
Marvel Cinematic Universe: THE END (until the next movie comes out) (Read 3175777 times)

Started by Iced, July 15, 2012, 03:54:44 am
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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#41  November 21, 2012, 06:16:02 pm
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  • The BadPixelMan
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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#42  November 21, 2012, 06:17:40 pm
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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#43  November 21, 2012, 06:36:44 pm
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Well they need to cockslap those studios and take Wolverine and Spider-Man by force.
Great understanding of film rights, there.

Well I'm pretty sure Marvel Studios/Paramount could just walk up to Marvel Enterprises/Fox/Columbia and just BUY the rights. Hell they should get Stan Lee to pimp smack them. Amazing Spiderman was pretty alright, but they're lucky they didn't fuck that up after Spider-Man 3. . . .hell The whole trilogy was shit from the start (from comic nerd comparing it to the source standpoint.) But oh my GOD the Wolveri---  I mean X-Men movies have been WAAAAAAY too hit and miss for me.

I really don't see why all the studios don't grow a brain and pitch in their most profitable bargaining chip in the Avengers and up the interest/profit of said property.

I mean SHIT, I've always hated Fantastic 4 and THOSE movies....*shudder*....but ANYWAY could you just IMAGINE Dr. Doom being done right in the Avengers movies? They have Thanos . . . .so this can lead to delicious Doom + Infinity Gauntlet awesome fest. Good god Thanos vs. Doctor Doom in the next movie.

NO WAIT. Just make Civil War or . . . . .

Okay okay. Take Avengers cast, then throw in Wolvie, Spidey, and a CORRECTLY portrayed Deadpool by Ryan Reynolds (Yo he was PERFECT in the beginning of Origins.) and mix it all together for delicious nerdgasms on the big screen. Shit I could keep going on and on, but I'll shut up.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#44  November 21, 2012, 07:19:44 pm
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Well I'm pretty sure Marvel Studios/Paramount could just walk up to Marvel Enterprises/Fox/Columbia and just BUY the rights.
Buying by force something that is not for sale ? That's just getting better.
and a CORRECTLY portrayed Deadpool by Ryan Reynolds (Yo he was PERFECT in the beginning of Origins.)
Everyone's been teasing that a proper Deadpool movie was in the work, Ryan Reynolds is already in, and supposedly it shits on the Origins movie to retcon it out in a proper Deadpool fourth wall smashing way. Those who have had a hand on it, including Ryan Reynolds, have all said the movie did justice to Deadpool.
We just don't know when it's actually going to be made for real and come out. That's been going for, what, two years ? I don't think a year was even passed after Origins when they first started hinting at it. Haven't heard about it after Green Lantern was deemed a failure, even though it should make Reynolds free since there wouldn't be a GL 2.

And Deadpool in an Avengers-related movie would be bad. Way too much to throw in.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 07:27:58 pm by DKDC
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#45  November 21, 2012, 07:31:57 pm
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Remember how the Evangelion Movie was supposed to be made and released in 2010? Yeaaaaaaah.
Nah I understand the movie rights and properties. I just think Marvel/Stan Lee was fucking stupid when they decided to sell them out separately instead of a bundle deal. I bet they are kicking themselves after Avengers global sales hit and were like 'Shit...imagine what New Avengers could make...."
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#46  November 21, 2012, 07:35:04 pm
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Hum, Marvel was getting completely broke when they sold the movie licence to Fox and Sony. They pretty much had to do it or die. And saying "they should have made a bundle deal" is just random and coming way after the facts.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#47  November 21, 2012, 07:43:10 pm
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:omg: I'm just SAYING in a 'what if' this went better for fans' scenario. I think it sucks they can't really do some of the really epic stuff because of the properties being all over the place.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#48  November 21, 2012, 07:52:54 pm
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I just think Marvel/Stan Lee was fucking stupid when they decided to sell them out separately instead of a bundle deal. I bet they are kicking themselves after Avengers global sales hit and were like 'Shit...imagine what New Avengers could make...."
Stan Lee had no involvement with the deal, he hasn't had a say over Marvel stuff since he stepped down from being EIC. And even then he wouldn't had much say in that deal if he was EIC when the deal happened.

And the reason they didn't do a bundle deal is because the studios weren't interested in any property that wasn't A-list; no one was willing to even experiment with doing movies with characters like Iron Man or Thor.

Well I guess there was Blade but I don't even know how that happened. Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill, I guess.

Haven't heard about it after Green Lantern was deemed a failure, even though it should make Reynolds free since there wouldn't be a GL 2.
He might be GL in the JL movie. Or not. I don't know. DC is crazy.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#49  November 22, 2012, 01:20:56 am
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considering the major powerhouse that Disney has become now (after having bought Marvel and recently Lucasfilm), negotiating some of Marvel's characters rights back home is not something crazy anymore.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#50  November 22, 2012, 09:55:38 am
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Unless Fox and Sony really just don't want to sell the rights back. Which is the case. They only have to keep making movies out of them, when they don't the rights revert to Marvel. But they do. (at least for one of them, I'm not sure if it was the case for both)
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#51  November 22, 2012, 08:50:01 pm
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Unless Fox and Sony really just don't want to sell the rights back. Which is the case. They only have to keep making movies out of them, when they don't the rights revert to Marvel. But they do. (at least for one of them, I'm not sure if it was the case for both)

Yeah, that's what happened (or is going to happen? I don't know if it's a done deal) with Daredevil because Fox didn't want to give up the rights to the cosmic characters it's got as part of its Fantastic Four deal. All they have to do is keep rebooting it ever 10-15 years to keep if profitable.
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#52  November 23, 2012, 01:18:54 pm
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Daredevil's rights went back to Marvel in October this year (and i doubt 1 year prior to this, people would have thought it could happen) so really, anything is possible in the future, especially after something as awful as the 2 Fantastic Four movies made (which didn't reach the heights the execs were hoping for): it "could" eventually lead to the rights reverting back to Marvel because those movies are based on characters less mainstream anyway...
i agree though: big successes like the Spiderman or Xmen movies probably won't fall into that category,as they are a very nice cow to milk for a while

      Posted: January 04, 2013, 03:04:29 am
3/01/2013 - Guardians Of The Galaxy news:
some interesting choice of casting for Star Lord, with Michael Rosenbaum (famous for his Lex Luthor role in TV's Smallville) testing!


well, i like this guy!
Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 03:08:02 am by Djoulz
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#53  January 28, 2013, 10:24:14 pm
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3/01/2013 - Guardians Of The Galaxy news:
some interesting choice of casting for Star Lord, with Michael Rosenbaum (famous for his Lex Luthor role in TV's Smallville) testing!


well, i like this guy!
Ooh, neat, he's great. He was also the Flash in JLU, so he'd be a good fit for Star Lord too.

Marvel's Phase Three will likely consist of Ant-Man and Dr. Strange movies. So yeah, it seems like the only reason Ant-Man is happening is because they wanted a chance to work with Wright, and that while it will be set in the MCU, “it’s also through the lens of Edgar Wright", which is gonna rock.

Dr. Strange is more troubling, because the screenwriters are the guys behind the Conan the Barbarian reboot. Hopefully they'll rewrite the script and/or get a good enough director to overcome the deficiencies.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#54  January 29, 2013, 02:10:39 am
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although sometimes no matter how good the script is, it's the director's fault for a shitty movie, in this case (Conan reboot), both script & direction sucked balls!
scary choice
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#55  February 04, 2013, 03:11:46 am
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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#56  February 04, 2013, 10:39:16 am
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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#57  February 05, 2013, 02:43:09 am
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oh RDJ, you cad

Captain America 2's female lead has been decided, it's the star of REVENNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEE*. So that means one of the contenders for said role, Alison Brie, will not be in it, which is sad because Alison Brie. And almost as sad is that one of the other contenders didn't get it either, the wonderfully named Imogen Gay Poots. Seriously, that's an amazing name.

*you are contractually obliged to pronounce it like that, preferably while in the rain and on your knees, while yelling at the sky
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#58  February 05, 2013, 06:43:30 am
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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#59  February 05, 2013, 07:16:09 am
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I feel like the odd man out here, but I was kinda meh on Planet Hulk and really really and absolutely hated World War Hulk.

So I hope that if it does turn out to be true, they try and avoid all the stupidity in the latter.
Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers sequel due in 2015
#60  February 05, 2013, 01:25:24 pm
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Planet hulk simply doesnt work on an empty planet.

yu need at least the ff