
Capcom X Snk  (Read 858541 times)

Started by 2Dee4ever, September 09, 2014, 06:08:18 am
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Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#321  September 20, 2015, 12:57:11 am
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oooooh thats when you KNOW you are doing a boss battle, and I did Shin Gouki AND Serious Mr.Karate :D

Their a.i is cake though. Play against Bison & Rugal together & you'll quickly see the synergy. They work extremely well together. Interested to see if anyone can accomplish this feat.

Downloading right now, looks like tons of fun but... will there be some chars like Jotaro, Vergil, Goku Z2... etc ? I mean the title "capcom vs snk" does seem to exclude everything not from those franchises... looks like a shame really to exclude epic characters. So what about this ?

You are new correct? Firstly, welcome. Secondly Capcom Vs. Snk *Universe* that basically means Capcom & Snk vs er thang. Third there is a DLC list in the resource thread. I suggest looking at this before suggesting anything. Despite what anyone would like to believe it took me a shit load of time to even get this far. Appreciate what we already have for now & the rest will come later. I'm the only one working on this & I can only do so much at a time so for that I apologize, but I have a life as well.

Also these videos here show many of the characters I've been planning to add to this.
Like this for example.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#322  September 20, 2015, 02:21:33 am
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I tend to have the punches with ASD and the kicks to QWE for player one but i'll try that out.

Player 2 is similar to yours but its Delete, End and Page Down for punches and Insert, Home, Page Up for kicks

I thought you said.. "not interested in online"? Taking the characters out should be very easy no?

I can still play offline in this can't I?

Just know that the a.i is of the highest caliber.

Surely.... Unless we're talking about Kong's characters /kappa

I'm just saying some complain about the a.i being difficult, but there isn't anyone that is unbeatable.
You play fighters a lot right? Try fighting the Rugal & Bison Tag team.

I do play plenty of fighters (now-a-days), but the AI can always be exploited...
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#323  September 20, 2015, 05:01:37 am
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  • Niigasan
Theres a password?
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#324  September 20, 2015, 10:34:13 am
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I have a question : Is it possible to change game difficulty and speed ?
EDIT : MORE IMPORTANT question I downloaded evolve, how do I join the group "Capcom Vs. Snk Universe" ??? I only have the option to create my own party it seems
-Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

-Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.

Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 11:15:50 am by FatalX
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#325  September 20, 2015, 02:53:27 pm
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I have a question : Is it possible to change game difficulty and speed ?
EDIT : MORE IMPORTANT question I downloaded evolve, how do I join the group "Capcom Vs. Snk Universe" ??? I only have the option to create my own party it seems

Difficulty can be changed somewhere in the main.lua, but you would have to be careful not to screw up something vital for online play. As far as speed though, you CAN change it but don't expect to play online with it, as it will most likely desync.

For the groip, somone that has to friend you that already is in the group, and they need to invite you to it first (I believe). Hope it helps...
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#326  September 20, 2015, 04:41:59 pm
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LOL I feel like I had said that for some reason... I apologize.. I love super difficult a.i. In any game I play I always set it to the hardest. Even then the a.i is equivalent to a mega-man boss *wink* ha. Post your ID on the page & I'll add you to the group. The speed is set at 65 aka fast 1. You can change it, but that person would have to change it as well.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#327  September 20, 2015, 04:52:34 pm
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LOL I feel like I had said that for some reason... I apologize.. I love super difficult a.i. In any game I play I always set it to the hardest. Even then the a.i is equivalent to a mega-man boss *wink* ha. Post your ID on the page & I'll add you to the group. The speed is set at 65 aka fast 1. You can change it, but that person would have to change it as well.

That hard AI is some good practice though, specially if you plan on playing online. Your going to need the practice (to fight me)  :steal:
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#328  September 20, 2015, 05:00:12 pm
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    • Zimbabwe
ah ah wait guys, When I'll have satisfied my portrait obsession, I'll train in Mugen again. You should train yourselves already, you'll need it! :D
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#329  September 20, 2015, 05:10:56 pm
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LOL I feel like I had said that for some reason... I apologize.. I love super difficult a.i. In any game I play I always set it to the hardest. Even then the a.i is equivalent to a mega-man boss *wink* ha. Post your ID on the page & I'll add you to the group. The speed is set at 65 aka fast 1. You can change it, but that person would have to change it as well.

That hard AI is some good practice though, specially if you plan on playing online. Your going to need the practice (to fight me)  :steal:

ah ah wait guys, When I'll have satisfied my portrait obsession, I'll train in Mugen again. You should train yourselves already, you'll need it! :D

That is what I like to hear! lol Hopefully thy confidence bear fruit. The thought of someone pressing me in a fighting game excites me. Eh', I have a Goku complex when it comes to fighters ha. Which brings it back to the main point of all this.. "Online". To play against other people. It's a completely different experience. Think of this as an add-on. When someone does make a "mugen" full-game *hint *hint. They could if they wanted to add this onto it. Was never my goal to out-code anyone.. I feel like some of you guys just need to play again & remember the reason why you got interested in the first place.  If you love 2d fighters that is!!!!!!!! Because I be feeling like the only one. I still love it doe. ha

Also dudes Evolve is getting an update soon, so everything will be even better.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#330  September 20, 2015, 05:15:16 pm
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    • Zimbabwe
Yeah fighting game are awesome. :)
this is just that for me it's not the good moment, but I know it'll come. xD
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#331  September 20, 2015, 05:30:09 pm
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  • Niigasan
So there isnt a password
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#332  September 20, 2015, 05:44:27 pm
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Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#333  September 20, 2015, 06:21:18 pm
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  • Niigasan
What? Forreal it says theres a archived file and i need a pass did u give it out somewhere else or what
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#334  September 20, 2015, 06:24:18 pm
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What? Forreal it says theres a archived file and i need a pass did u give it out somewhere else or what
I answered your question already when you asked it the second time. There isn't a password.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#335  September 20, 2015, 06:40:41 pm
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Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#336  September 20, 2015, 06:44:10 pm
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Yeah fighting game are awesome. :)
this is just that for me it's not the good moment, but I know it'll come. xD

LOL I feel like I had said that for some reason... I apologize.. I love super difficult a.i. In any game I play I always set it to the hardest. Even then the a.i is equivalent to a mega-man boss *wink* ha. Post your ID on the page & I'll add you to the group. The speed is set at 65 aka fast 1. You can change it, but that person would have to change it as well.

That hard AI is some good practice though, specially if you plan on playing online. Your going to need the practice (to fight me)  :steal:

ah ah wait guys, When I'll have satisfied my portrait obsession, I'll train in Mugen again. You should train yourselves already, you'll need it! :D

That is what I like to hear! lol Hopefully thy confidence bear fruit. The thought of someone pressing me in a fighting game excites me. Eh', I have a Goku complex when it comes to fighters ha. Which brings it back to the main point of all this.. "Online". To play against other people. It's a completely different experience. Think of this as an add-on. When someone does make a "mugen" full-game *hint *hint. They could if they wanted to add this onto it. Was never my goal to out-code anyone.. I feel like some of you guys just need to play again & remember the reason why you got interested in the first place.  If you love 2d fighters that is!!!!!!!! Because I be feeling like the only one. I still love it doe. ha

Also dudes Evolve is getting an update soon, so everything will be even better.


I love making ports and messing with photoshop and re-vamping my SP to look even better! But the reason why I got into Mugen was for the love & obsession with fighting games, specially to play against ppl, my cousins and friends would come over and we would have a tournament and kick each others asses and drink beers & bbq but everybody's busy, that and their waiting on me to have my SP all loaded with characters/stages/art lol

A few weeks ago I went with my girlfriend to her sisters house and her nephew was playing Marvel VS Capcom and I was like give me a controller I'll play with you, then his dad and his brother were like I'll woop your ass lol It was hilarious the ass beating I gave them, I'm like 10 years older than them, I was like shit I grew up on fighting games come get your asses kicked. Playing against ppl is what fighting games are all about with me and a good story line from characters I'm a sucker for intros/ending.  This all might be totally off topic lol
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#337  September 20, 2015, 07:34:45 pm
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All right champs I'm in the evolve group right now but it shows me "Offline" and everyone "pending invite" and I cannot talk nor send invits to anyone I just have "view profile" option when I right click people. What do I do here
-Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

-Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.

Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#338  September 21, 2015, 02:45:47 am
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I'm downloading the new build as we speak. As of now it's at 30%.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#339  September 22, 2015, 12:21:47 am
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Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#340  September 23, 2015, 10:17:02 am
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Kazuya error upon loading..