
#836  March 07, 2025, 09:34:25 pm
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Well, I'm back this 2025 with not necessarily from ClayFighter. Saying this, I just released Ninja from Street Master and the Stage Pack from that game, one step closer of my wanted new fullgame.

I was thinking to finish and release some of my ye-olde WIPs, various of them I never talked about and some are part of my WIP page in my site, that will be seen during these weeks, but I want to release a lot of stuff in this month, so I hope to do it ;) soon more news that aren't just for ClayFighter, stay tuned ;D

In terms of your old WIPS, the ones i'm most interested are Larry, Chiho, Alex and Ramona. Good luck :)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025)
#837  March 08, 2025, 02:21:19 am
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I want to see NGPC Morrigan Aensland and scott pilgrim chars that are still wips.
Re: Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025)
#838  March 09, 2025, 09:50:08 am
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I was thinking to finish and release some of my ye-olde WIPs, various of them I never talked about and some are part of my WIP page in my site, that will be seen during these weeks, but I want to release a lot of stuff in this month, so I hope to do it ;) soon more news that aren't just for ClayFighter, stay tuned ;D
now there is hope for especially larry light, evil satomi yajima, kotaro fumma and anti-gouki, and the others :8):

My real life is coming soon........!